
Defines functions .sbwpriosqp .sbwprimosek .sbwprigurobi .sbwpriquadprog .sbwpricplex .sbwpripogs .as.sparseMatrix

# functions for solving linear programming
.as.sparseMatrix <- function(slam_matrix) {
  retval <-  Matrix::sparseMatrix(i=as.numeric(slam_matrix$i),
                                  dimnames = dimnames(slam_matrix),
                                  giveCsparse = TRUE)

# solver: pogs
.sbwpripogs = function(problemparameters.object, params) {
  normalize = problemparameters.object$normalize
  nor = problemparameters.object$nor
  n = problemparameters.object$n
  Amat = problemparameters.object$Amat
  bvec = problemparameters.object$bvec
  cvec = problemparameters.object$cvec
  lb = problemparameters.object$lb
  ub = problemparameters.object$ub
  sense = problemparameters.object$sense
  Amat = as.matrix(Amat)
  if (nor == "l_1" | nor == "l_inf") {
    stop("Minimizing the l_1 or l_inf norm is not a valid option with pogs. Please use one of cplex, gurobi and mosek.")
  if (nor == "l_2") {
    # The primal problem is
    # minimize: c'x + 0.5x'Qx
    # subject to:
    # 	A x <= b
    #   (and sum(x) = 1 if normalize = 1)
    # with bounds:
    # 	lb <= x <= ub
    # The solver pogs has the form
    # minimize: f(y) + g(x), s.t. y = Ax,
    # where f and g are convex, separable, and take the form
    #   c h(a x - b) + d x + e x^2
    #   where a, b and d are real, c and d are non-negative and h is one of 16 convex functions
    if(normalize == 1) {
      meq = sum(sense == "E")
      nbL = nrow(Amat) - meq
      nbC = ncol(Amat)
      # for balance conditions
      f = list(h = c(pogs::kIndLe0(nbL), pogs::kIndEq0(meq)), b = bvec, a = 1, c = 1, d = 0, e = 0)
      # for positive weights and l2 norm penalty
      g = list(h = pogs::kIndGe0(), c = 1, a = 1, d = 0, e = 1)
      cat(format("  POGS optimizer is opening..."), "\n")
      cat(format("  Finding the optimal weights..."), "\n")
      out = pogs::pogs(Amat, f, g, params = params)
    } else {
      nbL = nrow(Amat)
      nbC = ncol(Amat)
      Amat2 = matrix(0, (nbL+1), (nbC+1))
      Amat2[1:nbL, 1:nbC] = Amat
      Amat2[(nbL+1),] = c(rep(1,nbC), -1)
      f = list(h = c(pogs::kIndLe0(nbL), pogs::kIndEq0(1)), b = c(bvec,0), a = 1, c = 1, d = 0, e = 0)
      if (lb[1] == 0) {
        g = list(h = pogs::kIndGe0(), c = 1, a = 1, d = 0, e = c(rep(1, nbC), -1/n))
      if (lb[1] == -Inf) {
        g = list(h = pogs::kZero(), c = 1, a = 1, d = 0, e = c(rep(1, nbC), -1/n))
      # nbL = nrow(Amat)
      # nbC = ncol(Amat)
      # # for balance conditions
      # f = list(h = c(pogs::kIndLe0(nbL)), b = bvec, a = 1, c = 1, d = 0, e = 0)
      # # for positive weights and variance
      # if (lb[1] == 0) {
      #   g = list(h = pogs::kIndGe0(), c = 1, a = 1, d = 0, e = 1)
      # }
      # # for positive weights and variance
      # if (lb[1] == -Inf) {
      #   g = list(h = pogs::kZero(), c = 1, a = 1, d = 0, e = 1)
      # }
      cat(format("  POGS optimizer is opening..."), "\n")
      cat(format("  Finding the optimal weights..."), "\n")
      out = pogs::pogs(Amat2, f, g, params = params)
  # Get status code
  status = out$status
  if (status == 0) {
    status = "optimal"
    cat(format("  Optimal weights found."), "\n")
    # Get weights
    weights = (out$x)[1:n]
    if (lb[1] == 0 & min(weights, na.rm = TRUE) < 0) {
      weights[weights < 0] = 0
    if (normalize == 1) {
      weights = weights/sum(weights)
    # Get objective
    objective_value = 2*out$optval - n*sum(weights/n)^2
    # Get dual table
    shadow_price = NULL
  } else {
    cat(format("  Optimal weights not found."), "\n")
    stop(paste("pogs status code = ", status))
  return(list(objective_value = objective_value, status = status, weights = weights, shadow_price = shadow_price))

