plot-SaemixData: Plot of longitudinal data

plot.SaemixDataR Documentation

Plot of longitudinal data


This function will plot a longitudinal dataframe contained in an SaemixData object. By default it produces a spaghetti plot, but arguments can be passed on to modify this behaviour.


## S3 method for class 'SaemixData'
plot(x, y, ...)

## S3 method for class 'SaemixSimData'
plot(x, y, irep = -1, prediction = FALSE, ...)



an SaemixData object or an SaemixSimData object


unused, present for compatibility with base plot function


additional arguments to be passed on to plot (titles, legends, ...)


which replicate datasets to use in the mirror plot (defaults to -1, causing a random simulated dataset to be sampled from the nsim simulated datasets)


if TRUE, plot the predictions without residual variability (ypred instead of ysim). Defaults to FALSE.


this function can also be used to visualise the predictions for simulated values of the individual parameters, using the ypred element instead of the ysim element normally used here

saemix documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:43 a.m.