
Defines functions upd_call

# m <- seas(AirPassengers, forecast.save = "forecasts")
# x <- m$call
# a <- upd_call(x, "estimate.armacmatrix")
# upd_call(a, "forecast.forecasts")

# this works but is a bit too strict. E.g. if we have another forecast.save
# activated, it would overwrite it. If we want to use it in series(), this must
# be fixed. For the website, it is probably ok.

# m <- seas(AirPassengers)
# call <- upd_call(call, "seats.seasonal")

upd_call <- function(x, series){

  # message("series:", series)
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "call"))
  data(specs, envir = environment(), package = "seasonal")  # avoid side effects
  is.dotted <- grepl("\\.", series)
  # check validiy of short or long names
  is.valid <- logical(length = length(series))
  is.valid[is.dotted] <- series[is.dotted] %in% SPECS$long[SPECS$is.series]
  is.valid[!is.dotted] <- series[!is.dotted] %in% SPECS$short[SPECS$is.series]

  if (any(!is.valid)){
    stop(paste0("\nseries not valid: ", paste(series[!is.valid], collapse = ", "), "\nsee ?series for a list of importable series "))
  # unique short names
  series.short <- unique(c(series[!is.dotted], 
    merge(data.frame(long = series[is.dotted]), SPECS)$short))

  series.NA <- series.short

  activated <- NULL
  ll <- list()
  j <- 1  # flexible index to allow for an arbitrary number of requirements
  for (i in seq_along(series.NA)){
    series.NA.i <- series.NA[i]
    spec.i <- as.character(SPECS[SPECS$short == series.NA.i & SPECS$is.series, ]$spec)
    if (length(spec.i) > 1) stop("not unique.")
    activated <- c(activated, spec.i)

    requires.i <- as.character(SPECS[SPECS$short == series.NA.i & SPECS$is.series, ]$requires)
    if (length(requires.i) > 0){
      requires.list <- eval(parse(text = paste("list(", requires.i, ")")))
      ll <- c(ll, requires.list)
      j <- length(ll) + 1
    ll[[j]] <- series.NA.i
    names(ll)[j] <- paste0(spec.i, '.save')
    j <- j + 1

  lc <- as.list(x)

  # remove existing 'save arguments'
  lc <- lc[!grepl(".save", names(lc), fixed = TRUE)]

  lc <- c(lc[1], lc[-1][setdiff(names(lc[-1]), names(ll))], ll)

Try the seasonalview package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

seasonalview documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:45 a.m.