# solver: cplex
.sbwpricplex = function(problemparameters.object, trace) {
  normalize = problemparameters.object$normalize
  nor = problemparameters.object$nor
  n = problemparameters.object$n
  Amat = problemparameters.object$Amat
  bvec = problemparameters.object$bvec
  cvec = problemparameters.object$cvec
  lb = problemparameters.object$lb
  ub = problemparameters.object$ub
  sense = problemparameters.object$sense
  var_type = problemparameters.object$var_type
  cat(format("  CPLEX optimizer is opening..."), "\n")
  cat(format("  Finding the optimal weights..."), "\n")
  if (nor == "l_1" | nor == "l_inf") {
    out = Rcplex::Rcplex(cvec, Amat, bvec, lb = lb, ub = ub, sense = sense, vtype = var_type, n = 1, control = list(trace = trace))
  if (nor == "l_2") {
    # The primal problem is
    # minimize: c'x + 0.5x'Qx
    # subject to:
    # 	A x <= b
    #   (and sum(x) = 1 if normalize = 1)
    # with bounds:
    # 	lb <= x <= ub
    # In the solver cplex, 
    #   cvec := c
    #   Amat := A
    #   bvec := b
    #   Qmat := Q
    #   lb <= x <= ub
    # For l_2 norm,
    #   c = 0
    #   Q = 2*(diag(n) - 1/n)
    Qmat = diag(n) - 1/n
    out = Rcplex::Rcplex(cvec = cvec, Amat = Amat, bvec = bvec, Qmat = 2*Qmat, lb = lb, ub = ub, sense = sense, vtype = var_type, n = 1, control = list(trace = trace))
  # Get status code
  status = out$status
  if (status == 1) {
    status = "optimal"
    cat(format("  Optimal weights found."), "\n")
  } else if (status %in% c(2, 3, 4)) {
    # status = "infeasible or unbounded"
    cat(format("  Problem ill-posed."), "\n")
    message("  Please find the cplex status code on https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSSA5P_12.6.3/ilog.odms.cplex.help/refcallablelibrary/macros/homepagesolutionstatus.html")
    stop(paste("CPLEX status code = ", status))
  } else {
    cat(format("  Optimal weights not found."), "\n")
    message("  Please find the cplex status code on https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSSA5P_12.6.3/ilog.odms.cplex.help/refcallablelibrary/macros/homepagesolutionstatus.html")
    stop(paste("CPLEX status code = ", status))
  # Get weights
  weights = (out$xopt)[1:n]
  if (lb[1] == 0 & min(weights, na.rm = TRUE) < 0) {
    weights[weights < 0] = 0
  if (normalize == 1) {
    weights = weights/sum(weights)
  # Get objective
  objective_value = out$obj
  # Get dual table
  dual_vars = out$extra$lambda[names(bvec) != ""]
  dual_names = names(bvec)[names(bvec) != ""]
  if (!is.null(dual_vars)) {
    names(dual_vars) = dual_names
    shadow_price  = .dualtable(dual_vars)
  } else shadow_price = NULL
  return(list(objective_value = objective_value, status = status, weights = weights, shadow_price = shadow_price))
# solver: quadprog
.sbwpriquadprog = function(problemparameters.object) {
  normalize = problemparameters.object$normalize
  nor = problemparameters.object$nor
  n = problemparameters.object$n
  Amat = problemparameters.object$Amat
  bvec = problemparameters.object$bvec
  cvec = problemparameters.object$cvec
  lb = problemparameters.object$lb
  ub = problemparameters.object$ub
  sense = problemparameters.object$sense
  if (nor == "l_1" | nor == "l_inf") {
    stop("Minimizing the l_1 or l_inf norm is not a valid option with quadprog. Please use one of cplex, gurobi and mosek.")
  if (nor == "l_2") {
    # The primal problem is
    # minimize: c'x + 0.5x'Qx
    # subject to:
    # 	A x <= b
    #   (and sum(x) = 1 if normalize = 1)
    # with bounds:
    # 	lb <= x <= ub
    # In the solver quadprog, 
    #   dvec := -c
    #   Amat := -(A, -I)'
    #   bvec := (-b, 0)
    #   Dmat := Q
    # The first meq constraints are treated as equality constraints
    #   if normalize = 1, meq = 1
    #   Amat = (1, Amat)
    #   bvec = (1, bvec)
    # For l_2 norm,
    #   c = 0
    #   Q = 2*diag(n)
    Dmat = 2*diag(n)
    Amat = as.matrix(Amat)

