Man pages for saemix
Stochastic Approximation Expectation Maximization (SAEM) Algorithm

backward.procedureBackward procedure for joint selection of covariates and...
boostrap.dataBootstrap datasets
checkInitialFixedEffectsCheck initial fixed effects for an SaemixModel object applied...
coef.saemixExtract coefficients from an saemix fit
compare.saemixModel comparison with information criteria (AIC, BIC).
conddist.saemixEstimate conditional mean and variance of individual...
cow.saemixEvolution of the weight of 560 cows, in SAEM format
createSaemixObjectCreate saemix objects with only data filled in
default.saemix.plotsWrapper functions to produce certain sets of default plots
discreteVPCVPC for non Gaussian data models
discreteVPCTTEVPC for time-to-event models
epilepsy.saemixEpilepsy count data
extract-methodsGet/set methods for SaemixData object
fim.saemixComputes the Fisher Information Matrix by linearisation
fitted.saemixExtract Model Predictions
forward.procedureBackward procedure for joint selection of covariates and...
initialize-methodsMethods for Function initialize
knee.saemixKnee pain data
llgq.saemixLog-likelihood using Gaussian Quadrature
llis.saemixLog-likelihood using Importance Sampling
logLikExtract likelihood from an SaemixObject resulting from a call...
lung.saemixNCCTG Lung Cancer Data, in SAEM format
map.saemixEstimates of the individual parameters (conditional mode)
mydiagMatrix diagonal
npdeSaemixCreate an npdeObject from an saemixObject
oxboys.saemixHeights of Boys in Oxford
PD1.saemixData simulated according to an Emax response model, in SAEM...
plotDiscreteDataPlot non Gaussian data
plot-methodsMethods for Function plot
plot-SaemixDataPlot of longitudinal data
plot-SaemixModelPlot model predictions using an SaemixModel object
plot-SaemixModel-SaemixData-methodPlot model predictions for a new dataset. If the dataset is...
plot-SaemixObject-ANY-methodGeneral plot function from SAEM
predict-methodsMethods for Function predict
predict.SaemixModelPredictions for a new dataset
print-methodsMethods for Function print
psi-methodsFunctions to extract the individual estimates of the...
rapi.saemixRutgers Alcohol Problem Index
read-methodsCreate a longitudinal data structure from a file or a...
readSaemix-methodsMethods for Function read
replaceDataReplace the data element in an SaemixObject object
resid.saemixExtract Model Residuals
saemixStochastic Approximation Expectation Maximization (SAEM)...
saemix.bootstrapBootstrap for saemix fits
saemixControlList of options for running the algorithm SAEM
saemixDataFunction to create an SaemixData object
SaemixData-classClass "SaemixData"
saemix.internalInternal saemix objects
saemixModelFunction to create an SaemixModel object
SaemixModel-classClass "SaemixModel"
SaemixObject-classClass "SaemixObject"
saemix.plot.dataFunctions implementing each type of plot in SAEM
saemix.plot.selectPlots of the results obtained by SAEM
saemix.plot.setoptionsFunction setting the default options for the plots in SAEM
saemix.predictCompute model predictions after an saemix fit
saemixPredictNewdataPredictions for a new dataset
SaemixRes-classClass "SaemixRes"
showall-methodsMethods for Function showall
show-methodsMethods for Function show
simulateDiscreteSaemixPerform simulations under the model for an saemixObject...
simulate.SaemixObjectPerform simulations under the model for an saemixObject...
step.saemixStepwise procedure for joint selection of covariates and...
stepwise.procedureStepwise procedure for joint selection of covariates and...
sub-SaemixModel-methodGet/set methods for SaemixModel object
sub-SaemixObject-methodGet/set methods for SaemixObject object
sub-SaemixRes-methodGet/set methods for SaemixRes object
subsetData subsetting
summary-methodsMethods for Function summary
testnpdeTests for normalised prediction distribution errors
theo.saemixPharmacokinetics of theophylline
toenail.saemixToenail data
transformTransform covariates
transformCatCovTransform covariates
transformContCovTransform covariates
validate.covariance.modelValidate the structure of the covariance model
validate.namesName validation (## )Helper function not intended to be...
vcovExtracts the Variance-Covariance Matrix for a Fitted Model...
xbinningInternal functions used to produce prediction intervals (from...
yield.saemixWheat yield in crops treated with fertiliser, in SAEM format
saemix documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:43 a.m.