
## Do not edit this file manually.
## It has been automatically generated from *.org sources.

test_that("comparisons of versions of arma_Q0", {
    ## This was giving a nasty error if running interactively, see below.
    ## It seems that the problem is that there are no expectations.
    ## adding the simple one velow resolved this.
    ## (keeping for now as a reminder)
    ## > devtools::test()
    ## Loading sarima
    ## Testing sarima
    ## v | OK F W S | Context
    ## Error in x[[method]](...) : attempt to apply non-function
    ## In addition: Warning message:
    ## `encoding` is deprecated; all files now assumed to be UTF-8
    ## == Results =====================================================================
    ## OK:       0
    ## Failed:   4
    ## Warnings: 0
    ## Skipped:  1
    expect_equal(2 + 2, 4)

## TODO: consolidate the examples in the chunk in the Org file
##       immeadiately after this one and put some here.
Q0bis     <- arma_Q0bis(c(0.2, 0.5, 0.1), c(0.3))
Q0Gardner <- arma_Q0Gardner(c(0.2, 0.5, 0.1), c(0.3))
## Q0gnb     <- sarima:::arma_Q0gnb(c(0.2, 0.5, 0.1), c(0.3))
Q0gnbR    <- arma_Q0gnbR(c(0.2, 0.5, 0.1), c(0.3))
## Q0gnb0    <- sarima:::arma_Q0gnb0(c(0.2, 0.5, 0.1), c(0.3))

## rbenchmark::benchmark(sarima:::arma_Q0bis(c(0.2, 0.5, 0.1), c(0.3))     ,
## 		      sarima:::arma_Q0Gardner(c(0.2, 0.5, 0.1), c(0.3))	,
## 		      sarima:::arma_Q0gnb(c(0.2, 0.5, 0.1), c(0.3))    	,
## 		      sarima:::arma_Q0gnbR(c(0.2, 0.5, 0.1), c(0.3))   	,
## 		      sarima:::arma_Q0gnb0(c(0.2, 0.5, 0.1), c(0.3))   	,
## 		      sarima:::arma_Q0Gardner(c(0.2, 0.5, 0.1), c(0.3)) ,
##                       repetitions = 1000) 

arma_Q0Gardner(c(0.2, 0.5), c(0.3))
arma_Q0naive(c(0.2, 0.5), c(0.3))
sarima:::arma_Q0gnb(c(0.2, 0.5), c(0.3)) 
arma_Q0gnbR(c(0.2, 0.5), c(0.3)) 
sarima:::arma_Q0gnb0(c(0.2, 0.5), c(0.3))

## rbenchmark::benchmark(sarima:::arma_Q0bis(c(0.2, 0.5), c(0.3)), 
## sarima:::arma_Q0Gardner(c(0.2, 0.5), c(0.3)), 
## sarima:::arma_Q0naive(c(0.2, 0.5), c(0.3)), 
## sarima:::arma_Q0gnb(c(0.2, 0.5), c(0.3)), 
## sarima:::arma_Q0gnbR(c(0.2, 0.5), c(0.3)), 
## sarima:::arma_Q0gnb0(c(0.2, 0.5), c(0.3)), 
## replications = 10000)
##                                           test replications elapsed relative   user.self 
## 1     sarima:::arma_Q0bis(c(0.2, 0.5), c(0.3))        10000    0.38    2.714	1      0.37 
## 2 sarima:::arma_Q0Gardner(c(0.2, 0.5), c(0.3))        10000    0.14    1.000	2      0.14 
## 4     sarima:::arma_Q0gnb(c(0.2, 0.5), c(0.3))        10000    0.14    1.000	4      0.14 
## 6    sarima:::arma_Q0gnb0(c(0.2, 0.5), c(0.3))        10000    0.16    1.143	6      0.15 
## 5    sarima:::arma_Q0gnbR(c(0.2, 0.5), c(0.3))        10000    0.87    6.214	5      0.87 
## 3   sarima:::arma_Q0naive(c(0.2, 0.5), c(0.3))        10000    1.14    8.143	3      1.12 

phi4p2 <- c(0.2, 0.5, 0.1, -0.2) 
theta4p2 <- c(0.3, 0.05)

a1 <- arma_Q0Gardner(phi4p2, theta4p2)
a2 <- arma_Q0bis(phi4p2, theta4p2)
a4 <- sarima:::arma_Q0gnb(phi4p2, theta4p2)
a3 <- arma_Q0gnbR(phi4p2, theta4p2)
sarima:::arma_Q0gnb0(phi4p2, theta4p2)