    if (normalize == 1) {
      # Intervert the first line with the last line of Amat and bvec
      meq = sum(sense == "E")
      tmp = bvec[(length(bvec) - meq + 1):length(bvec)]
      bvec[(meq + 1):length(bvec)] = bvec[1:(length(bvec) - meq)]
      bvec[1:meq] = tmp
      tmp = Amat[(nrow(Amat) - meq + 1):nrow(Amat),]
      Amat[(meq + 1):nrow(Amat),] = Amat[1:(nrow(Amat) - meq),]
      Amat[1:meq,] = tmp
    if (lb[1] == -Inf) {
      Amat2 = Amat
      bvec2 = bvec
    if (lb[1] == 0) {
      # Add the non-negativity constraints
      Amat2 = matrix(0, nrow(Amat) + ncol(Amat), ncol(Amat))
      Amat2[1:nrow(Amat), 1:ncol(Amat)] = Amat
      Amat2[(1 + nrow(Amat)):(nrow(Amat) + ncol(Amat)), 1:ncol(Amat)] = -1*diag(ncol(Amat))
      bvec2 = rep(0, (length(bvec) + n))
      bvec2[1:length(bvec)] = bvec
    # Adapt matrices to quadprog
    # minimize: -dvec'x + 0.5x'Dmat x
    # subject to:
    #   Amat x >= bvec
    # the first meq constraints are treated as equality constraints, meq
    Amat4 = -t(Amat2)
    bvec4 = -bvec2

    cat(format("  quadprog optimizer is opening..."), "\n")
    cat(format("  Finding the optimal weights..."), "\n")
    out = quadprog::solve.QP(Dmat, dvec = cvec, Amat4, bvec4, meq = 1)
  # Get weights
  weights = (out$solution)[1:n]
  if (lb[1] == 0 & min(weights, na.rm = TRUE) < 0) {
    weights[weights < 0] = 0
  if (normalize == 1) {
    weights = weights/sum(weights)
  # Get objective
  objective_value = out$value - n*mean(weights)^2
  if (is.na(objective_value) | is.nan(objective_value)| is.null(objective_value)) {
    cat(format("  Optimal weights not found."), "\n")
  } else cat(format("  Optimal weights found."), "\n")
  # No status code
  status = NA
  # Get dual table
  if (normalize == 1) {
    dual_vars = (-out$Lagrangian[(meq+1):(nrow(Amat))])
  } else dual_vars = (-out$Lagrangian[1:(nrow(Amat))])
  dual_names = names(bvec)[names(bvec) != ""]
  if (!is.null(dual_vars)) {
    names(dual_vars) = dual_names
    shadow_price  = .dualtable(dual_vars)
  } else shadow_price = NULL
  return(list(objective_value = objective_value, status = status, weights = weights, shadow_price = shadow_price))

# # solver: quadprogpp
# .sbwpriquadprogpp = function(problemparameters.object) {
  # normalize = problemparameters.object$normalize
  # nor = problemparameters.object$nor
  # n = problemparameters.object$n
  # Amat = problemparameters.object$Amat
  # bvec = problemparameters.object$bvec
  # cvec = problemparameters.object$cvec
  # lb = problemparameters.object$lb
  # ub = problemparameters.object$ub
  # sense = problemparameters.object$sense
  # rm(problemparameters.object)
  # if (nor == "l_1" | nor == "l_inf") {
    # stop("Minimizing the l_1 or l_inf norm is not a valid option with quadprogpp. Please use one of cplex, gurobi and mosek.")
  # }
  # if (nor == "l_2") {
    # # The primal problem is
    # # minimize: c'x + 0.5x'Qx
    # # subject to:
    # # 	A x <= b
    # #   (and sum(x) = 1 if normalize = 1)
    # # with bounds:
    # # 	lb <= x <= ub
    # # In the solver quadprogpp, 
    # #   G := Q
    # #   g0 := c
    # #   CI := -(A', -I)
    # #   ci0 := (b, 0)
    # #   if normalize = 1, meq = 1
    # #   CE = matrix(1, n, 1)
    # #   ce0 = c(-1)

