
Defines functions build_manifest_xml_from_list build_metadata_xml_from_list build_soap_xml_from_list make_soap_xml_skeleton xml_nodeset_to_df xmlToList2

Documented in build_manifest_xml_from_list build_metadata_xml_from_list build_soap_xml_from_list make_soap_xml_skeleton xml_nodeset_to_df xmlToList2

#' xmlToList2
#' This function is an early and simple approach to converting an 
#' XML node or document into a more typical R list containing the data values. 
#' It differs from xmlToList by not including attributes at all in the output.
#' @importFrom XML xmlApply xmlSApply xmlValue xmlAttrs xmlParse xmlSize xmlRoot
#' @param node the XML node or document to be converted to an R list
#' @return \code{list} parsed from the supplied node
#' @note This function is meant to be used internally. Only use when debugging.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
xmlToList2 <- function(node){
  if (is.character(node)) {
    node <- xmlParse(node)
  if (inherits(node, "XMLAbstractDocument")) {
    node <- xmlRoot(node)
  if (any(inherits(node, c("XMLTextNode", "XMLInternalTextNode")))) {
  } else if (xmlSize(node) == 0) {
    x <- xmlAttrs(node)
    if(length(names(x)) == 0){
    } else if(names(x) == "xsi:nil" & x == "true"){
    } else {
  } else {
    if (is.list(node)) {
      tmp = vals = xmlSApply(node, xmlToList2)
      tt = xmlSApply(node, inherits, c("XMLTextNode", "XMLInternalTextNode"))
    else {
      tmp = vals = xmlApply(node, xmlToList2)
      tt = xmlSApply(node, inherits, c("XMLTextNode", "XMLInternalTextNode"))
    vals[tt] = lapply(vals[tt], function(x) x[[1]])
    if (any(tt) && length(vals) == 1) {
    } else {

#' xml_nodeset_to_df
#' A function specifically for parsing an XML node into a \code{data.frame}
#' @importFrom dplyr as_tibble
#' @importFrom purrr modify_if
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @param this_node \code{xml_node}; to be parsed out
#' @return \code{tbl_df} parsed from the supplied XML
#' @note This function is meant to be used internally. Only use when debugging.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
xml_nodeset_to_df <- function(this_node){
  # capture any xmlToList grumblings about Namespace prefix
  invisible(capture.output(node_vals <- xmlToList2(as.character(this_node))))
  # replace any NULL list elements with NA so it can be turned into a tbl_df
  node_vals[sapply(node_vals, is.null)] <- NA
  # remove any duplicated named node elements
  node_vals <- node_vals[unique(names(node_vals))]  
  # make things tidy so if it's a nested list then that is one row still
  # suppressWarning about tibble::enframe
  suppressWarnings(res <- as_tibble(modify_if(node_vals, ~(length(.x) > 1 | is.list(.x)), list), 
                                    .name_repair = "minimal"))

#' Make SOAP XML Request Skeleton
#' Create XML in preparation for sending to the SOAP API
#' @importFrom XML newXMLNode xmlValue<-
#' @param soap_headers \code{list}; any number of SOAP headers
#' @param metadata_ns \code{logical}; an indicator of whether to use the namespaces 
#' required by the Metadata API or the default ones.
#' @return \code{xmlNode}; an XML object containing just the header portion of the 
#' request
#' @references \url{https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api.meta/api/soap_headers.htm}
#' @note This function is meant to be used internally. Only use when debugging.
#' Any of the following SOAP headers are allowed:
#' \itemize{
#'    \item AllOrNoneHeader
#'    \item AllowFieldTruncationHeader
#'    \item AssignmentRuleHeader
#'    \item CallOptions
#'    \item DisableFeedTrackingHeader
#'    \item EmailHeader
#'    \item LimitInfoHeader
#'    \item LocaleOptions
#'    \item LoginScopeHeader
#'    \item MruHeader
#'    \item OwnerChangeOptions
#'    \item PackageVersionHeader
#'    \item QueryOptions
#'    \item UserTerritoryDeleteHeader
#'    }
#' Additionally, Bulk API can't access or query compound address or compound geolocation fields.
#' @references \url{https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_asynch.meta/api_asynch}
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
make_soap_xml_skeleton <- function(soap_headers=list(), metadata_ns=FALSE){
    these_ns = c("soapenv" = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/",
                 "xsi" = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance",
                 "ns1" = "http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata")
    ns_prefix <- "ns1"
  } else {
    these_ns <- c("soapenv" = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/",
                  "xsi" = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance",
                  "urn" = "urn:partner.soap.sforce.com",
                  "urn1" = "urn:sobject.partner.soap.sforce.com")
    ns_prefix <- "urn"
  root <- newXMLNode("soapenv:Envelope", namespaceDefinitions = these_ns)
  header_node <- newXMLNode("soapenv:Header", parent=root)
  sheader_node <- newXMLNode(paste0(ns_prefix, ":", "SessionHeader"), 
                             #namespaceDefinitions = c(""))
  # get the current session id
  this_session_id <- sf_access_token()
    this_session_id <- sf_session_id()
    stop("Could not find a session id in the environment. Try reauthenticating with sf_auth().")
  sid_node <- newXMLNode(paste0(ns_prefix, ":", "sessionId"),
    for(i in 1:length(soap_headers)){
      option_name <- names(soap_headers)[i]
      opt_node <- newXMLNode(paste0(ns_prefix, ":", option_name), parent=header_node)
      # process OwnerChangeOptions differently because it can be a list of multiple 
      # different options all put under the OwnerChangeOptions node
      if (option_name == "OwnerChangeOptions"){
        options_spec <- soap_headers[[i]]$options
        for(j in 1:length(options_spec)){
          this_node <- newXMLNode(paste0(ns_prefix, ":", "options"), parent=opt_node)
          for(k in 1:length(options_spec[[j]])){
            this_node2 <- newXMLNode(paste0(ns_prefix, ":", names(options_spec[[j]])[k]),
      } else {
        for(j in 1:length(soap_headers[[i]])){
          this_node <- newXMLNode(paste0(ns_prefix, ":", names(soap_headers[[i]])[j]),