## rbenchmark::benchmark(
##   sarima:::arma_Q0Gardner(phi4p2, theta4p2),
##   sarima:::arma_Q0bis(phi4p2, theta4p2),
##   sarima:::arma_Q0gnb(phi4p2, theta4p2),
##   sarima:::arma_Q0gnbR(phi4p2, theta4p2),
##   sarima:::arma_Q0gnb0(phi4p2, theta4p2),
##   replications = 10000 )
##                                        test replications elapsed relative   user.self
## 2     sarima:::arma_Q0bis(phi4p2, theta4p2)        10000    0.29    2.071 2      0.30
## 1 sarima:::arma_Q0Gardner(phi4p2, theta4p2)        10000    0.14    1.000 1      0.14
## 3     sarima:::arma_Q0gnb(phi4p2, theta4p2)        10000    0.15    1.071 3      0.16
## 5    sarima:::arma_Q0gnb0(phi4p2, theta4p2)        10000    0.15    1.071 5      0.16
## 4    sarima:::arma_Q0gnbR(phi4p2, theta4p2)        10000    1.99   14.214 4      2.00


test_that("kikiriki", {

    ## replacing calls to eigen() with safe_eigen() since on 32-bit Windows sometimes 'x'
    ## contains NA/NaN's and errors result (eg NULL$value), see the TODO comments at a number
    ## of places. I have uncommented the offending lines after changing eigen() with
    ## safe_eigen().
    safe_eigen <- function(x, only.values = FALSE, ...){
                list(values = rep(NA_real_, nrow(x)),
                     vectors = if(only.values)
                                   matrix(NA_real_, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ncol(x))
            eigen(x, only.values = only.values, ...)

## these are modified examples from arimaML.R 
##           in "R\src\base\R-3.3.2\src\library\stats\tests\arimaML.R" 
## The k smallest eigenvalues of m
EV.k <- function(m, k = 2) {
    ev <- safe_eigen(m, only.values=TRUE)$values
    m <- length(ev)

chkQ0 <- function(phi, theta, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5,
                  tolC = 1e-15, strict = TRUE, doEigen = FALSE){

  all_Q0 <- list(Q0      = arma_Q0Gardner(phi, theta),
                 Q0bis   = arma_Q0bis(phi, theta),
                 Q0naive = arma_Q0naive(phi, theta),
                 Q0gnbR  = arma_Q0gnbR(phi, theta),
                 Q0gnb   = arma_Q0gnb(phi, theta)

  eig <- if(doEigen) sapply(all_Q0, function(x) EV.k(x))

  a.eq <- mapply(function(x, y, ...) all.equal(all_Q0[[x]], all_Q0[[y]], ...),
                 rep(names(all_Q0), each = length(all_Q0)), 
                 rep(names(all_Q0), length(all_Q0)),
                 MoreArgs = list(tol = tol) #,                 SIMPLIFY = FALSE

  a.eq <- matrix(a.eq, length(all_Q0))
  colnames(a.eq) <- rownames(a.eq) <- names(all_Q0)

          # list(c12 = all.equal(Q0,    Q0bis,   tol = tol),
          #      c13 = all.equal(Q0,    Q0ter,   tol = tol),
          #      c23 = all.equal(Q0bis, Q0ter,   tol = tol),
          #      c24 = all.equal(Q0bis, arma_Q0b, tol = tol)
          #      )

  ## if(strict) do.call(stopifnot, a.eq)

  c(all_Q0, list(all.eq = a.eq, eigen = eig, phi = phi, theta = theta))

##' @title AR-phi corresponding to AR(1) + Seasonality(s)
##' @param s: seasonality
##' @param phi1, phis: phi[1], phi[s] .. defaults: close to non-stationarity
mkPhi <- function(s, phi1 = 0.0001, phis = 0.99) {
    stopifnot(length(s) > 0, s == as.integer(s), s >= 2,
              length(phi1) == 1, is.numeric(phi1), length(phis) == 1)
    c(phi1, rep(0, s-2), phis, -phi1*phis)

