
Defines functions claiminfo

Documented in claiminfo

claiminfo <- function(...) {
    arglist <- list(...)

    if (length(arglist) == 1L && is.riskproc(arglist[[1L]])) {
        ## If we have a riskproc object, just return its claiminfo part
    } else {
        if ('hypoexp' %in% names(arglist) && is.numeric(arglist[[c('hypoexp', 'rates')]])) {

            arglist <- within(arglist, {
                mu           <- sum(1.0 / arglist[[c('hypoexp', 'rates')]])
                hypoexp$coef <- ratetoalpha(arglist[[c('hypoexp', 'rates')]])

                mgf <- function(x) {
                    mgfhypoexp(x         = x,
                               rate      = arglist[[c('hypoexp', 'rates')]],
                               difforder = 0L)

                mgf.d1 <- function(x) {
                    mgfhypoexp(x         = x,
                               rate      = arglist[[c('hypoexp', 'rates')]],
                               difforder = 1L)

                mgf.d2 <- function(x) {
                    mgfhypoexp(x         = x,
                               rate      = arglist[[c('hypoexp', 'rates')]],
                               difforder = 2L)

                cdf <- function(x) {
                    phypoexp(q    = x,
                             rate = arglist[[c('hypoexp', 'rates')]])

                cdf.tailarea <- function(x) {
                    phypoexp(q        = x,
                             rate     = arglist[[c('hypoexp', 'rates')]],
                             tailarea = TRUE)

                pdf <- function(x) {
                    dhypoexp(x    = x,
                             rate = arglist[[c('hypoexp', 'rates')]])

        return(structure(.Data = arglist,
                         class = c('claiminfo', 'list')))

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sdprisk documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:50 p.m.