Defines functions g3 g2 g1 mse_prasad_rao mse_bc mse_bc_agg mse_bc_agg_wrapper mse

# MSE estimation function for saeTrafo objects ---------------------------------

#' @importFrom parallel detectCores clusterSetRNGStream
#' @importFrom parallelMap parallelStart parallelLibrary parallelLapply
#' @importFrom parallelMap parallelStop
#' @importFrom nlme gapply
#' @importFrom stats rnorm model.matrix
#' @importFrom utils flush.console

mse <- function(framework,
                interval = c(-1, 2),
                parallel_mode) {

  if (transformation == "no") {

    mse_out <- mse_prasad_rao(framework   = framework,
                              point_estim = point_estim,
                              fixed       = fixed

    successful_bootstraps <- NULL
    MSE <- data.frame(Domain = names(framework$pop_area_size),
                      Mean   = mse_out

      MSE                   = MSE,
      successful_bootstraps = successful_bootstraps

  if (transformation == "log" | transformation == "log.shift") {

    start_time <- Sys.time()

    if (cpus > 1) {
      cpus <- min(cpus, detectCores())
      parallelStart(mode = parallel_mode, cpus = cpus, show.info = FALSE)

      if (parallel_mode == "socket") {

      parallelLibrary(packages = c("base", "nlme", "emdi", "stats", "sfsmisc",

      if (!is.null(framework$pop_cov) | !is.null(framework$pop_data)) {
        mse_out <- simplify2array(parallelLapply(
          xs             = seq_len(B),
          fun            = mse_bc_agg_wrapper,
          B              = B,
          framework      = framework,
          point_estim    = point_estim,
          fixed          = fixed,
          transformation = transformation,
          interval       = interval,
          threshold      = threshold,
          start_time     = start_time
    } else {
      if (!is.null(framework$pop_cov) | !is.null(framework$pop_data)) {
        mse_out <- simplify2array(lapply(
          X              = seq_len(B),
          FUN            = mse_bc_agg_wrapper,
          B              = B,
          framework      = framework,
          point_estim    = point_estim,
          fixed          = fixed,
          transformation = transformation,
          interval       = interval,
          threshold      = threshold,
          start_time     = start_time

    successful_bootstraps <- sum(!is.na(mse_out)) / framework$N_dom_pop
    MSE <- data.frame(
      Domain = names(framework$pop_area_size),
      Mean   = apply(mse_out, MARGIN = 1, FUN = mean, na.rm = T)

      MSE                   = MSE,
      successful_bootstraps = successful_bootstraps

  message("\r", "Bootstrap completed", "\n")
  if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {

# parametric bootstrap mse estimation ------------------------------------------

# wrapper function for the parametric bootstrap showing running time information
mse_bc_agg_wrapper <- function(i,
                               start_time) {

  if (is.null(framework$pop_data)) {
    tmp <- mse_bc_agg(framework      = framework,
                      point_estim    = point_estim,
                      fixed          = fixed,
                      transformation = transformation,
                      interval       = interval,
                      threshold      = threshold
  } else {
    tmp <- mse_bc(framework      = framework,
                  point_estim    = point_estim,
                  fixed          = fixed,
                  transformation = transformation,
                  interval       = interval,
                  threshold      = threshold

  if (i %% 10 == 0) {
    if (i != B) {
      delta <- difftime(Sys.time(), start_time, units = "secs")
      remaining <- (delta / i) * (B - i)
      remaining <- unclass(remaining)
      remaining <- sprintf(
        remaining %/% 86400, # days
        remaining %% 86400 %/% 3600, # hours
        remaining %% 3600 %/% 60, # minutes
        remaining %% 60 %/% 1 # seconds

        "\r", i, " of ", B, " Bootstrap iterations completed \t Approximately ",
        remaining, " remaining \n"
      if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {flush.console()}

# function for the parametric bootstrap mse estimtion
# The parametric bootstrap mse estimator can be found in Wuerz et. al.
mse_bc_agg <- function(framework,
                       interval = c(-1, 2),
                       threshold) {

  # generate random effects for each bootstrap replication
  u_d_b <- rnorm(n    = framework$N_dom_pop,
                 mean = 0,
                 sd   = sqrt(point_estim$model_par$sigmau2est)

  u_di_b <- unlist(mapply(FUN   = rep,
                          x     = u_d_b,
                          times = include_dom_unobs(
                            x       = framework$n_smp,
                            obs_dom = framework$dist_obs_dom

  # true means
  Y_mean_b_orig <- back_transformation(
    y              = framework$pop_mean.mat %*% point_estim$model_par$betas +
    transformation = transformation,
    shift          = point_estim$shift_par,
    lambda         = point_estim$optimal_lambda

