#' Internal function that fits the seawaveQ model.
#' fitMod is called from within \link{fitswavecav} but
#' can be invoked directly. It fits the seawaveQ model and returns the
#' results.
#' @param cdatsub is the concentration data.
#' @param cavdat is the continuous (daily) ancillary data.
#' @param yrstart is the starting year of the analysis (treated as January
#' 1 of that year).
#' @param yrend is the ending year of the analysis (treated as December 31
#' of that year).
#' @param tndbeg is the beginning (in whole or decimal years) of the
#' trend period.
#' @param tndend is the end (in whole or decimal years) of the trend
#' period.
#' @param tanm is a character identifier that names the trend
#' analysis run. It is used to label output files.
#' @param pnames is the parameter (water-quality constituents) to
#' analyze (if using USGS parameters, omit the starting 'P', such as
#' "00945" for sulfate).
#' @param qwcols is a character vector with the beginning of the
#' column headers for remarks code (default is R), and beginning of
#' column headers for concentration data (default is P for parameter).
#' @param mclass indicates the class of model to use.
#' A class 1 model is the the traditional SEAWAVE-Q model that has a
#' linear time trend. A class 2 model is a newer option for longer
#' trend periods that uses a set of restricted cubic splines on the
#' time variable to provide a more flexible model. The default is 1.
#' (Harrell, 2010, 2018).
#' @param numk is the number of knots in the restricted cubic spline model
#' (mclass = 2). The default is 4, and the recommended number is 3--7.
#' @param plotfile is by default FALSE. True will write pdf files of plots to
#' the user's file system.
#' @param textfile is by default FALSE. True will write text output files
#' to the user's file system. These files are useful for detailed model
#' comparisons, documenting session information, and for model archives.
#' @keywords models
#' @keywords regression
#' @keywords survival
#' @keywords ts
#' @keywords multivariate
#' @author Aldo V. Vecchia and Karen R. Ryberg
#' @return A PDF file (if plotfile is TRUE) containing plots (see
#' \code{\link{seawaveQPlots}}), a text file showing the best model survival
#' regression call and results, and a list. The first element of the list
#' contains information about the data and the model(s) selected (see
#' \code{\link{examplestpars}}). The second element of the list contains
#' the summary of the survival regression call. The third element of the
#' list is itself a list containing the observed concentrations (censored
#' and uncensored) and the predicted concentrations used by
#' \code{\link{seawaveQPlots}} or \code{\link{seawaveQPlots2}} to generate the
#' plots.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(swData)
#' myRes <- fitMod(cdatsub = examplecdatsub, cavdat = examplecavdat,
#' yrstart = 1995, yrend = 2003, tndbeg = 1995, tndend = 2003, tanm = "myfit3",
#' pnames = c("04041"), qwcols = c("R", "P"), plotfile = FALSE,
#' textfile = FALSE)
#' @references
#' Allison, P.D., 1995, Survival analysis using the SAS system---A
#' practical guide: Cary, N.C., SAS Institute, Inc., 304 p.
#' Harrell, F.E., Jr., 2010, Regression modeling strategies---With
#' applications to linear models, logistic regression, and survival
#' analysis: New York, Springer-Verlag, 568 p.
#' Harrell, F.E., Jr., 2018, rms---Regression modeling strategies:
#' R package version 5.1-2, \url{}.
