
## ----echo=FALSE, include=FALSE------------------------------------------------

## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
#  library(sdcHierarchies)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
h <- hier_create(root = "Total", nodes = LETTERS[1:5])

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## adding nodes below the node specified in argument `node`
h <- hier_add(h, root = "A", nodes = c("a1", "a2"))
h <- hier_add(h, root = "B", nodes = c("b1", "b2"))
h <- hier_add(h, root = "b1", nodes = c("b1_a", "b1_b"))

# deleting one or more nodes from the hierarchy
h <- hier_delete(h, nodes = c("a1", "b2"))
h <- hier_delete(h, nodes = c("a2"))

# rename nodes
h <- hier_rename(h, nodes = c("C" = "X", "D" = "Y"))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# about a specific node
info <- hier_info(h, nodes = c("b1", "E"))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## ----eval=TRUE----------------------------------------------------------------
# conversion to a "@;label"-based format
res_df <- hier_convert(h, as = "df")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
code <- hier_convert(h, as = "code"); cat(code, sep = "\n")

## ----eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------
#  hier_export(h, as = "argus", path = file.path(tempfile(), "hierarchy.hrc"))

## ----eval=TRUE----------------------------------------------------------------
n_df <- hier_import(inp = res_df, from = "df")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
geo_m <- c(
  "01051", "01053", "01054", "01055", "01056", "01057", "01058", "01059", "01060", "01061", "01062",
  "03151", "03152", "03153", "03154", "03155", "03156", "03157", "03158", "03251", "03252", "03254", "03255",
  "03256", "03257", "03351", "03352", "03353", "03354", "03355", "03356", "03357", "03358", "03359", "03360",
  "03361", "03451", "03452", "03453", "03454", "03455", "03456",

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
v1 <- hier_compute(
  inp = geo_m, 
  dim_spec = c(2, 3, 5), 
  root = "Tot", 
  method = "endpos", 
  as = "df"

v2 <- hier_compute(
  inp = geo_m, 
  dim_spec = c(2, 1, 2), 
  root = "Tot", 
  method = "len",
  as = "df"

identical(v1, v2)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
geo_m_with_tot <- paste0("Tot", geo_m)

v3 <- hier_compute(
  inp = geo_m_with_tot, 
  dim_spec = c(3, 2, 1, 2), 
  method = "len"
); hier_display(v3)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## second example, unequal strings; overall total not included in input
yae_h <- c(
  "1.1.1.", "1.1.2.",
  "1.2.1.", "1.2.2.", "1.2.3.", "1.2.4.", "1.2.5.", "1.3.1.",
  "1.3.2.", "1.3.3.", "1.3.4.", "1.3.5.",
  "1.4.1.", "1.4.2.", "1.4.3.", "1.4.4.", "1.4.5.",
  "1.5.", "1.6.", "1.7.", "1.8.", "1.9.", "2.", "3.")
v1 <- hier_compute(
  inp = yae_h, 
  dim_spec = c(2,2,2), 
  root = "Tot", 
  method = "len"
); hier_display(v1)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
yae_ll <- list()
yae_ll[["Total"]] <- c("1.", "2.", "3.")
yae_ll[["1."]] <- paste0("1.", 1:9, ".")
yae_ll[["1.1."]] <- paste0("1.1.", 1:2, ".")
yae_ll[["1.2."]] <- paste0("1.2.", 1:5, ".")
yae_ll[["1.3."]] <- paste0("1.3.", 1:5, ".")
yae_ll[["1.4."]] <- paste0("1.4.", 1:6, ".")
d <- hier_compute(inp = yae_ll, root = "Total", method = "list") 

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
h1 <- hier_create("Total", nodes = LETTERS[1:3])
h1 <- hier_add(h1, root = "A", node = "a1")
h1 <- hier_add(h1, root = "a1", node = "aa1")

h2 <- hier_create("Total", letters[1:5])
h2 <- hier_add(h2, root = "b", node = "b1")
h2 <- hier_add(h2, root = "d", node = "d1")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
hier_grid(h1, h2)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
hier_grid(h1, h2, add_dups = FALSE, add_levs = TRUE)

## ----eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------
#  d <- hier_app(d)

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sdcHierarchies documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:01 a.m.