
Defines functions in_devmode verify_sass_options_args sass_options_set sass_options_get sass_options

Documented in sass_options sass_options_get sass_options_set

#' Compiler Options for Sass
#' Specify compiler `options` for [sass()]. To customize options, either provide
#' `sass_options()` directly to a [sass()] call or set options globally via
#' `sass_options_set()`. When `shiny::devmode()` is enabled,
#' `sass_options_get()` defaults `source_map_embed` and `source_map_contents` to
#' `TRUE`.
#' @param precision Number of decimal places.
#' @param output_style Bracketing and formatting style of the CSS output.
#'   Possible styles: `"nested"`, `"expanded"`, `"compact"`, and
#'   `"compressed"`.
#' @param indented_syntax Enables the compiler to parse Sass Indented Syntax in
#'   strings. Note that the compiler automatically overrides this option to
#'   `TRUE` or `FALSE` for files with .sass and .scss file extensions
#'   respectively.
#' @param indent_type Specifies the indent type as `"space"` or
#'   `"tab"`.
#' @param indent_width Number of tabs or spaces used for indentation. Maximum
#'   10.
#' @param include_path Vector of paths used to resolve `@import`. Multiple
#'   paths are possible using a character vector of paths.
#' @param source_comments Annotates CSS output with line and file comments from
#'   Sass file for debugging.
#' @param linefeed Specifies how new lines should be delimited. Possible values:
#'   `"lf"`, `"cr"`, `"lfcr"`, and `"crlf"`.
#' @param output_path Specifies the location of the output file. Note: this
#'   option will not write the file on disk. It is only for internal reference
#'   with the source map.
#' @param source_map_file Specifies the location for Sass to write the source
#'   map.
#' @param source_map_root Value will be included as source root in the source
#'   map information.
#' @param source_map_embed Embeds the source map as a data URI.
#' @param source_map_contents Includes the contents in the source map
#'   information.
#' @param omit_source_map_url Disable the inclusion of source map information in
#'   the output file. Note: must specify `output_path` when `TRUE`.
#' @return List of Sass compiler options to be used with [sass()]. For
#'   `sass_options_set()`, any previously set global options are returned.
#' @examples
#' x <- "foo { margin: 122px * .001; }"
#' sass(x)
#' # Provide options directly to sass()
#' sass(x, options = sass_options(precision = 1, output_style = "compact"))
#' # Or set some option(s) globally
#' old_options <- sass_options_set(precision = 1)
#' sass(x)
#' # Specify local options  while also respecting global options
#' sass(x, options = sass_options_get(output_style = "compact"))
#' # Restore original state
#' sass_options_set(old_options)
#' @export
sass_options <- function(
  precision = 5,
  output_style = "expanded",
  indented_syntax = FALSE,
  include_path = "",
  source_comments = FALSE,
  indent_type = "space",
  indent_width = 2,
  linefeed = "lf",
  output_path = "",
  source_map_file = "",
  source_map_root = "",
  source_map_embed = FALSE,
  source_map_contents = FALSE,
  omit_source_map_url = FALSE
) {
  if (indent_width > 10) {
    warning("Maximum indent width is 10. Setting to 10...")
    indent_width <- 10
  } else if (indent_width < 0) {
    warning("Minimum indent width is 0. Setting to 0...")
    indent_width <- 0

  indent_type <- switch(
    tab = "\t",
    space = " ",
    stop("invalid indent type. Please specify \"space\" or \"tab\".")

  indent <- strrep(indent_type, indent_width)

  output_style <- switch(
    nested = 0,
    expanded = 1,
    compact = 2,
    compressed = 3,
    stop("output style not supported.")

  linefeed <- switch(
    lf = "\n",
    cr = "\r",
    crlf = "\r\n",
    lfcr = "\n\r",
    stop("invalid linefeed.")

  sep <- switch(
    unix = ":",
    windows = ";",
    stop("unknown operating system")

  include_path <- paste(include_path, collapse = sep)

  ret <- list(
    precision = precision,
    output_style = output_style,
    indented_syntax = indented_syntax,
    include_path = include_path,
    source_comments = source_comments,
    indent = indent,
    linefeed = linefeed,
    output_path = output_path,
    source_map_file = source_map_file,
    source_map_root = source_map_root,
    source_map_embed = source_map_embed,
    source_map_contents = source_map_contents,
    omit_source_map_url = omit_source_map_url

  class(ret) <- c("sass_options", class(ret))

#' @rdname sass_options
#' @param ... arguments to [sass_options()]. For `sass_options_set()`, the
#'   following values are also acceptable:
#'   * `NULL`, clearing the global options.
#'   * Return value of `sass_options_get()`.
#'   * Return value of `sass_options_set()`.
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
#' @export
sass_options_get <- function(...) {

  args <- if (in_devmode()) {
    list(source_map_embed = TRUE, source_map_contents = TRUE)
  } else {

  global <- getOption("sass.options", default = list())
  args <- modifyList(args, global)

  local <- verify_sass_options_args(..., .caller = "sass_options_get()")
  args <- modifyList(args, local)

  opts <- do.call(sass_options, args)
  if (length(global)) {
    attr(opts, "sass_options_global") <- global

#' @rdname sass_options
#' @export
sass_options_set <- function(...) {
  opts <- list2(...)
  if (length(opts) == 0) {
    stop("`...` must be non-empty.")

  if (length(opts) == 1) {
    # sass_options_set(NULL) clears global state
    if (is.null(`..1`)) {
      return(options(sass.options = NULL))
    # sass_options_set(sass_options_get()) restores state
    g_opts <- attr(`..1`, "sass_options_global")
    if (length(g_opts) > 0) {
      return(options(sass.options = g_opts))
    # foo <- sass_options_set(foo = "bar"); sass_options_set(foo) restores state
    if (identical(names(opts[[1]]), "sass.options")) {
      return(options(sass.options = opts[[1]]$sass.options))

  args <- verify_sass_options_args(..., .caller = "sass_options_set()")
  options(sass.options = args)

verify_sass_options_args <- function(..., .caller) {
  args <- list2(...)
  nms <- names2(args)
  if (any(nms == "")) {
    stop("All arguments to `", .caller, "` must be named.", call. = FALSE)
  opts <- names(formals(sass_options))
  bad_nms <- setdiff(nms, opts)
  if (length(bad_nms)) {
      "The following arguments are not supported by `sass_options()`: ",
      paste(bad_nms, collapse = ", "),
      call. = FALSE

# shiny:::in_devmode
in_devmode <- function() {
  isTRUE(getOption("shiny.devmode", FALSE)) &&
    !identical(Sys.getenv("TESTTHAT"), "true")

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sass documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:51 a.m.