Man pages for rtweet
Collecting Twitter Data

as_screennameMark a user id as a screen name
auth_asSet default authentication for the current session
auth_cleanRemove tokens
auth_getGet the current authentication mechanism
auth_saveSave an authentication mechanism for use in a future session
auth_setup_defaultSet up default authentication
auth_sitrepTwitter Tokens sitrep
bearer_tokenBearer token
clean_tweetsClean text of tweets
client_asSet default client for the current session
client_cleanClean clients
client_getGet the current client
client_saveSave an authentication mechanism for use in a future session
client_setup_defaultSet up default client
create_tokenCreate custom Twitter OAuth token
direct_messagesGet direct messages sent to and received by the...
direct_messages_received(DEPRECATED) Get the most recent direct messages sent to the...
do_call_rbindBinds list of data frames while preserving attribute (tweets...
emojisDefunct: Emojis codes and descriptions data.
entityExtract methods
flattenflatten/unflatten data frame
get_favoritesGet tweets liked/favorited by one or more users
get_followersGet user IDs for accounts following target user.
get_friendsGet user IDs of accounts followed by target user(s).
get_mentionsGet mentions for the authenticating user.
get_retweetsGet the most recent retweets/retweeters
get_timelineGet one or more user timelines
get_tokenFetch Twitter OAuth token
get_trendsGet Twitter trends data.
idsExtract the ids
invalidate_bearerInvalidate bearer token
job_complianceJob compliance
langsDefunct: Language codes recognized by Twitter data.
lat_lngAdds single-point latitude and longitude variables to tweets...
linksCreate the links
list_followersList followers of a specified list
list_getList information
list_membersList of members from a specified List
list_membershipLists a specified user is a member of.
lists_membersGet Twitter list members (users on a given list).
lists_membershipsGet Twitter list memberships (lists containing a given user)
lists_statusesGet a timeline of tweets authored by members of a specified...
lists_subscribersGet subscribers of a specified list.
lists_subscriptionsGet list subscriptions of a given user but does not include...
lists_usersGet all lists a specified user subscribes to, including their...
list_tweetsLists tweets of a specified list
lookup_collectionsCollections API
lookup_coordsGet coordinates of specified location.
lookup_friendshipsLookup friendship information between two specified users.
lookup_tweetsGet tweets data for given statuses (status IDs).
lookup_usersGet Twitter users data for given users (user IDs or screen...
max_idExtract min/max id (for id based pagination)
my_friendshipsLookup friendship information between users.
network_dataNetwork data
next_cursorExtract cursor (for cursor based pagination)
parse_streamParser of stream
plain_tweetsClean up character vector (tweets) to more of a plain text.
post_destroyDelete status of user's Twitter account *[Deprecated]*
post_favoriteFavorites target status id.
post_followFollows target Twitter user.
post_friendshipUpdates friendship notifications and retweet abilities.
post_listManage Twitter lists
post_messagePosts direct message from user's Twitter account
post_tweetPosts status update to user's Twitter account
previous_cursorPrevious cursor
rate_limitRate limit helpers
read_twitter_csvRead comma separated value Twitter data.
retrieve_errorsExpose errors of the response
round_timeA generic function for rounding date and time values
rtweet-deprecatedDeprecated functions in rtweet
rtweet-packagertweet: Collect Twitter data from R
rtweet_userAuthentication options
rulesExtract the streaming rules
search_fullarchivePremium Twitter searches
search_tweetsGet tweets data on statuses identified via search query.
search_usersSearch for users
set_fieldsCreate fields
set_scopesScopes of the OAuth2 token
stopwordslangsDefunct: Twitter stop words in multiple languages data.
stream_tweetsCollect a live stream of Twitter data
stream_tweets2A more robust version of stream_tweets
trends_availableAvailable Twitter trends along with associated WOEID.
ts_dataConverts tweets data into time series-like data object.
ts_plotPlots tweets data as a time series-like data object.
tweet_counts_recentCount tweets
tweet_deleteDelete tweet
tweet_embedCreate a Tweet Embed
tweet_getGet tweet information
tweet_liking_usersLiking users
tweet_postPost a tweet
tweet_quotedGet quoted tweet information
tweet_retweeted_byTweet retweeted by
tweet_search_allSearch in the Twitter archive
tweet_search_recentSearch recent tweets
tweet_shotCapture an image of a tweet/thread
tweets_with_usersParsing data into tweets/users data tibbles
tweet_threadingCollect statuses contained in a thread
user_blockBlocking or unblocking twitter users
user_blockedFind users blocked.
user_bookmarksRetrieve user bookmarks
user_by_usernameSearch users by username
user_followersFind followers.
user_followingFind which users are being followed.
user_liked_tweetsLiked tweets from a user
user_list_followsLists a specified user follows
user_listsSearch users by username
user_mentionsTweets mentioning a user
user_mutedList muted users
users_dataGet tweets from users, or users from tweets
user_searchSearch users
user_selfTweets from a user
user_timelineUser timeline
user_tweetsTweets from a user
write_as_csvSave Twitter data as a comma separated value file.
rtweet documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:47 a.m.