
Defines functions get_RuleBook

Documented in get_RuleBook

#' @title Get One of a Series of Predefined Rule Books for a Model Run.
#' @description The function returns a pre-built model rule book, i.e., a combination of
#' model parameters and rules.
#' @details 
#' It is possible to generate OSL-tailored rule books. For this, the 
#' argument `osl` must be provided with a keyword defining one of the 
#' OSL models from the R package `'RLumModel'`: `"Bailey2001"`, 
#' `"Bailey2004"`, `"Pagonis2008"`, `"Pagonis2007"`, 
#' `"Bailey2002"` and `"Friedrich2017"`. The model parameters will 
#' be appended to the rule book entries and defined by mean and standard 
#' deviation. 
#' @param book [character] value, name of the rule book to be generated.
#' One out of `"empty"`, default is `"empty"`.
#' @param osl [character] value, optional keyword for an OSL (optical 
#' stimulated luminescence) model of choice. Must be one of the available 
#' models from the R package [RLumModel-package]. See details for full list of 
#' available models.
#' @return A [list] object with all rules for a model run.
#' @author Michael Dietze, GFZ Potsdam (Germany), Sebastian Kreutzer, Geography & Earth
#' Sciences, Aberystwyth University (United Kingdom)
#' @examples
#' ## create simple true age-depth-relationship
#' book_flat <- get_RuleBook(book = "empty")
#' @md
#' @export get_RuleBook
get_RuleBook <- function(
  book = "empty",
  osl = NULL
) {
# Dummy function ----------------------------------------------------------
  fun_dummy <- splinefun(x = c(0, 1), y = c(0, 1))
# Empty book --------------------------------------------------------------
  if (book == "empty") {
    rule_book <- list(
      ## title
      book = "empty",
      ## global information
      age = list(
        group = "general",
        age = list(
          type = "exact",
          value = fun_dummy)),

      ## component-specific information
      population = list(
        group = "specific",
        population_1 = list(
          type = "exact",
          value = fun_dummy)),
      grainsize = list(
        group = "specific",
        grainsize_1 = list(
          type = "normal",
          mean = fun_dummy,
          sd = fun_dummy)),
      packing = list(
        group = "specific",
        packing_1 = list(
          type = "normal",
          mean = fun_dummy,
          sd = fun_dummy)),
      density = list(
        group = "specific",
        density_1 = list(
          type = "normal",
          mean = fun_dummy,
          sd = fun_dummy)))


# Set attributes to identify book -----------------------------------------
  ## set attributes
  attr(rule_book, "package") <- "sandbox"
  attr(rule_book, "medium") <- "book"
# Add luminescence information --------------------------------------------
  if (!is.null(osl)) {
    ## select only the first seven parameters
    osl_parameters <- RLumModel::.set_pars(model = osl)[1:7]
    ## set names
    osl_parameters <- lapply(names(osl_parameters), function(n){
      paste0("osl_", rep(n, times = length(osl_parameters[[n]])), 1:length(osl_parameters[[n]]))
    ## create name list
    osl_parameters <- c("osl_doserate", unlist(osl_parameters), "osl_R")
    ## add rules per parameter
    for (i in osl_parameters) {
      rule_book <- add_Rule(
        book = rule_book, 
        name = i, 
        group = "specific",
        type = "normal", 
        populations = 1)

  ## return output ------------------------------------------------------------


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sandbox documentation built on March 18, 2022, 7:06 p.m.