plot_state_exact: Plot the local probability along a tree

View source: R/seccse_plot.R

plot_state_exactR Documentation

Plot the local probability along a tree


Plot the local probability along the tree, including the branches


  cond = "proper_cond",
  root_state_weight = "proper_weights",
  is_complete_tree = FALSE,
  method = "odeint::bulirsch_stoer",
  atol = 1e-16,
  rtol = 1e-16,
  num_steps = 100,
  prob_func = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE



list where first vector represents lambdas, the second mus and the third transition rates.


phylogenetic tree of class phylo, rooted and with branch lengths.


vector with trait states for each tip in the phylogeny. The order of the states must be the same as the tree tips. For help, see vignette("starting_secsse", package = "secsse").


number of concealed states, generally equivalent to the number of examined states in the dataset.


vector that states the sampling proportion per trait state. It must have as many elements as there are trait states.


condition on the existence of a node root: "maddison_cond", "proper_cond" (default). For details, see vignette.


the method to weigh the states: "maddison_weights", "proper_weights" (default) or "equal_weights". It can also be specified for the root state: the vector c(1, 0, 0) indicates state 1 was the root state.


logical specifying whether or not a tree with all its extinct species is provided. If set to TRUE, it also assumes that all all extinct lineages are present on the tree. Defaults to FALSE.


integration method used, available are: "odeint::runge_kutta_cash_karp54", "odeint::runge_kutta_fehlberg78", "odeint::runge_kutta_dopri5", "odeint::bulirsch_stoer" and "odeint::runge_kutta4". Default method is: "odeint::bulirsch_stoer".


A numeric specifying the absolute tolerance of integration.


A numeric specifying the relative tolerance of integration.


number of substeps to show intermediate likelihoods along a branch.


a function to calculate the probability of interest, see description.


sets verbose output; default is TRUE when optimmethod is "simplex". If optimmethod is set to "simplex", then even if set to FALSE, optimizer output will be shown.


This function will evaluate the log likelihood locally along all branches and plot the result. When num_steps is left to NULL, all likelihood evaluations during integration are used for plotting. This may work for not too large trees, but may become very memory heavy for larger trees. Instead, the user can indicate a number of steps, which causes the probabilities to be evaluated at a distinct amount of steps along each branch (and the probabilities to be properly integrated in between these steps). This provides an approximation, but generally results look very similar to using the full evaluation. The function used for prob_func will be highly dependent on your system. for instance, for a 3 observed, 2 hidden states model, the probability of state A is prob[1] + prob[2] + prob[3], normalized by the row sum. prob_func will be applied to each row of the 'states' matrix (you can thus test your function on the states matrix returned when 'see_ancestral_states = TRUE'). Please note that the first N columns of the states matrix are the extinction rates, and the ⁠(N+1):2N⁠ columns belong to the speciation rates, where N = num_obs_states * num_concealed_states. A typical prob_func function will look like:

my_prob_func <- function(x) {
  return(sum(x[5:8]) / sum(x))


ggplot2 object


phy <- ape::rphylo(n = 4, birth = 1, death = 0)
traits <- c(0, 1, 1, 0)
params <- secsse::id_paramPos(c(0, 1), 2)
params[[1]][] <- c(0.2, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1)
params[[2]][] <- 0.0
params[[3]][, ] <- 0.1
diag(params[[3]]) <- NA
#  Thus, we have for both, rates
# 0A, 1A, 0B and 1B. If we are interested in the posterior probability of
# trait 0,we have to provide a helper function that sums the probabilities of
# 0A and 0B, e.g.:
helper_function <- function(x) {
  return(sum(x[c(5, 7)]) / sum(x)) # normalized by total sum, just in case.

out_plot <- plot_state_exact(parameters = params,
                             phy = phy,
                             traits = traits,
                             num_concealed_states = 2,
                             sampling_fraction = c(1, 1),
                             num_steps = 10,
                             prob_func = helper_function)

secsse documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:35 a.m.