  Y_mean_b_orig_korr <- rep(NA, length = framework$N_dom_pop)

  for (i in 1:framework$N_dom_pop) {
    if (transformation == "log") {
      Y_mean_b_orig_korr[i] <-
        Y_mean_b_orig[i] *
          0.5 * (framework$pop_cov.mat[i, ] %*%
                   as.numeric(point_estim$model_par$betas %*%
                                t(point_estim$model_par$betas)) +
    if (transformation == "log.shift") {
      Y_mean_b_orig_korr[i] <-
        (Y_mean_b_orig[i] + point_estim$optimal_lambda) *
          0.5 * (framework$pop_cov.mat[i, ] %*%
                   as.numeric(point_estim$model_par$betas %*%
                                t(point_estim$model_par$betas)) +
        )) -

  # construct bootstrap sample
  e_di_b <- rnorm(n    = framework$N_smp,
                  mean = 0,
                  sd   = sqrt(point_estim$model_par$sigmae2est)

  Y_smp_b <- model.matrix(fixed, framework$smp_data) %*%
    point_estim$model_par$betas + u_di_b + e_di_b

  smp_data_b <- framework$smp_data
  smp_data_b[paste(fixed[2])] <- back_transformation(
    y              = Y_smp_b,
    transformation = transformation,
    shift          = point_estim$shift_par,
    lambda         = point_estim$optimal_lambda

  framework_b <- framework
  framework_b$smp_data <- smp_data_b

  # calculate mean with proposed method
  Y_estim_b <- rep(NA, length = framework$N_dom_pop)
  try(Y_estim_b <- point_estim(framework      = framework_b,
                               fixed          = fixed,
                               transformation = transformation,
                               threshold      = threshold,
                               interval       = interval

  return((Y_estim_b - Y_mean_b_orig_korr)^2)

# function for the parametric bootstrap mse estimtion
# The parametric bootstrap mse estimator can be found in Molina Martin 2019
mse_bc <- function(framework,
                   interval = c(-1, 2),
                   threshold) {

  # generate random effects for each bootstrap replication
  u_d_b <- rnorm(n    = framework$N_dom_pop,
                 mean = 0,
                 sd   = sqrt(point_estim$model_par$sigmau2est)

  u_di_b_s <- unlist(mapply(FUN   = rep,
                            x     = u_d_b,
                            times = include_dom_unobs(
                               x       = framework$n_smp,
                               obs_dom = framework$dist_obs_dom
  u_di_b_p <- unlist(mapply(FUN   = rep,
                            x     = u_d_b,
                            times = framework$n_pop

  # generate bootstrap errors
  e_di_b_p <- rnorm(n    = framework$N_pop,
                    mean = 0,
                    sd   = sqrt(point_estim$model_par$sigmae2est)
  e_di_b_s <- unlist(mapply(
                FUN  = sample,
                x    = split(x = e_di_b_p, f = framework$pop_domains_vec),
                size = as.list(include_dom_unobs(
                                 x       = framework$n_smp,
                                 obs_dom = framework$dist_obs_dom

  # true means
  mod_vars <- all.vars(fixed)
  mod_vars <- mod_vars[mod_vars != as.character(fixed[2])]

  y_di_b_pop <- (model.matrix(reformulate(mod_vars), framework$pop_data)
                 %*% point_estim$model_par$betas)[, 1] + u_di_b_p + e_di_b_p

  Y_mean_b <- back_transformation(y              = y_di_b_pop,
                                  transformation = transformation,
                                  shift          = point_estim$shift_par,
                                  lambda         = point_estim$optimal_lambda
  Y_mean_b <- tapply(X     = Y_mean_b,
                     INDEX = framework$pop_domains_vec,
                     FUN   = mean

  # construct bootstrap sample
  Y_smp_b <- model.matrix(fixed, framework$smp_data) %*%
    point_estim$model_par$betas + u_di_b_s + e_di_b_s

  smp_data_b <- framework$smp_data
  smp_data_b[paste(fixed[2])] <- back_transformation(
                                   y              = Y_smp_b,
                                   transformation = transformation,
                                   shift          = point_estim$shift_par,
                                   lambda         = point_estim$optimal_lambda

  framework_b <- framework
  framework_b$smp_data <- smp_data_b

  # calculate mean with proposed method
  Y_estim_b <- rep(NA, length = framework$N_dom_pop)
  try(Y_estim_b <- point_estim(framework      = framework_b,
                               fixed          = fixed,
                               transformation = transformation,
                               threshold      = threshold,
                               interval       = interval

  return((Y_estim_b - Y_mean_b)^2)

# Prasad Rao analytical MSE estimator-------------------------------------------
# Calculates an analytical MSE estimator for the nested error regression model.
# The analytical MSE can be found in Prasad, Rao (1990).
mse_prasad_rao <- function(framework, point_estim, fixed) {

  out_g1 <- g1(sigmau2   = point_estim$model_par$sigmau2est,
               sigmae2   = point_estim$model_par$sigmae2est,
               n_smp     = include_dom_unobs(x       = framework$n_smp,
                                             obs_dom = framework$dist_obs_dom