##--{end of function defs}-------------------------------------------------------

## cases with p=0, q=0 :
chkQ0(numeric(), numeric())
chkQ0(   .5,     numeric())
chkQ0(numeric(), .7)
chkQ0(numeric(), c(.7, .2))

chkQ <- function(s, theta, tol = 0) 
            chkQ0(mkPhi(s = s), theta = theta, tol = tol, strict = FALSE)

    # all.eq2num <- function(ae) as.numeric(sub(".* difference: ", '', ae))
all.eq2num <- function(ae){ 
    sub(".* difference: ", '', ae)

getN12 <- function(r) 

ss <- setNames(,2:20)
chk0 <- lapply(ss, chkQ, theta= numeric())
chk1 <- lapply(ss, chkQ, theta= 0.75)
chk2 <- lapply(ss, chkQ, theta= c(0.75, -0.5))

chks <- list(q0 = chk0, q1 = chk1, q2 = chk2)

lapply(chk0, function(x) all.eq2num(x$all.eq))
lapply(chk1, function(x) all.eq2num(x$all.eq))
lapply(chk2, function(x) all.eq2num(x$all.eq))

chk0a <- lapply(ss, chkQ, theta= numeric(),  tol = .Machine$double.eps)
chk1a <- lapply(ss, chkQ, theta= 0.75,  tol = .Machine$double.eps)
chk2a <- lapply(ss, chkQ, theta= c(0.75, -0.5), tol =  .Machine$double.eps)

lapply(chk0a, function(x) all.eq2num(x$all.eq))
lapply(chk1a, function(x) all.eq2num(x$all.eq))
lapply(chk2a, function(x) all.eq2num(x$all.eq))

## these need adaptation to work:
## ## Quite platform dependent, in F19, 32 bit looks slightly better than 64:
## (re <- sapply(chks, function(C) sapply(C, getN12)))
## matplot(ss, re, type = "b", log="y", pch = paste(0:2))
## stopifnot(re[paste(2:7),] < 1e-7, # max(.) seen 9.626e-9
##           re < 0.9) # max(.) seen 0.395

## The smallest few eigen values:
round(t(sapply(lapply(chk1, `[[`, "Q0"), EV.k, k=3)), 3)
ev3.0 <- lapply(chks, function(ck) t(sapply(lapply(ck, `[[`, "Q0"), EV.k, k=3)))
lapply(ev3.0, round, digits=3) ## problem for q >= 1 (none for q=0)
ev3.bis <- lapply(chks, function(ck) t(sapply(lapply(ck, `[[`, "Q0bis"), EV.k, k=3)))
lapply(ev3.bis[-1], round, digits=3) ## all fine
e1.bis <- sapply(ev3.bis, function(m) m[,1])
min(e1.bis) # -7.1e-15 , -7.5e-15
stopifnot(e1.bis > -1e-12)

round(t(sapply(lapply(chk1, `[[`, "Q0"), EV.k, k=3)), 3)
round(t(sapply(lapply(chk1, `[[`, "Q0bis"), EV.k, k=3)), 3)
round(t(sapply(lapply(chk1, `[[`, "Q0naive"), EV.k, k=3)), 3)
round(t(sapply(lapply(chk1, `[[`, "Q0gnbR"), EV.k, k=3)), 3)
## TODO: temporally commenting out due to the following error:
##      -- 1. Error: (unknown) (@test-arma_q0.R#191)  --------------------------------
##      --
##        infinite or missing values in 'x'
##        1: t(sapply(lapply(chk1, `[[`, "Q0gnb"), EV.k, k = 3)) at testthat/test-arma_q
##      0.R:191
##        2: sapply(lapply(chk1, `[[`, "Q0gnb"), EV.k, k = 3)
##        3: lapply(X = X, FUN = FUN, ...)
##        4: FUN(X[[i]], ...)
##        5: eigen(m, only.values = TRUE) at testthat/test-arma_q0.R:77
##        6: stop("infinite or missing values in 'x'")
##        == testthat results  =========================================================
##      ==
##        OK: 79 SKIPPED: 1 FAILED: 1
##      1. Error: (unknown) (@test-arma_q0.R#191)
round(t(sapply(lapply(chk1, `[[`, "Q0gnb"), EV.k, k=3)), 3)

