
Defines functions sf_query_soap sf_query_rest sf_query

Documented in sf_query

#' Perform SOQL Query
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Executes a query against the specified object and returns data that matches 
#' the specified criteria.
#' @importFrom lifecycle deprecate_warn is_present deprecated
#' @template soql
#' @template object_name
#' @template queryall
#' @template guess_types
#' @template api_type
#' @template control
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{\link{sf_control}} or further downstream 
#' to \code{\link{sf_query_bulk}}.
#' @template page_size
#' @param next_records_url \code{character} (leave as NULL); a string used internally 
#' by the function to paginate through to more records until complete
#' @template bind_using_character_cols
#' @template object_name_append
#' @template object_name_as_col
#' @template verbose
#' @return \code{tbl_df} of records
#' @references \url{https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_asynch.meta/api_asynch}
#' @note Bulk API query doesn't support the following SOQL:
#' \itemize{
#'    \item COUNT
#'    \item ROLLUP
#'    \item SUM
#'    \item GROUP BY CUBE
#'    \item OFFSET
#'    \item Nested SOQL queries
#'    \item Relationship fields
#'    }
#' Additionally, Bulk API can't access or query compound address or compound geolocation fields.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sf_query("SELECT Id, Account.Name, Email FROM Contact LIMIT 10")
#' }
#' @export
sf_query <- function(soql,
                     object_name = NULL,
                     queryall = FALSE,
                     guess_types = TRUE,
                     api_type = c("REST", "SOAP", "Bulk 1.0", "Bulk 2.0"),
                     control = list(...), ...,
                     page_size = deprecated(),
                     next_records_url = NULL,
                     bind_using_character_cols = deprecated(),
                     object_name_append = FALSE,
                     object_name_as_col = FALSE,
                     verbose = FALSE){
  api_type <- match.arg(api_type)
  # determine how to pass along the control args 
  control_args <- return_matching_controls(control)
  control_args$api_type <- api_type
  control_args$operation <- if(queryall) "queryall" else "query"
  if(is_present(page_size)) {
                   "salesforcer::sf_query(page_size = )", 
                   "salesforcer::sf_query(QueryOptions = )", 
                   details = paste0("You can pass the page/batch size directly ", 
                                    "as shown above or via the `control` argument."))
    control_args$QueryOptions <- list(batchSize = as.integer(page_size))

  if(is_present(bind_using_character_cols)) {
                   details = paste0("The `bind_using_character_cols` functionality ", 
                                    "will always be `TRUE` going forward. Per the ", 
                                    "{readr} package, we have to read as character ", 
                                    "and then invoke `type_convert()` in order to ",
                                    "use all values in a column to guess its type."))
  if(api_type == "REST"){
    resultset <- sf_query_rest(soql = soql,
                               object_name = object_name,
                               queryall = queryall,
                               guess_types = guess_types,
                               control = control_args,
                               next_records_url = next_records_url,
                               object_name_append = object_name_append,
                               object_name_as_col = object_name_as_col,
                               verbose = verbose)
  } else if(api_type == "SOAP"){
    resultset <- sf_query_soap(soql = soql,
                               object_name = object_name,
                               queryall = queryall,
                               guess_types = guess_types,
                               control = control_args,
                               next_records_url = next_records_url,
                               object_name_append = object_name_append,
                               object_name_as_col = object_name_as_col,
                               verbose = verbose)
  } else if(api_type == "Bulk 1.0" | api_type == "Bulk 2.0"){
      message(paste0("The `object_name_append` argument is set to `TRUE`, ", 
                     "but will be ignored. Only applicable when ", 
                     "`api_type`='SOAP' or 'REST'."))
      message(paste0("The `object_name_as_col` argument is set to `TRUE`, ", 
                     "but will be ignored. Only applicable when ", 
                     "`api_type`='SOAP' or 'REST'."))
    if(api_type == "Bulk 1.0"){
        object_name <- guess_object_name_from_soql(soql)
      resultset <- sf_query_bulk_v1(soql = soql,
                                    object_name = object_name,
                                    queryall = queryall,
                                    guess_types = guess_types,
                                    control = control_args,
                                    verbose = verbose, ...)
    } else {    
      resultset <- sf_query_bulk_v2(soql = soql,
                                    object_name = object_name,
                                    queryall = queryall,
                                    guess_types = guess_types,
                                    control = control_args,
                                    verbose = verbose, ...)
  } else {