    # G = 2*diag(n)
    # g0 = cvec
    # Amat = as.matrix(Amat)
    # if (normalize == 1) {
      # meq = sum(sense == "E")
      # ci0 = bvec[1:(length(bvec) - meq)]
      # CI = -t(Amat[1:(nrow(Amat) - meq),])
      # ce0 = c(-1)
      # CE = matrix(1, n, 1)
    # }
    # if (lb[1] == 0) {
      # # Add the non-negativity constraints
      # CI = cbind(CI, diag(n))
      # ci0 = c(ci0, rep(0, n))
    # }
    # cat(format("  quadprogpp optimizer is opening..."), "\n")
    # cat(format("  Finding the optimal weights..."), "\n")
    # out = quadprogpp::QP.Solve(G, g0, CI, ci0, CE, ce0)
  # }
  # # Get weights
  # weights = out[1:n]
  # if (lb[1] == 0 & min(weights, na.rm = TRUE) < 0) {
    # weights[weights < 0] = 0
  # }
  # if (normalize == 1) {
    # weights = weights/sum(weights)
  # }
  # # Get objective
  # objective_value = NA
  # if (is.na(weights[1])) {
    # cat(format("  Optimal weights not found."), "\n")
  # } else cat(format("  Optimal weights found."), "\n")
  # # No status code
  # status = NA
  # # Get dual table
  # shadow_price = NULL
  # return(list(objective_value = objective_value, status = status, weights = weights, shadow_price = shadow_price))
# }  

# solver: gurobi
.sbwprigurobi = function(problemparameters.object, params) {
  normalize = problemparameters.object$normalize
  nor = problemparameters.object$nor
  n = problemparameters.object$n
  Amat = problemparameters.object$Amat
  bvec = problemparameters.object$bvec
  cvec = problemparameters.object$cvec
  lb = problemparameters.object$lb
  ub = problemparameters.object$ub
  sense = problemparameters.object$sense
  var_type = problemparameters.object$var_type
  # The primal problem is
  # minimize: c'x + 0.5x'Qx
  # subject to:
  # 	A x <= b
  #   (and sum(x) = 1 if normalize = 1)
  # with bounds:
  # 	lb <= x <= ub
  # In solver gurobi, 
  #   obj := c
  #   A := A
  #   rhs := b
  #   Q := Q
  model = list()
  model$modelsense = 'min'
  model$obj = cvec
  model$A = Amat
  model$sense = rep(NA, length(sense))
  model$sense[sense=="E"] = '='
  model$sense[sense=="L"] = '<='
  model$sense[sense=="G"] = '>='
  model$rhs = bvec
  model$vtype = var_type
  model$lb = lb
  model$ub = ub
  cat(format("  Gurobi optimizer is opening..."), "\n")
  cat(format("  Finding the optimal weights..."), "\n")
  if (nor == "l_1" | nor == "l_inf") {
    out = gurobi::gurobi(model, params)
  if (nor == "l_2") {
    model$Q = diag(n) - 1/n
    out = gurobi::gurobi(model, params)
  # Get status code
  status = out$status
  if (status == "OPTIMAL") {
    status = "optimal"
    cat(format("  Optimal weights found."), "\n")
  } else {
    cat(format("  Optimal weights not found."), "\n")
    message("  Please find the gurobi status code on http://www.gurobi.com/documentation/8.0/refman/optimization_status_codes.html")
    stop(paste("Gurobi status code = ", status))
  # Get weights
  weights = (out$x)[1:n]
  if (lb[1] == 0 & min(weights, na.rm = TRUE) < 0) {
    weights[weights < 0] = 0
  if (normalize == 1) {
    weights = weights/sum(weights)
  # Get objective
  objective_value = out$obj
  # Get dual table
  dual_vars = out$pi[names(bvec) != ""]
  dual_names = names(bvec)[names(bvec) != ""]
  if (!is.null(dual_vars)) {
    names(dual_vars) = dual_names
    shadow_price  = .dualtable(dual_vars)
  } else shadow_price = NULL
  return(list(objective_value = objective_value, status = status, weights = weights, shadow_price = shadow_price))