#' Build XML Request Body
#' Parse data into XML format
#' @importFrom XML newXMLNode xmlValue<-
#' @param input_data a \code{data.frame} of data to fill the XML body
#' @template operation
#' @template object_name
#' @param fields \code{character}; one or more strings indicating the fields to 
#' be returned on the records
#' @template external_id_fieldname
#' @param root_name \code{character}; the name of the root node if created
#' @param ns named vector; a collection of character strings indicating the namespace 
#' definitions of the root node if created
#' @param root \code{xmlNode}; an XML node to be used as the root
#' @return \code{xmlNode}; an XML node with the complete XML built using the root 
#' and the input data in the format needed for the operation. 
#' @note This function is meant to be used internally. Only use when debugging.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
build_soap_xml_from_list <- function(input_data,
                                     operation = c("create", "retrieve", 
                                                   "update", "upsert", 
                                                   "delete", "undelete", "emptyRecycleBin", 
                                                   "getDeleted", "getUpdated",
                                                   "search", "query", "queryMore", 
                                                   "convertLead", "merge", "describeSObjects", 
                                                   "setPassword", "resetPassword", 
                                                   "findDuplicates", "findDuplicatesByIds"),
                                     object_name = NULL,
                                     fields = NULL,
                                     external_id_fieldname = NULL,
                                     root_name = NULL, 
                                     ns = character(0),
                                     root = NULL){
  # ensure that if root is NULL that root_name is not also NULL
  # this is so we have something to create the root node
  stopifnot(!is.null(root_name) | !is.null(root))
  which_operation <- match.arg(operation)
  input_data <- sf_input_data_validation(input_data, operation = which_operation)
    root <- newXMLNode(root_name, namespaceDefinitions = ns)
  body_node <- newXMLNode("soapenv:Body", parent = root)
  operation_node <- newXMLNode(sprintf("urn:%s", which_operation), parent = body_node)
  if(which_operation == "upsert"){
    external_field_node <- newXMLNode("urn:externalIDFieldName", external_id_fieldname,
                                      parent = operation_node)
  if(which_operation == "retrieve"){
    field_list_node <- newXMLNode("urn:fieldList", paste0(fields, collapse=","),
                                  parent = operation_node)
    sobject_type_node <- newXMLNode("urn:sObjectType", object_name,
                                    parent = operation_node)
  if(which_operation %in% c("getDeleted", "getUpdated")){
    type_node <- newXMLNode("sObjectTypeEntityType", object_name, parent = operation_node)
    this_node <- newXMLNode("startDate", input_data$start, parent = operation_node)
    this_node <- newXMLNode("endDate", input_data$end, parent = operation_node)
  } else if(which_operation %in% c("search", "query")){
    element_name <- if(which_operation == "search") "urn:searchString" else "urn:queryString"
    this_node <- newXMLNode(element_name, input_data[1,1],
                            parent = operation_node)
  } else if(which_operation == "queryMore"){
    this_node <- newXMLNode("urn:queryLocator", input_data[1,1],
                            parent = operation_node)
  } else if(which_operation %in% c("delete", "undelete", "emptyRecycleBin", 
                                   "retrieve", "findDuplicatesByIds")){
    for(i in 1:nrow(input_data)){
      this_node <- newXMLNode("urn:ids", input_data[i,"Id"],
                              parent = operation_node)
  } else if(which_operation == "merge"){
    merge_request_node <- newXMLNode('mergeRequest', 
                                     attrs = c(`xsi:type`='MergeRequest'), 
                                     suppressNamespaceWarning = TRUE, 
                                     parent = operation_node)
    master_record_node <- newXMLNode("masterRecord",
                                     attrs = c(`xsi:type` = object_name), 
                                     suppressNamespaceWarning = TRUE, 
                                     parent = merge_request_node)
    for(i in 1:length(input_data$master_fields)){
      this_node <- newXMLNode(names(input_data$master_fields)[i], parent = master_record_node)
      xmlValue(this_node) <- input_data$master_fields[i]
    for(i in 1:length(input_data$victim_ids)){
      this_node <- newXMLNode("recordToMergeIds", parent = merge_request_node)
      xmlValue(this_node) <- input_data$victim_ids[i]
  } else if(which_operation == "describeSObjects"){
    for(i in 1:nrow(input_data)){
      this_node <- newXMLNode("urn:sObjectType", input_data[i,"sObjectType"],
                              parent = operation_node)
  } else if(which_operation == "setPassword"){
    this_node <- newXMLNode("userId", input_data$userId,
                            parent = operation_node)
    this_node <- newXMLNode("password", input_data$password,
                            parent = operation_node)
  } else if(which_operation == "resetPassword"){
    this_node <- newXMLNode("userId", input_data$userId,
                            parent = operation_node)
  } else {
    for(i in 1:nrow(input_data)){
      list <- as.list(input_data[i,,drop=FALSE])
      if(which_operation == "convertLead"){
        this_row_node <- newXMLNode("urn:LeadConvert", parent = operation_node)
      } else {
        this_row_node <- newXMLNode("urn:sObjects", parent = operation_node)
        # if the body elements are objects we must list the type of object_name 
        # under each block of XML for the row
        type_node <- newXMLNode("urn1:type", parent = this_row_node)
        xmlValue(type_node) <- object_name
      if(length(list) > 0){
        for (i in 1:length(list)){
          if (typeof(list[[i]]) == "list") {
            this_node <- newXMLNode(names(list)[i], parent = this_row_node)
                                     operation = operation,
                                     object_name = object_name,
                                     external_id_fieldname = external_id_fieldname,
                                     root = this_node)
          } else {
            if (!is.null(list[[i]])){
                this_node <- newXMLNode("fieldsToNull", parent=this_row_node)
                xmlValue(this_node) <- names(list)[i]   
              } else {
                this_node <- newXMLNode(names(list)[i], parent=this_row_node)
                xmlValue(this_node) <- list[[i]]                