round(t(sapply(lapply(chk2, `[[`, "Q0"), EV.k, k=3)), 3)
round(t(sapply(lapply(chk2, `[[`, "Q0bis"), EV.k, k=3)), 3)
round(t(sapply(lapply(chk2, `[[`, "Q0naive"), EV.k, k=3)), 3)
round(t(sapply(lapply(chk2, `[[`, "Q0gnbR"), EV.k, k=3)), 3)
## TODO: temporally commenting out due to the following error:
##       -- 1. Error: (unknown) (@test-arma_q0.R#215)  --------------------------------
##     --
##       infinite or missing values in 'x'
##       1: t(sapply(lapply(chk2, `[[`, "Q0gnb"), EV.k, k = 3)) at testthat/test-arma_q
##     0.R:215
##       2: sapply(lapply(chk2, `[[`, "Q0gnb"), EV.k, k = 3)
##       3: lapply(X = X, FUN = FUN, ...)
##       4: FUN(X[[i]], ...)
##       5: eigen(m, only.values = TRUE) at testthat/test-arma_q0.R:77
##       6: stop("infinite or missing values in 'x'")
##       == testthat results  =========================================================
##     ==
##       OK: 79 SKIPPED: 1 FAILED: 1
##       1. Error: (unknown) (@test-arma_q0.R#215)
round(t(sapply(lapply(chk2, `[[`, "Q0gnb"), EV.k, k=3)), 3)

ev3.0 <- lapply(chks, function(ck) t(sapply(lapply(ck, `[[`, "Q0"), EV.k, k=3)))
lapply(ev3.0, round, digits=3) ## problem for q >= 1 (none for q=0)

ev3.bis <- lapply(chks, function(ck) t(sapply(lapply(ck, `[[`, "Q0bis"), EV.k, k=3)))
lapply(ev3.bis[-1], round, digits=3) ## all fine

## TODO: temporally commenting out due to the following error:
##       1: lapply(chks, function(ck) t(sapply(lapply(ck, `[[`, "Q0gnb"), EV.k, k = 3))
##     ) at testthat/test-arma_q0.R:241
##       2: FUN(X[[i]], ...)
##       3: t(sapply(lapply(ck, `[[`, "Q0gnb"), EV.k, k = 3)) at testthat/test-arma_q0.
##     R:241
##       4: sapply(lapply(ck, `[[`, "Q0gnb"), EV.k, k = 3)
##       5: lapply(X = X, FUN = FUN, ...)
##       6: FUN(X[[i]], ...)
##       7: eigen(m, only.values = TRUE) at testthat/test-arma_q0.R:77
##       8: stop("infinite or missing values in 'x'")
ev3.gnb <- lapply(chks, function(ck) t(sapply(lapply(ck, `[[`, "Q0gnb"), EV.k, k=3)))
lapply(ev3.gnb[-1], round, digits=3) ## all fine

e1.bis <- sapply(ev3.bis, function(m) m[,1])
min(e1.bis) # -7.1e-15 , -7.5e-15
stopifnot(e1.bis > -1e-12)

## TODO: Commenting this out do to the commented out ev3.gnb above.
##       Uncomment when that's sorted out!
e1.gnb <- sapply(ev3.gnb, function(m) m[,1])
min(e1.gnb) # -7.1e-15 , -7.5e-15
stopifnot(e1.gnb > -1e-12)

## Now Rossignol's example
phi <- mkPhi(s = 12)
theta <- 0.7
true.cf <- c(ar1=phi[1], ma1=theta, sar1=phi[12])
## TODO: temporally commenting out due to the following error:
##       infinite or missing values in 'x'
##       1: chkQ0(phi, theta, tol = 0.5, doEigen = TRUE) at testthat/test-arma_q0.R:273
##       2: sapply(all_Q0, function(x) EV.k(x)) at testthat/test-arma_q0.R:93
##       3: lapply(X = X, FUN = FUN, ...)
##       4: FUN(X[[i]], ...)
##       5: EV.k(x) at testthat/test-arma_q0.R:93
##       6: eigen(m, only.values = TRUE) at testthat/test-arma_q0.R:77
##       7: stop("infinite or missing values in 'x'")
##       == testthat results  =========================================================
##     ==
##       OK: 79 SKIPPED: 1 FAILED: 1
##       1. Error: (unknown) (@test-arma_q0.R#273)
tt <- chkQ0(phi, theta, tol = 0.50, doEigen = TRUE)