# solver = mosek
# upgraded to Rmosek 1.3.5
.sbwprimosek = function(problemparameters.object, verbose) {
  normalize = problemparameters.object$normalize
  nor = problemparameters.object$nor
  n = problemparameters.object$n
  Amat = problemparameters.object$Amat
  bvec = problemparameters.object$bvec
  cvec = problemparameters.object$cvec
  lb = problemparameters.object$lb
  ub = problemparameters.object$ub
  sense = problemparameters.object$sense
  if (nor == "l_2") {
    # The primal problem is
    # minimize: c'x + 0.5x'Qx
    # subject to:
    # 	A x <= b
    #   (and sum(x) = 1 if normalize = 1)
    # with bounds:
    # 	lb <= x <= ub
    # Solver mosek has the form, 
    # minimize: f'x + 0.5x'(F'F)x
    # subject to:
    # 	A x <= b
    #  	Aeq x = beq
    # with bounds:
    # 	lb <= x <= ub
    # For l_2 norm,
    #   f = 0
    #   F = sqrt(2)*diag(n)
    mos = list()
    if (normalize == 1) {
      meq = sum(sense == "E")
      # Specify the A matrix
      Amat = .as.sparseMatrix(Amat)
      mos$A = Amat
      # Specify the bounds of the constraints
      mos$bc = rbind(blc = c(rep(-Inf, length(bvec) - meq), bvec[(length(bvec) - meq + 1):length(bvec)]),
                     buc = bvec)
    } else {
      # Specify the A matrix
      Amat = .as.sparseMatrix(Amat)
      mos$A = Amat
      # Specify the bounds of the constraints
      mos$bc = rbind(blc = rep(-Inf, length(bvec)), 
                     buc = bvec)
    # Specify the sense
    mos$sense = "min"
    # Specify the c vector
    mos$c = cvec
    # Specify the quadratic objective matrix in triplet form.
    mos$qobj$i = 1:n
    mos$qobj$j = 1:n
    mos$qobj$v = rep(2.0, n)
    # Specify the bounds of the variables
    mos$bx = rbind(blx = lb,
                   bux = ub)
    cat(format("  Mosek optimizer is opening..."), "\n")
    cat(format("  Finding the optimal weights..."), "\n")
    out = Rmosek::mosek(mos, list(verbose = verbose))
  if (nor == "l_1" | nor == "l_inf") {
    # For l_1 and l_inf norm
    # minimize: f'x
    #   subject to:
    #   A x <= b
    #   Aeq x = beq
    # with bounds:
    #  lb <= x <= ub
    mos = list()
    if (normalize == 1) {
      meq = sum(sense == "E")
      # Specify the A matrix
      Amat = .as.sparseMatrix(Amat)
      mos$A = Amat
      # Specify the bounds of the constraints
      mos$bc = rbind(blc = c(rep(-Inf, length(bvec) - meq), bvec[(length(bvec) - meq + 1):length(bvec)]),
                     buc = bvec)
    } else {
      # Specify the A matrix
      Amat = .as.sparseMatrix(Amat)
      mos$A = Amat
      # Specify the bounds of the constraints
      mos$bc = rbind(blc = rep(-Inf, length(bvec)), 
                     buc = bvec)
    # Specify the sense
    mos$sense = "min"
    # Specify the c vector
    mos$c = cvec
    # Specify the bounds of the variables
    mos$bx = rbind(blx = lb,
                   bux = ub)
    cat(format("  Mosek optimizer is opening..."), "\n")
    cat(format("  Finding the optimal weights..."), "\n")
    out = Rmosek::mosek(mos, list(verbose = verbose))
  # Get status
  code = out$response$code
  solsta = out$sol$itr$solsta
  if (!is.null(solsta)) {
    if (code == 0) {
      # Get weights
      weights = out$sol$itr$xx[1:n]
      if (solsta == "OPTIMAL") {
        status = "optimal"
        cat(format("  Optimal weights found."), "\n")
        objective_value = as.numeric(mos$c %*% out$sol$itr$xx - n*mean(weights)^2)
        if (lb[1] == 0 & min(weights, na.rm = TRUE) < 0) {
          weights[weights < 0] = 0
        if (normalize == 1) {
          weights = weights/sum(weights)
        # Dual variable for upper constraints
        dual_vars = (-out$sol$itr$suc[1:length(bvec)])[names(bvec) != ""]
        dual_names = names(bvec)[names(bvec) != ""]
        if (!is.null(dual_vars)) {
          names(dual_vars) = dual_names
          shadow_price  = .dualtable(dual_vars)
        } else shadow_price = NULL
      } else {
        status = solsta
        cat(format("  Problem ill-posed."), "\n")
        message("  Please find the mosek status on https://docs.mosek.com/9.1/rmosek/accessing-solution.html")
        stop(paste("Mosek status = ", status))
    } else {
      cat(format("  Optimal weights not found."), "\n")
      message("  Please find the mosek status code on https://docs.mosek.com/9.1/rmosek/response-codes.html")
      stop(paste("Mosek status code = ", code))
  } else {
    cat(format("  Optimal weights not found."), "\n")
    message("  Please find the mosek status code on https://docs.mosek.com/9.1/rmosek/response-codes.html")
    stop(paste("Mosek status code = ", code))
  return(list(objective_value = objective_value, status = status, weights = weights, shadow_price = shadow_price))

