
Defines functions pred.cascade get.infectiousness integral.memory.kernel power.kernel linear.kernel memory.ccdf memory.pdf

Documented in get.infectiousness integral.memory.kernel linear.kernel memory.ccdf memory.pdf power.kernel pred.cascade

#' Predicting information cascade by self-exciting point process model
#' This package implements a self-exciting point process model for information cascades.
#' An information cascade occurs when many people engage in the same acts after observing
#' the actions of others. Typical examples are post/photo resharings on Facebook and retweets
#' on Twitter. The package provides functions to estimate the infectiousness of an
#' information cascade and predict its popularity given the observed history.
#' For more information, see
#' \url{http://snap.stanford.edu/seismic/}.
#' @docType package
#' @name seismic
#' @references SEISMIC: A Self-Exciting Point Process Model for Predicting Tweet Popularity by Q. Zhao, M. Erdogdu, H. He, A. Rajaraman, J. Leskovec, ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), 2015.

#' Memory kernel
#' Probability density function and complementary cumulative distribution function
#' for the human reaction time.
#' @keywords internal
#' @param t time
#' @param theta exponent of the power law
#' @param cutoff the cutoff value where the density changes from constant to power law
#' @param c the constant density when t is less than the cutoff
#' @return the density at t
#' @details default values are measured from a real Twitter data set.
#' @return \code{memory.pdf} returns the density function at t.
#' \code{memory.ccdf} returns the ccdf (probabilty of greater than t).
memory.pdf <- function(t, theta=0.2314843, cutoff=300, c=0.0006265725) {
  if (t < cutoff)
    return(c*exp((log(t) - log(cutoff))*(-(1+theta))))

#' @describeIn memory.pdf Complementary cumulative distribution function
memory.ccdf <- function(t, theta=0.2314843, cutoff=300, c=0.0006265725) {
  t[t<0] <- 0
  index1 <- which(t <= cutoff)
  index2 <- which(t > cutoff)
  ccdf <- rep(0, length(t))
  ccdf[index1] <- 1 - c*t[index1]
  ccdf[index2] <-  c*cutoff^(1+theta)/theta*(t[index2]^(-theta))

#' Integration with respect to locally weighted kernel
#' @keywords internal
#' @param t1 a vector of integral lower limit
#' @param t2 a vector of integral upper limit
#' @param ptime the time (a scalar) to estimate infectiousness and predict for popularity
#' @param slope slope of the linear kernel
#' @param window size of the linear kernel
#' @inheritParams memory.pdf
#' @inheritParams get.infectiousness
#' @return \code{linear.kernel} returns the integral from vector t1 to vector t2 of
#' c*[slope(t-ptime) + 1];
#' \code{power.kernel} returns the integral from vector t1 to vector 2 of c*((t-share.time)/cutoff)^(-(1+theta))[slope(t-ptime) + 1];
#' \code{integral.memory.kernel} returns the vector with ith entry being integral_-inf^inf phi_share.time[i]*kernel(t-p.time)
#' @seealso \code{\link{memory.pdf}}
linear.kernel <- function(t1, t2, ptime, slope, c=0.0006265725){
  ## indefinite integral is c*(t-ptime*slope*t+(slope*t^2)/2)
  return(c*(t2-ptime*slope*t2+slope*t2^2/2) - c*(t1-ptime*slope*t1+slope*t1^2/2))

#' @describeIn linear.kernel Power-law kernel
power.kernel <- function(t1, t2, ptime, share.time, slope, theta=0.2314843, cutoff=300, c=0.0006265725){
  return(c*cutoff^(1+theta)*(t2-share.time)^(-theta)*(share.time*slope-theta+(theta-1)*ptime*slope-theta*slope*t2+1)/((theta-1)*theta) - c*cutoff^(1+theta)*(t1-share.time)^(-theta)*(share.time*slope-theta+(theta-1)*ptime*slope-theta*slope*t1+1)/((theta-1)*theta))

#' @describeIn linear.kernel Integral of the kernel
integral.memory.kernel <- function(p.time, share.time, slope, window, theta=0.2314843, cutoff=300, c=0.0006265725){
  index1 <- which(p.time <= share.time)
  index2 <- which(p.time > share.time & p.time <= share.time + cutoff)
  index3 <- which(p.time > share.time + cutoff & p.time <= share.time + window)
  index4 <- which(p.time > share.time + window & p.time <= share.time + window + cutoff)
  index5 <- which(p.time > share.time + window + cutoff)
  integral <- rep(NA, length(share.time))
  integral[index1] <- 0
  integral[index2] <- linear.kernel(share.time[index2], p.time, p.time, slope)
  integral[index3] <- linear.kernel(share.time[index3], share.time[index3] + cutoff, p.time, slope) + power.kernel(share.time[index3]+cutoff, p.time, p.time, share.time[index3], slope)
  integral[index4] <- linear.kernel(p.time-window, share.time[index4]+cutoff, p.time, slope) + power.kernel(share.time[index4]+cutoff, p.time, p.time, share.time[index4], slope)
  integral[index5] <- power.kernel(p.time-window, p.time, p.time, share.time[index5], slope)