fitMod <- function(cdatsub, cavdat, yrstart, yrend, tndbeg, tndend, tanm,
pnames, qwcols, mclass = 1, numk = 4, plotfile = FALSE,
textfile = FALSE) {
yr <- cdatsub[[1]]
mo <- cdatsub[[2]]
da <- cdatsub[[3]]
dyr <- yr + (mo - 1) / 12 + (da - 0.5) / 366
yrpr <- cavdat[[1]]
mopr <- cavdat[[2]]
dapr <- cavdat[[3]]
dyrpr <- yrpr + (mopr - 1) / 12 + (dapr - 0.5) / 366
ccol <- paste(qwcols[2], pnames, sep = "")
clog <- log10(cdatsub[, ccol])
cencol <- paste(qwcols[1], pnames, sep = "")
centmp <- cdatsub[, cencol] == '<'
# set up matrix with continuous variables
if (length(cdatsub[1,]) > 6) {
cavmat <- as.matrix(cdatsub[, 7:length(cdatsub[1, ])])
} else {
cavmat <- as.matrix(cdatsub)
# compute variables for decimal season, year, and trend
tseas <- dyr - floor(dyr)
tyr <- dyr
tyrpr <- dyrpr
tseaspr <- (dyrpr - floor(dyrpr))
tmid <- (tndbeg + tndend) / 2
tndlin <- tyr - tmid
tndlin[tyr < tndbeg] <- tndbeg - tmid
tndlin[tyr > tndend + 1] <- tndend - tmid
if (mclass == 2) {
# create a linear tail-restricted cubic spline function,
# with a particular number of knots,
# using the observation dates in the trend period
tndrcs <- rcs(tndlin, numk)
# create the time series for continuous (daily) modeling of
# pesticide concentrations and create a linear tail-restricted
# cubic spline function, using the knots from the
# data used to build the model
tndlinpr <- tyrpr - tmid
tndlinpr[tyrpr < tndbeg] <- tndbeg - tmid
tndlinpr[tyrpr > tndend + 1] <- tndend - tmid
tndrcspr <- rcs(tndlinpr, attributes(tndrcs)$parms)
} else {
# create the time series for continuous (daily) modeling of
# pesticide concentrations
tndlinpr <- tyrpr - tmid
tndlinpr[tyrpr < tndbeg] <- tndbeg - tmid
tndlinpr[tyrpr > tndend + 1] <- tndend - tmid
# find cmaxt (decimal season of max concentration)
tmpsm <- supsmu(tseas, clog)
xsm <- tmpsm$x
ysm <- tmpsm$y
nsm <- length(ysm)
cmaxt <- xsm[order(ysm)[nsm]]
if (mclass == 2) {
# nexvars is the number of explanatory variables (wave, trend,
# and continuous variables, if any)
# stpars and aovout store the model output
nexvars <- 2 + (length(cdatsub[1, ]) - 6) + (numk - 1)
stpars <- matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = (4 + 2 * nexvars + (numk - 1) + 1))
aovout <- vector("list", 1)
aicout <- vector("list", 2)
bicout <- vector("list", 2)
# parx and aovtmp are temporary objects to store results
# for 56 model possibilities
parx <- matrix(nrow = 56, ncol = (dim(stpars)[[2]] - 1))
aovtmp <- vector("list", 56)
aictmp <- vector("list", 56)
bictmp <- vector("list", 56)
# ready to loop through 56 model choices
# (14 models x 4 halflives)
wvmsg <- paste("Computing the best seasonal wave.")
for (j in 1:14) {
for (k in 1:4) {
j2 <- (j - 1) * 4 + k
awave <- compwaveconv(cmaxt, j, k)
ipkt <- floor(360 * tseas)
ipkt[ipkt == 0] <- 1
wavest <- awave[ipkt]
ipkt <- floor(360 * tseaspr)
ipkt[ipkt == 0] <- 1
wavestpr <- awave[ipkt]
indcen <- !centmp
intcpt <- rep(1, length(wavest))
xmat <- cbind(intcpt, wavest, tndrcs)
if (length(cdatsub[1, ]) > 6) {
xmat <- cbind(xmat, cavmat)
nctmp <- length(xmat[1, ])
clogtmp <- clog
# requires survival package
tmpouta <- survreg(Surv(time = clogtmp, time2 = indcen,
type = "left") ~ xmat - 1, dist = "gaussian",
control = list(maxiter = 100))
parx[j2, ] <- c(mclass, j2, tmpouta$scale, tmpouta$loglik[2],
tmpouta$coef, summary(tmpouta)$table[1:nctmp, 2],
row.names(summary(tmpouta)$table)), 4])
aovtmp[[j2]] <- summary(tmpouta)
aictmp[[j2]] <- extractAIC(tmpouta)[2]
bictmp[[j2]] <- extractAIC(tmpouta,
k = log(length(tmpouta$linear.predictors)))[2]
} else if (mclass == 1) {
# nexvars is the number of explanatory variables (wave, trend,
# and continuous variables, if any)
# stpars and aovout store the model output
nexvars <- 2 + length(cdatsub[1,]) - 6
stpars <- matrix(nrow = 2,ncol = 6 + 2 * (nexvars + 1))
aovout <- vector("list", 1)
aicout <- vector("list", 2)
bicout <- vector("list", 2)
# parx and aovtmp are temporary objects to store results
# for 56 model possibilities
parx <- matrix(nrow = 56, ncol = 5 + 2 * (nexvars + 1))
aovtmp <- vector("list", 56)
aictmp <- vector("list", 56)
bictmp <- vector("list", 56)
# ready to loop through 56 model choices
# (14 models x 4 halflives)
wvmsg <- paste("Computing the best seasonal wave.")
