
Defines functions ds.load.csv get.default.option make.list set.options first2str last2str cat2str indexts to.date ifna ifnull iif make.copy trim spl mlag mlast len

Documented in ds.load.csv

# Common functions used internally
len = function(x) length(x)

mlast = function(m, n=1) if( is.matrix(m) ) m[(nrow(m)-n+1):nrow(m), ,drop=FALSE] else m[(len(m)-n+1):len(m)]

mlag = function(m, nlag=1) 
  if( is.matrix(m) ) {
    n = nrow(m)
    if(nlag > 0) {
      m[(nlag+1):n,] = m[1:(n-nlag),]
      m[1:nlag,] = NA
    } else if(nlag < 0) {
      m[1:(n+nlag),] = m[(1-nlag):n,]
      m[(n+nlag+1):n,] = NA
  } else { # vector
    n = len(m)
    if(nlag > 0) {
      m[(nlag+1):n] = m[1:(n-nlag)]
      m[1:nlag] = NA
    } else if(nlag < 0) {
      m[1:(n+nlag)] = m[(1-nlag):n]
      m[(n+nlag+1):n] = NA
spl = function(s, delim = ',') unlist(strsplit(s,delim))

trim = function(s) sub('\\s+$', '', sub('^\\s+', '', s))

make.copy = function(x, default) { out = x; out[] = default; out }

iif = function(cond, truepart, falsepart) 
	if(len(cond) == 1) { 
		if(cond) truepart else falsepart 
	} else {  
		if(length(falsepart) == 1) falsepart = make.copy(cond, falsepart)
		cond[is.na(cond) | is.nan(cond) | is.infinite(cond)] = FALSE
		if(length(truepart) == 1) 
			falsepart[cond] = truepart 
			falsepart[cond] = zoo::coredata(truepart)[cond]

ifnull = function(x, y) iif(is.null(x), y, x)

ifna = function(x, y) iif(is.na(x) | is.nan(x) | is.infinite(x), y, x)

to.date = function(x) if(class(x)[1] != 'Date') as.Date(x, format='%Y-%m-%d') else x

# shortcut for xts index
indexts = function(x) {
	temp = xts::.index(x)
	class(temp) = c('POSIXct', 'POSIXt')
	type = xts::tclass(x)[1]
	if( type == 'Date' || type == 'yearmon' || type == 'yearqtr')
		temp = as.Date(temp)

# capture cat function output to string
cat2str = function(..., sep=',') {
	file = rawConnection(raw(0L), open='w')

	cat(..., file = file, sep = sep)	
	out = rawToChar(rawConnectionValue(file))
	file = NULL

# convert last record of xts data to string
last2str = function(x) {
	temp = mlast(x)
	cat2str(indexts(temp), temp)
first2str = function(x) {
	temp = x[1,]
	cat2str(indexts(temp), temp)

# set global options
set.options = function(key, ..., overwrite=TRUE) {
	values = list(...)
	if( len(values) == 1 && is.null(names(values))) values = values[[1]]
	temp = ifnull(options()[[key]], list())
	for(i in names(values))
			temp[[i]] = values[[i]]
		else {
			if( is.null(temp[[i]]) )
				temp[[i]] = values[[i]]
	options(make.list(key, temp))

# make list
make.list = function(key, value) {
	out = list()
	out[[key]] = value

# --------------------------------
# load default option
# use following waterfall
# 1. options
# 2. environment
# 3. default option
# more details at
# http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/2015/11/how-to-store-and-use-authentication-details-with-r.html
# --------------------------------
get.default.option = function(name, default) {
	# try options first
	if (is.null(getOption(name))) { 
		# try environment variables next
		value = Sys.getenv(name, unset=NA)
		# use default is missing
		if (is.na(value)) 
			options(make.list(name, default))
			options(make.list(name, value))

#' Read csv
#' @param filename CSV filename
#' @param sep delimiter
#' @param ... other parameters
#' @examples
#'  # generate csv file
#'  filename = file.path(tempdir(), 'dummy.csv')
#'  cat('x1,x2,x3\n1,2,3\n', file = filename)
#'  ds.load.csv(filename)
#' @export
ds.load.csv = function(filename, sep=',', ...)
		if( requireNamespace('data.table', quietly = TRUE) )
			suppressWarnings(data.table::fread(filename, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, sep=sep, ...))
			warning('"data.table" package could not be loaded')
	}, error = function(ex) 
		suppressWarnings(data.table::data.table(utils::read.csv(filename, check.names=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, sep=sep, ...)))

#' Load data from URL
#' @param url url
#' @param h curl handle
#' @param useragent user agent
#' @param referer referer
#' @examples
#'  \donttest{ 
#'  ds.get.url('https://finance.yahoo.com/')
#'  }
#' @export
ds.get.url = function
	h = curl::new_handle(),
	useragent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; rv:62.0) Gecko/20100101',
	referer = NULL
	if( requireNamespace('curl', quietly = TRUE) ) {
	if( !is.null(useragent) ) curl::handle_setopt(h, useragent = useragent)
	if( !is.null(referer) ) curl::handle_setopt(h, referer=referer)

	req = curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, h)
	if(req$status_code != 200) 
		warning('error getting data, status_code:', req$status_code, 'for url:', url, 'content:', rawToChar(req$content))
    txt = rawToChar(req$content)
	} else
		warning('"curl" package could not be loaded')

Try the rtsdata package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rtsdata documentation built on Sept. 25, 2023, 9:06 a.m.