#' Estimate the infectiousness of an information cascade
#' @param share.time observed resharing times, sorted, share.time[1] =0
#' @param degree observed node degrees
#' @param p.time equally spaced vector of time to estimate the infectiousness, p.time[1]=0
#' @param max.window maximum span of the locally weight kernel
#' @param min.window minimum span of the locally weight kernel
#' @param min.count the minimum number of resharings included in the window
#' @details Use a triangular kernel with shape changing over time. At time p.time, use a triangluer kernel with slope = min(max(1/(\code{p.time}/2), 1/\code{min.window}), \code{max.window}).
#' @return a list of three vectors: \itemize{
#' \item infectiousness. the estimated infectiousness
#' \item p.up. the upper 95 percent approximate confidence interval
#' \item p.low. the lower 95 percent approximate confidence interval
#' }
#' @importFrom stats qchisq
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(tweet)
#' pred.time <- seq(0, 6 * 60 * 60, by = 60)
#' infectiousness <- get.infectiousness(tweet[, 1], tweet[, 2], pred.time)
#' plot(pred.time, infectiousness$infectiousness)
get.infectiousness <- function(share.time,
                      max.window = 2 * 60 * 60,
                      min.window = 300,
                      min.count = 5) {

  ix <- sort(share.time, index.return=TRUE)$ix
  share.time <- share.time[ix]

  slopes <- 1/(p.time/2)
  slopes[slopes < 1/max.window] <- 1/max.window
  slopes[slopes > 1/min.window] <- 1/min.window

  windows <- p.time/2
  windows[windows > max.window] <- max.window
  windows[windows < min.window] <- min.window

  for(j in c(1:length(p.time))) {
    ind <- which(share.time >= p.time[j] - windows[j] & share.time < p.time[j])
    if(length(ind) < min.count) {
      ind2 <- which(share.time < p.time[j])
      lcv <- length(ind2)
      ind <- ind2[max((lcv-min.count),1):lcv]
      slopes[j] <- 1/(p.time[j] - share.time[ind[1]])
      windows[j] <- p.time[j] - share.time[ind[1]]

  M.I <- matrix(0,nrow=length(share.time),ncol=length(p.time))
  for(j in 1:length(p.time)){
    M.I[,j] <- degree*integral.memory.kernel(p.time[j], share.time, slopes[j], windows[j])
  infectiousness.seq <- rep(0, length(p.time))
  p.low.seq <- rep(0, length(p.time))
  p.up.seq <- rep(0, length(p.time))
  share.time <- share.time[-1]          #removes the original tweet from retweet
  for(j in c(1:length(p.time))) {
    share.time.tri <- share.time[which(share.time >= p.time[j] - windows[j] & share.time < p.time[j])]
    rt.count.weighted <- sum(slopes[j]*(share.time.tri - p.time[j]) + 1)
    #print(paste("p.time[i]", p.time[j], "rt.num", length(share.time.tri)))
    I <- sum(M.I[,j])
    rt.num <- length(share.time.tri)
    if (rt.count.weighted==0)
    else {
      infectiousness.seq[j] <- (rt.count.weighted)/I
      p.low.seq[j] <- infectiousness.seq[j] * qchisq(0.05, 2*rt.num) / (2*rt.num)
      p.up.seq[j] <- infectiousness.seq[j] * qchisq(0.95, 2*rt.num) / (2*rt.num)
  ## p.low.seq[is.nan(p.low.seq)] <- 0
  ## p.up.seq[is.nan(p.up.seq)] <- 0
  list(infectiousness = infectiousness.seq, p.up = p.up.seq, p.low = p.low.seq)

#' Predict the popularity of information cascade
#' @param infectiousness a vector of estimated infectiousness, returned by \code{\link{get.infectiousness}}
#' @param n.star the average node degree in the social network
#' @param features.return if TRUE, returns a matrix of features to be used to further calibrate the prediction
#' @inheritParams get.infectiousness
#' @return a vector of predicted populatiry at each time in \code{p.time}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(tweet)
#' pred.time <- seq(0, 6 * 60 * 60, by = 60)
#' infectiousness <- get.infectiousness(tweet[, 1], tweet[, 2], pred.time)
#' pred <- pred.cascade(pred.time, infectiousness$infectiousness, tweet[, 1], tweet[, 2], n.star = 100)
#' plot(pred.time, pred)
pred.cascade <- function(p.time, infectiousness, share.time, degree, n.star=100, features.return = FALSE){

  # n.star should a vector of the same length as p.time
  if (length(n.star) == 1) {
    n.star <- rep(n.star, length(p.time))

  # to train for best n.star, we get feature matrices
  features <- matrix(0, length(p.time), 3)

  prediction <- matrix(0, length(p.time), 1)
  for (i in 1:length(p.time)) {
    share.time.now <- share.time[share.time <= p.time[i]]
    nf.now <- degree[share.time <= p.time[i]]
    rt0 <- sum(share.time <= p.time[i]) - 1
    rt1 <- sum(nf.now * infectiousness[i] * memory.ccdf(p.time[i] - share.time.now))
    prediction[i] <- rt0 + rt1 / (1 - infectiousness[i]*n.star[i])
    features[i, ] <- c(rt0, rt1, infectiousness[i])
    if (infectiousness[i] > 1/n.star[i]) {
        prediction[i] <- Inf

  colnames(features) <- c("current.rt", "numerator", "infectiousness")

  if (!features.return) {
  } else {
    list(prediction = prediction, features = features)

#' An example information cascade
#' A dataset containing all the (relative) resharing time and node degree of a tweet. The original Twitter ID is 127001313513967616.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item relative_time_second. resharing time in seconds
#'   \item number_of_followers. number of followers
#' }
#' @format A data frame with 15563 rows and 2 columns
#' @name tweet

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