for (j in 1:14) {
for (k in 1:4) {
j2 <- (j - 1) * 4 + k
awave <- compwaveconv(cmaxt, j, k)
ipkt <- floor(360 * tseas)
ipkt[ipkt == 0] <- 1
wavest <- awave[ipkt]
ipkt <- floor(360 * tseaspr)
ipkt[ipkt == 0] <- 1
wavestpr <- awave[ipkt]
indcen <- !centmp
intcpt <- rep(1, length(wavest))
xmat <- cbind(intcpt, wavest, tndlin)
if (length(cdatsub[1, ]) > 6) {
xmat <- cbind(xmat, cavmat)
nctmp <- length(xmat[1, ])
clogtmp <- clog
# requires survival package
tmpouta <- survreg(Surv(time=clogtmp, time2=indcen,
type="left") ~ xmat - 1, dist = "gaussian",
control = list(maxiter = 100))
parx[j2,] <- c(mclass, j2, tmpouta$scale, tmpouta$loglik[2],
tmpouta$coef, summary(tmpouta)$table[1:nctmp, 2],
summary(tmpouta)$table["xmattndlin", 4])
aovtmp[[j2]] <- summary(tmpouta)
aictmp[[j2]] <- extractAIC(tmpouta)[2]
bictmp[[j2]] <- extractAIC(tmpouta,
k = log(length(tmpouta$linear.predictors)))[2]
} else {
message("Model class is unknown")
# find largest likelihood (smallest negative likelihood)
likx <- (-parx[, 4])
# eliminate models with negative coefficient for the seasonal wave
likx[parx[, 6] < 0] <- NA
# This could be used to penalize models with two seasons of application
likx[25:56] <- likx[25:56] + 0
pckone <- order(likx)[1]
stpars[1, ] <- c(parx[pckone, ], cmaxt)
aovout[[1]] <- aovtmp[[pckone]]
aicout[[1]] <- aictmp[[pckone]]
bicout[[1]] <- bictmp[[pckone]]
# generalized r-squared statistic based on the likelihood-ratio test
# see Allison (1995, pp. 247-249)
# Allison, Paul D. 1995. Survival Analysis Using the SAS System:
# A Practical Guide. Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc.
lrt <- -2 * aovout[[1]]$loglik[1] - (-2 * aovout[[1]]$loglik[2])
r2 <- round(1 - exp(-lrt / aovout[[1]]$n), digits = 2)
if (textfile == TRUE) {
regCallFile <- paste(tanm, "_survregCall.txt", sep = "")
resmsg <- paste("Final model survreg results saved to ", regCallFile, ".",
sep = "")
si <- sessionInfo()
sink(regCallFile, append = TRUE, type = "output")
cat("\n\n", format(Sys.time(), "%A %d %b %Y %X %p %Z"), sep = "")
cat("\n", si$R.version$version.string,
"\n", si$otherPkgs[[grep("seawaveQ", si$otherPkgs)]]$Package,
" version ", si$otherPkgs[[grep("seawaveQ", si$otherPkgs)]]$Version,
"\n", si$platform,
"\n\nFinal model survreg results for ", pnames, sep = "")
cat("Generalized r-squared is: ", r2, "\n", sep = " ")
cat("AIC (Akaike's An Information Criterion) is: ", round(aicout[[1]],
digits = 2),
"\n", sep = " ")
cat("BIC (Bayesian Information Criterion) is: ", round(bicout[[1]],
digits = 2),
"\n", sep = " ")
jmod <- floor((stpars[1, 2] - 1) / 4) + 1
hlife <- stpars[1, 2] - (jmod - 1) * 4
cat("Model class is ", mclass, "\nPulse input function is ", jmod,
"\nHalf life is ", hlife,
"\nSeasonal value of the maximum concentration is ",
round(cmaxt, digits = 2), ".", "\n", sep = "")
if (mclass == 2) {
plotDat <- seawaveQPlots2(stpars, cmaxt, tseas, tseaspr, tndrcs, tndrcspr,
cdatsub, cavdat, cavmat, clog, centmp, yrstart,
yrend, tyr, tyrpr, pnames, tanm, mclass = 2,
numk = numk, plotfile)
# myRes <- list(stpars, aovout, plotDat, tndrcspr)
myRes <- list(stpars, aovout, plotDat)
} else if (mclass == 1) {
plotDat <- seawaveQPlots(stpars, cmaxt, tseas, tseaspr, tndlin,
tndlinpr, cdatsub, cavdat, cavmat, clog, centmp,
yrstart, yrend, tyr, tyrpr, pnames, tanm, mclass=1,
myRes <- list(stpars, aovout, plotDat)
} else {
message("Model class unknown.")
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