#' @importFrom lifecycle deprecated is_present deprecate_warn
#' @importFrom dplyr tibble mutate_all
#' @importFrom httr content
#' @importFrom purrr map map_df modify map_lgl pluck
sf_query_rest <- function(soql,
                          object_name = NULL,
                          queryall = FALSE,
                          guess_types = TRUE,
                          control = list(),
                          next_records_url = NULL,
                          bind_using_character_cols = deprecated(),
                          object_name_append = FALSE, 
                          object_name_as_col = FALSE,
                          verbose = FALSE){
  control <- filter_valid_controls(control)
  query_url <- make_query_url(soql, queryall, next_records_url)
  request_headers <- c("Accept"="application/json", 
  if("QueryOptions" %in% names(control)){
    query_batch_size <- as.integer(control$QueryOptions$batchSize)
    request_headers <- c(request_headers, 
                         c("Sforce-Query-Options" = sprintf("batchSize=%s", 
  if(is_present(bind_using_character_cols)) {
                   details = paste0("The `bind_using_character_cols` functionality ", 
                                    "will always be `TRUE` going forward. Per the ", 
                                    "{readr} package, we have to read as character ", 
                                    "and then invoke `type_convert()` in order to ",
                                    "use all values in a column to guess its type."))
  # GET the url with the q (query) parameter set to the escaped SOQL string
  httr_response <- rGET(url = query_url, headers = request_headers)
  response_parsed <- content(httr_response, as="parsed", encoding="UTF-8")
  if(length(response_parsed$records) > 0){
    # determine if there are parent-child relationship query results contained within 
    # each parent record. If so, check that the query result is "done" meaning 
    # there are no additional child records to obtain for that parent record. 
    # Note that only one level of parent-to-child relationship can be specified in 
    # a query so this only needs to be done for one level of records
    nested_query_done <- response_parsed$records %>% 
      map(~map(.x, pluck("done"))) %>% 
      drop_empty_recursively() %>% 
    if(length(nested_query_done) > 0){
        resultset <- response_parsed$records %>% 
          map_df(.f = function(x){
            done_status <- x %>% 
              map(pluck("done")) %>% 
              drop_empty_recursively() %>% 
            if(!is.null(done_status) && !done_status){
              query_locator <- x %>% 
                map(pluck("nextRecordsUrl")) %>% 
                drop_empty_recursively() %>% 
              child_records <- extract_nested_child_records(x)
              # drop the nested child query result node from each parent record
              x <- drop_nested_child_records(x)
              # now work forward with x containing only the parent record
              # we wrap with list() so that drop_attributes will pull off from the top level
              parent_record <- records_list_to_tbl(list(x))
              if(!is.null(query_locator) && query_locator != ''){
                next_child_recs <- sf_query_rest(next_records_url = query_locator,
                                                 object_name = object_name,
                                                 queryall = queryall,
                                                 guess_types = FALSE,
                                                 control = control,
                                                 object_name_append = TRUE,
                                                 object_name_as_col = object_name_as_col, 
                                                 verbose = verbose)
                child_records <- safe_bind_rows(list(child_records, next_child_recs))
              y <- combine_parent_and_child_resultsets(parent_record, child_records)
            } else {
              y <- list_extract_parent_and_child_result(x)
      } else {
        resultset <- response_parsed$records %>% 
    } else {
      resultset <- response_parsed$records %>% 
        records_list_to_tbl(object_name_append, object_name_as_col)
  } else {
    resultset <- tibble()
  # TODO: Consider switching to all character if guess_types was provided or flipped on 
  # in the case where the types do not match between pages and then bind_rows 
  # fails. Casting all as character and switching to guess types allows all 
  # pages to be pulled without breaking and then trying to reconcile why 
  # the types were different between the paginated API calls
  # RESOLUTION (7/4/2021): We must always pull as character in order for type_convert() 
  # to use all values in the column to determine the type.
  resultset <- resultset %>% mutate_all(as.character)
  # check whether the query has more results to pull via pagination 
    next_records <- sf_query_rest(next_records_url = response_parsed$nextRecordsUrl,
                                  object_name = object_name,
                                  queryall = queryall,
                                  guess_types = FALSE,
                                  control = control,
                                  object_name_append = object_name_append,
                                  object_name_as_col = object_name_as_col,
                                  verbose = verbose)
    resultset <- safe_bind_rows(list(resultset, next_records))