##             Q0         Q0bis       Q0naive        Q0gnbR         Q0gnb
## [1,] -83.45901 -5.293961e-23 -6.352749e-22 -5.293956e-23 -5.293956e-23
## [2,] -83.37531  4.422551e+00  4.422551e+00  4.422551e+00  4.422551e+00
## Note that for Q0naive the smallest evalue is negative. The above is from a call to eigen()
## with 'only.values = TRUE'. Indeed:
## > EV.k(tt$Q0naive)
## [1] -6.352749e-22  4.422551e+00
## > eigen(tt$Q0naive, only.values = TRUE)$values
##  [1]  1.427099e+02  1.337121e+02  1.331121e+02  1.083120e+02  1.079038e+02
##  [6]  7.364358e+01  7.344826e+01  3.900463e+01  3.896386e+01  1.369306e+01
## [11]  1.367364e+01  4.422551e+00 -6.352749e-22
## (the last element is the smallest) 
## However, if also the vectors are computed it is positive:
## > eigen(tt$Q0naive)$values
##  [1] 1.427099e+02 1.337121e+02 1.331121e+02 1.083120e+02 1.079038e+02
##  [6] 7.364358e+01 7.344826e+01 3.900463e+01 3.896386e+01 1.369306e+01
## [11] 1.367364e+01 4.422551e+00 8.526513e-14
## It is tempting to think that the value from the full decomposition is more reliable. 
## However, it is all probably noise. Indeed, computing v' tt$Q0naive v gives a negative value:
## > t(eigen(tt$Q0naive)$vectors[, 13]) %*% tt$Q0naive %*% eigen(tt$Q0naive)$vectors[ , 13]
##               [,1]
## [1,] -4.618197e-22

out.0 <- makeARIMA(phi, theta, NULL)
out.R <- makeARIMA(phi, theta, NULL, SSinit="Rossignol")

x <- arima.sim(1000,model=list(ar=phi,ma=theta))
k0 <- KalmanLike(x, mod=out.0)
kS <- KalmanLike(x, mod=out.R)
stopifnot(sapply(kS, is.finite))

## ini.ph <- true.cf
## ## Default  method = "CSS-ML" works fine
## fm1 <- arima(x, order= c(1,0,1), seasonal= list(period=12, order=c(1,0,0)),
##              include.mean=FALSE, init=ini.ph)
## stopifnot(all.equal(true.cf, coef(fm1), tol = 0.05))
## ## Using  'ML'  seems "harder" :
## e1 <- try(
## arima(x, order= c(1,0,1), seasonal= list(period=12, order=c(1,0,0)),
##       include.mean=FALSE, init=ini.ph, method='ML')
## )
## ## Error: NAs in 'phi'
## e2 <- try(
## arima(x, order= c(1,0,1), seasonal= list(period=12, order=c(1,0,0)),
##       include.mean=FALSE, init=ini.ph, method='ML', transform.pars=FALSE)
## )
## ## Error in optim(init[mask], armafn, ..): initial value in 'vmmin' is not finite
## ## MM: The new Q0 does *not* help here, really:
## e3 <- try(
## arima(x, order= c(1,0,1), seasonal= list(period=12, order=c(1,0,0)),
##       include.mean=FALSE, init=ini.ph, method='ML', SSinit = "Rossi")
##  )
## ## actually fails still, but *not* transforming parameters works :
## fm2 <-
## arima(x, order= c(1,0,1), seasonal= list(period=12, order=c(1,0,0)),
##       include.mean=FALSE, init=ini.ph, method='ML', SSinit = "Rossi", transform.p=FALSE)
## stopifnot(all.equal(confint(fm1),
##                     confint(fm2), tol = 4e-4))

