
Defines functions parse_unit_spec unit_seconds ceiling_time ceiling_date floor_time floor_date

# Minimal date time code so no external dependencies needed, and
# we can do the date operations we need.  Need to look at this again once we
# switch to S4 for lubridate.

"%||%" <- function(a, b) if (!is.null(a)) a else b

floor_date <- function(date, time) {
  prec <- parse_unit_spec(time)
  if (prec$unit == "day") {
    structure(round_any(as.numeric(date), prec$mult), class = "Date")
  } else {
    as.Date(cut(date, time, right = TRUE, include.lowest = TRUE))

floor_time <- function(date, time) {
  to_time <- function(x) {
      class = c("POSIXt", "POSIXct"),
      tzone = attr(date, "tzone", exact = TRUE) %||% ""

  prec <- parse_unit_spec(time)
  if (prec$unit == "sec") {
    to_time(round_any(as.numeric(date), prec$mult))
  } else if (prec$unit == "min") {
    to_time(round_any(as.numeric(date), prec$mult * 60))
  } else {
      cut(date, time, right = TRUE, include.lowest = TRUE),
      tz = attr(date, "tzone", exact = TRUE) %||% ""

ceiling_date <- function(date, time) {
  prec <- parse_unit_spec(time)

  up <- c("day" = 1, "week" = 7, "month" = 31, "year" = 365)
  date <- date + prec$mult * up[prec$unit]

  floor_date(date, time)

ceiling_time <- function(date, time) {
  date <- date + unit_seconds(time)

  floor_time(date, time)

unit_seconds <- function(unitspec) {
  prec <- parse_unit_spec(unitspec)

  unit_in_seconds <- c(
    "sec" = 1, "min" = 60, "hour" = 3600,
    c("day" = 1, "week" = 7, "month" = 31, "year" = 365) * 3600 * 24
  prec$mult * unit_in_seconds[prec$unit]

parse_unit_spec <- function(unitspec) {
  parts <- strsplit(unitspec, " ")[[1]]
  if (length(parts) == 1) {
    mult <- 1
    unit <- unitspec
  } else {
    mult <- as.numeric(parts[[1]])
    unit <- parts[[2]]
  unit <- gsub("s$", "", unit)

  list(unit = unit, mult = mult)

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scales documentation built on July 4, 2024, 1:11 a.m.