#' Metadata List to XML Converter
#' This function converts a list of metadata to XML
#' @concept metadata salesforce api
#' @importFrom XML newXMLNode xmlValue<-
#' @param input_data XML document serving as the basis upon which to add the list
#' @param metatype a character indicating the element name of each record in the list
#' @param root_name \code{character}; the name of the root node if created
#' @param ns named vector; a collection of character strings indicating the namespace 
#' definitions of the root node if created
#' @param root \code{xmlNode}; an XML node to be used as the root
#' @return \code{xmlNode}; an XML node with the input data added as needed for the 
#' Metadata API and its objects.
#' @note This function is meant to be used internally. Only use when debugging.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
build_metadata_xml_from_list <- function(input_data,
                                         metatype = NULL, 
                                         root_name = NULL, 
                                         ns = c(character(0)),
                                         root = NULL){
  # ensure that if root is NULL that root_name is not also NULL
  # this is so we have something to create the root node
  stopifnot(!is.null(root_name) | !is.null(root))
  if (is.null(root))
    root <- newXMLNode(root_name, namespaceDefinitions = ns)
  for(i in 1:length(input_data)){
    if (!is.null(metatype)){
      this <- newXMLNode("Metadata", attrs = c(`xsi:type`=paste0("ns2:", metatype)), parent=root,
                         namespaceDefinitions = c("ns2"="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata"),
                         suppressNamespaceWarning = TRUE)
    } else {
      this <- newXMLNode(names(input_data)[i], parent=root, 
                         suppressNamespaceWarning = TRUE)
    if (typeof(input_data[[i]]) == "list"){
      build_metadata_xml_from_list(input_data=input_data[[i]], root=this, metatype=NULL)
    else {
      xmlValue(this) <- input_data[[i]]

#' Bulk Binary Attachments Manifest List to XML Converter
#' This function converts a list of data for binary attachments to XML
#' @importFrom XML newXMLNode xmlValue<-
#' @param input_data \code{list}; data to be appended
#' @param root \code{xmlNode}; an XML node to be used as the root
#' @return \code{xmlNode}; an XML node constructed into a manifest data required 
#' by the Bulk APIs for handling binary attachment data.
#' @references \url{https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_asynch.meta/api_asynch/binary_create_request_file.htm}
#' @note This function is meant to be used internally. Only use when debugging.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
build_manifest_xml_from_list <- function(input_data, root = NULL){
    root <- newXMLNode("sObjects", 
                       namespaceDefinitions = c("http://www.force.com/2009/06/asyncapi/dataload", 

  for(i in 1:length(input_data)){
    this <- newXMLNode(names(input_data)[i], parent = root, suppressNamespaceWarning = TRUE)
    if (typeof(input_data[[i]]) == "list"){
      build_manifest_xml_from_list(input_data=input_data[[i]], root=this)
    else {
      xmlValue(this) <- input_data[[i]]

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salesforcer documentation built on March 18, 2022, 6:26 p.m.