phi <- mkPhi(s = 12)
theta <- 0.7
true.cf <- c(ar1 = phi[1], ma1 = theta, sar1 = phi[12])
## TODO: temporally commenting out due to the following error:
##       infinite or missing values in 'x'
##       1: chkQ0(phi, theta, tol = 0.5, doEigen = TRUE) at testthat/test-arma_q0.R:372
##       2: sapply(all_Q0, function(x) EV.k(x)) at testthat/test-arma_q0.R:93
##       3: lapply(X = X, FUN = FUN, ...)
##       4: FUN(X[[i]], ...)
##       5: EV.k(x) at testthat/test-arma_q0.R:93
##       6: eigen(m, only.values = TRUE) at testthat/test-arma_q0.R:77
##       7: stop("infinite or missing values in 'x'")
##       == testthat results  =========================================================
##     ==
##       OK: 79 SKIPPED: 1 FAILED: 1
##       1. Error: (unknown) (@test-arma_q0.R#372)
tt <- chkQ0(phi, theta, tol = 0.50, doEigen = TRUE)

out.0 <- makeARIMA(phi, theta, NULL)
out.R <- makeARIMA(phi, theta, NULL, SSinit = "Rossignol")

## TODO: temporally commenting out due to the following error:
##       -- 1. Error: (unknown) (@test-arma_q0.R#397)  --------------------------------
##     --
##       infinite or missing values in 'x'
##       1: eigen(sarima:::arma_Q0gnb0(phi, theta)) at testthat/test-arma_q0.R:397
##       2: stop("infinite or missing values in 'x'")
##       == testthat results  =========================================================
##     ==
##       OK: 79 SKIPPED: 1 FAILED: 1
##       1. Error: (unknown) (@test-arma_q0.R#397)
##   Note on 32-bit Windows we get:
##       > sarima:::arma_Q0gnb0(phi, theta)
##             [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12] [,13]
##        [1,]  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN
##        [2,]  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN
##        [3,]  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN
##        [4,]  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN
##        [5,]  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN
##        [6,]  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN
##        [7,]  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN
##        [8,]  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN
##        [9,]  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN
##       [10,]  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN
##       [11,]  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN
##       [12,]  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN
##       [13,]  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN   NaN
##   so,
##      > eigen(sarima:::arma_Q0gnb0(phi, theta))
##   gives:
##       Error in eigen(sarima:::arma_Q0gnb0(phi, theta)) :
##         infinite or missing values in 'x'
##   'R CMD check' and devtools::check()  fail on 32-bit platform but are ok on 64
##         (pay attnetion with checks!)
##   devtools::test() is ok on 64-bit Windows, since it tests only the current platform.
safe_eigen(sarima:::arma_Q0gnb0(phi, theta))$values
safe_eigen(sarima:::arma_Q0gnb(phi, theta))$values

safe_eigen(sarima:::arma_Q0gnbR(phi, theta))$values
## only naive here gets all eigenvalues positive:
safe_eigen(sarima:::arma_Q0naive(phi, theta))$values


## test_that("aha", {
##     ## Note: commenting out the 'expect_equal() line, gives the following incomprehensible error:
##     ##       (there is not much point having such tests without expectations,
##     ##        but if it happens there is no clue in the error message.)
##     ##       (devtools is 1.13.5, testthat is 2.0.0)
##     ##
##     ##
##          # > devtools::test()
##          # Loading sarima
##          # Testing sarima
##          # v | OK F W S | Context
##          # \ |  2       | 0List of 2
##          #  $ Lik: num NaN
##          #  $ s2 : num 1.05
##          # List of 2
##          #  $ Lik: num 0.0519
##          #  $ s2 : num 1.06
##          # Error in x[[method]](...) : attempt to apply non-function
##          # In addition: Warning message:
##          # `encoding` is deprecated; all files now assumed to be UTF-8
##          #
##          # == Results =====================================================================
##          # Duration: 1.5 s
##          #
##          # OK:       2
##          # Failed:   4
##          # Warnings: 0
##          # Skipped:  1
##          # >
##     expect_equal(2+2, 4)
##     theta <- 0.7
## })

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sarima documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:22 a.m.