# solver: osqp
.sbwpriosqp = function(problemparameters.object, verbose) {
  normalize = problemparameters.object$normalize
  nor = problemparameters.object$nor
  n = problemparameters.object$n
  Amat = problemparameters.object$Amat
  bvec = problemparameters.object$bvec
  cvec = problemparameters.object$cvec
  lb = problemparameters.object$lb
  ub = problemparameters.object$ub
  sense = problemparameters.object$sense
  if (nor == "l_1" | nor == "l_inf") {
    stop("Minimizing the l_1 or l_inf norm is not a valid option with quadprog. Please use one of cplex, gurobi and mosek.")
  if (nor == "l_2") {
    # The primal problem is
    # minimize: c'x + 0.5x'Qx
    # subject to:
    # 	A x <= b
    #   (and sum(x) = 1 if normalize = 1)
    # with bounds:
    # 	lb <= x <= ub
    # In the solver osqp, 
    #   q := c
    #   A := A
    #   u := b
    #   if normalize = 1, meq = 1
    #   A = (A, 1)
    #   u = (bvec, 1)
    #   l = (-Inf, 1)
    # For l_2 norm,
    #   c = 0
    #   P = 2*(diag(n) - 1/n)
    P = 2*(diag(n) - 1/n)
    q = cvec
    A = Amat
    l = rep_len(-Inf, length(bvec))
    u = bvec
    if (normalize == 1) {
      l[length(l)] = 1
    if (lb[1] == 0) {
      # Add the non-negativity constraints
      A = rbind(as.matrix(A), diag(n))
      u = c(u, rep_len(Inf, n))
      l = c(l, rep_len(0., n))
    } else {
      A = rbind(as.matrix(A), diag(n))
      u = c(u, rep_len(Inf, n))
      l = c(l, rep_len(-Inf, n))
    P = Matrix::Matrix(P, sparse = TRUE)
    # A = as.matrix(A)
    cat(format("  osqp optimizer is opening..."), "\n")
    cat(format("  Finding the optimal weights..."), "\n")
    # eps_prim_inf = as.double(10^(-ceiling(log10(n)))*1e-20)
    out = osqp::solve_osqp(P = P, q = q, A = A, l = l, u = u, 
                           pars = osqp::osqpSettings(eps_prim_inf = 1e-32, eps_dual_inf = 1e-32, alpha = 1, polish = TRUE))
  # Get status code
  status = out$info$status
  # Get weights
  weights = (out$x)[1:n]
  if (lb[1] == 0 & min(weights, na.rm = TRUE) < 0) {
    weights[weights < 0] = 0
  if (normalize == 1) {
    weights = weights/sum(weights)
  # Get objective
  objective_value = var(weights)*(n-1)
  if (is.na(objective_value) | is.nan(objective_value)| is.null(objective_value)) {
    cat(format("  Optimal weights not found."), "\n")
  } else cat(format("  Optimal weights found."), "\n")
  # Get dual table
  dual_vars = out$y[1:sum(sense == "L")]
  dual_names = names(bvec)[names(bvec) != ""]
  if (!is.null(dual_vars)) {
    names(dual_vars) = dual_names
    shadow_price  = .dualtable(dual_vars)
  } else shadow_price = NULL
  return(list(objective_value = objective_value, status = status, weights = weights, shadow_price = shadow_price))

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sbw documentation built on Sept. 22, 2021, 9:07 a.m.