  resultset <- resultset %>% 
    sf_reorder_cols() %>% 

#' @importFrom lifecycle deprecated is_present deprecate_warn
#' @importFrom dplyr tibble mutate_all
#' @importFrom httr content
#' @importFrom purrr map_df modify_if
#' @importFrom xml2 xml_find_first xml_find_all xml_text xml_ns_strip
sf_query_soap <- function(soql,
                          object_name = NULL,
                          queryall = FALSE,
                          guess_types = TRUE,
                          control = list(),
                          next_records_url = NULL,
                          bind_using_character_cols = deprecated(),
                          object_name_append = FALSE,
                          object_name_as_col = FALSE,
                          verbose = FALSE){
  control <- filter_valid_controls(control)
  if(is_present(bind_using_character_cols)) {
                   details = paste0("The `bind_using_character_cols` functionality ", 
                                    "will always be `TRUE` going forward. Per the ", 
                                    "{readr} package, we have to read as character ", 
                                    "and then invoke `type_convert()` in order to ",
                                    "use all values in a column to guess its type."))
    soap_action <- "queryMore"
    records_xpath <- './/soapenv:Body/queryMoreResponse/result/records'
    r <- make_soap_xml_skeleton(soap_headers = control)
    xml_dat <- build_soap_xml_from_list(input_data = next_records_url,
                                        operation = "queryMore",
                                        root = r)
  } else {
    soap_action <- "query"
    records_xpath <- './/soapenv:Body/queryResponse/result/records'
    r <- make_soap_xml_skeleton(soap_headers = control)
    xml_dat <- build_soap_xml_from_list(input_data = soql,
                                        operation = "query",
                                        root = r)
  base_soap_url <- make_base_soap_url()
  request_body <- as(xml_dat, "character") 
  httr_response <- rPOST(url = base_soap_url,
                         headers = c("SOAPAction"=soap_action,
                         body = request_body)
  response_parsed <- content(httr_response, as='parsed', encoding="UTF-8")
  resultset <- response_parsed %>%
    xml_ns_strip() %>%  
  # determine if there are parent-child relationship query results contained within 
  # each parent record. If so, check that the query result is "done" meaning 
  # there are no additional child records to obtain for that parent record. 
  # Note that only one level of parent-to-child relationship can be specified in 
  # a query so this only needs to be done for one level of records
  nested_queries <- sapply(resultset, function(x){
    x %>% xml_find_first('.//done') %>% xml_text()
  nested_queries_exist <- any(!is.na(nested_queries))
    # if there are no children, then just fill with true
    nested_queries[is.na(nested_queries)] <- "true"
    if(any(nested_queries == "false")){
      resultset <- map_df(resultset, function(x){
        done_status <- x %>% xml_find_first('.//done') %>% xml_text()
        if(!is.na(done_status) && done_status == "false"){
          query_locator <- x %>% xml_find_first('.//queryLocator') %>% xml_text()
          child_records <- extract_records_from_xml_nodeset(x, object_name_append=TRUE)
          # drop the nested child query result node from each parent record
          invisible(x %>% xml_find_all(".//*[@xsi:type='QueryResult']") %>% xml_remove())
          parent_record <- extract_records_from_xml_node(x)
          if(!is.na(query_locator) && query_locator != ''){
            next_child_recs <- sf_query_soap(next_records_url = query_locator,
                                             object_name = object_name,
                                             queryall = queryall,
                                             guess_types = FALSE,
                                             control = control,
                                             object_name_append = TRUE,
                                             object_name_as_col = object_name_as_col,
                                             verbose = verbose)
            child_records <- safe_bind_rows(list(child_records, next_child_recs))
          y <- combine_parent_and_child_resultsets(parent_record, child_records) 
        } else {
          y <- xml_extract_parent_and_child_result(x)
    } else {
      resultset <- resultset %>% 
  } else {
    if(object_name_append | object_name_as_col){
      obj_name <- resultset %>% 
        xml_find_first('.//sf:type') %>% 
        xml_text() %>% 
      # if not able to parse correctly then set to null
      if(is.null(obj_name) || is.na(obj_name) || obj_name == ""){
        obj_name <- NULL
      if(length(obj_name) > 1){
        stop("Detected multiple object types in the recordset and the query is not nested.")
    } else {
      obj_name <- NULL
    resultset <- resultset %>% 
      extract_records_from_xml_nodeset_of_records(object_name = obj_name, 
  # NOTE: Because of the way that XML data is returned it is not clear the datatype
  # of the value. For example, a character will not be surrounded by quotes and 
  # neither will a number, so the `as_list()` function will return all values as 
  # characters, which is why we should have the default value of the `guess_types`
  # argument to be set to TRUE
  resultset <- resultset %>% mutate_all(as.character)
  done_status <- response_parsed %>% 
    xml_ns_strip() %>%
    xml_find_first('.//done') %>%
  if(done_status == "false"){
    query_locator <- response_parsed %>% 
      xml_ns_strip() %>%
      xml_find_first('.//queryLocator') %>%
    next_records <- sf_query_soap(next_records_url = query_locator, 
                                  object_name = object_name,
                                  queryall = queryall,
                                  guess_types = FALSE,
                                  control = control,
                                  object_name_append = object_name_append,
                                  object_name_as_col = object_name_as_col,
                                  verbose = verbose)
    resultset <- safe_bind_rows(list(resultset, next_records))

  resultset <- resultset %>% 
    sf_reorder_cols() %>% 

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salesforcer documentation built on March 18, 2022, 6:26 p.m.