  out_g2 <- g2(sigmau2 = point_estim$model_par$sigmau2est,
               sigmae2 = point_estim$model_par$sigmae2est,
               n_smp   = include_dom_unobs(x       = framework$n_smp,
                                           obs_dom = framework$dist_obs_dom
               n_dom = unique(framework$smp_domains_vec),
               Xmean = framework$pop_mean.mat,
               X     = model.matrix(fixed, framework$smp_data),
               area  = framework$smp_domains_vec

  out_g3 <- g3(sigmau2 = point_estim$model_par$sigmau2est,
               sigmae2 = point_estim$model_par$sigmae2est,
               n_smp   = include_dom_unobs(x       = framework$n_smp,
                                           obs_dom = framework$dist_obs_dom
               X       = model.matrix(fixed, framework$smp_data),
               area     = framework$smp_domains_vec,
               pop_area = unique(framework$smp_domains_vec)

  mse1 <- out_g1 + out_g2 + out_g3

# Components g1, g2, g3 for the function mse_prasad_rao
g1 <- function(sigmau2, sigmae2, n_smp) {

  tmp <- ((sigmau2) / (sigmau2 + sigmae2 / n_smp)) * (sigmae2 / n_smp)
  tmp[is.nan(tmp)] <- 0

g2 <- function(sigmau2, sigmae2, n_smp, n_dom, Xmean, X, area) {

  gamma_d <- sigmau2 / (sigmau2 + (sigmae2 / n_smp))

  p <- ncol(X)
  m <- nrow(Xmean)
  m_in <- length(unique(area))

  xmean <- include_dom_unobs(matrix(unlist(gapply(object = data.frame(X),
                                                  FUN    = colMeans,
                                                  groups = area
                                    nrow  = m_in,
                                    ncol  = p,
                                    byrow = TRUE
                             obs_dom = row.names(Xmean) %in% area

  X_vec <- Xmean - gamma_d * xmean

  sum_Mitte <- matrix(0, p, p)

  l <- 1
  k <- 1
  for (i in 1:m) {
    if (n_smp[l] > 0) {
      x_areawise <- X[area == n_dom[k], ]
      V_inv <- sigmae2^(-1) * (diag(n_smp[i]) - (gamma_d[i] / n_smp[i]) *
        matrix(1, n_smp[i], n_smp[i]))
      sum_Mitte <- sum_Mitte + t(x_areawise) %*% V_inv %*% x_areawise
      l <- l + 1
      k <- k + 1
    } else {
      l <- l + 1

  # # Ueberprufen Implementation, identisches Ergebnis, allerdings langsamer
  # V_inv <- matrix(0, nrow = sum(n_smp), ncol = sum(n_smp))
  # index <- cumsum(n_smp)
  # l <- 1
  # for (i in 1:m) {
  #   if (n_smp[i] > 0) {
  #         V_inv[l:index[i], l:index[i]] <- 1/sigmae2 * (diag(x = 1, nrow = n_smp[i]) -
  #                  sigmau2 / (sigmae2 + sigmau2 * n_smp[i]) *
  #                  matrix(1, nrow = n_smp[i], ncol = n_smp[i]))
  #   }
  #   l <- index[i] + 1
  # }
  # t(X) %*% V_inv %*%  X

  g2_res <- rep(NA, m)

  solve_sum_Mitte <- solve(sum_Mitte)

  for (i in 1:m) {
    g2_res[i] <- t(X_vec[i, ]) %*% solve_sum_Mitte  %*% X_vec[i, ]

g3 <- function(sigmau2, sigmae2, n_smp, X, area, pop_area) {

  t <- length(n_smp)
  k <- (ncol(X) - 1)
  term <- (sum(n_smp) - t - k + 1)^(-1)

  sum_ni2_xi_xi <- matrix(0, k + 1, k + 1)

  l <- 1
  for (i in 1:t) {
    if (n_smp[i] != 0) {
      x_areawise <- X[area == pop_area[l], ]
      smp_mean_xi <- apply(x_areawise, MARGIN = 2, FUN = mean)
      sum_ni2_xi_xi <- sum_ni2_xi_xi +
        n_smp[i]^2 * smp_mean_xi %*% t(smp_mean_xi)
      l <- l + 1

  n_star <- sum(n_smp) - sum(diag(solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% sum_ni2_xi_xi))

  M <- diag(nrow(X)) - X %*% solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X)
  Z <- model.matrix(~ area - 1)
  n_star_star <- sum(diag((M %*% Z %*% t(Z))^2))

  var_sig.e <- 2 * term * sigmae2^2
  var_sig.u <- 2 * n_star^(-2) *
    (term * (t - 1) * (sum(n_smp) - k) * sigmae2^2 +
       2 * n_star * sigmae2 * sigmau2 + n_star_star * sigmau2^2)
  cov_sig.e_sig.u <- -(t - 1) * n_star^(-1) * var_sig.e

  res_g3 <- n_smp^(-2) * (sigmau2 + sigmae2 / n_smp)^(-3) *
    (sigmae2^2 * var_sig.u +
       sigmau2^2 * var_sig.e -
       2 * sigmae2 * sigmau2 * cov_sig.e_sig.u)
  res_g3[is.nan(res_g3)] <- 0


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