
Defines functions pval_vT_cov selinf

#' Calculate inference based on survived samples and weights
#' @param survr vector of survived samples
#' @param tstat the original test statistic
#' @param w weights for the survived samples
#' @param var_est (estimated) variance of the test statistic
#' @param alpha see \code{\link{mocasin}}
#' @param multiple defining the search range for interval calculation (multiple times sd)
#' @param nr_testvals number of values to check for interval calculation
#' @param allow_smaller_alphas logical; return an interval that does not have nominal level 
#' if no other intervals limits can be found
selinf <- function(
  multiple = 8,
  nr_testvals = multiple * 1000,
  allow_smaller_alphas = TRUE

  # check if any sample has survived
  nrsurv <- length(survr)
  if(nrsurv==0) return(data.frame(nrsurv = nrsurv, pval = NA, cil = -Inf, ciu = Inf))

  # which sample are more extreme than the observed value
  l2 <- survr > tstat
  survr_gr <- survr[l2]
  survr_le <- survr[!l2]

  # calculate the one- and two-sided p-value
  # if(all(w==0)) pv <- 0 else{
    pe <- sum(w[l2]) / sum(w)
    pv <- 2*min(pe, 1-pe)
  # }

  if(all(survr > tstat) | all(survr < tstat))
    return(data.frame(nrsurv = nrsurv, pval = pv, cil = NA, ciu = NA))
  # calculate the CIs
  ftlo <- function(t) sum(exp(survr_gr * t / (var_est[1])) * w[l2]) /
    sum(exp(survr * t / (var_est[1])) * w)
  ftup <- function(t) sum(exp(survr_le * t / (var_est[1])) * w[!l2]) /
    sum(exp(survr * t / (var_est[1])) * w)

  testvals <- seq(min(survr) - multiple*sqrt(var_est[1]),
                  max(survr) + multiple*sqrt(var_est[1]),
                  l = nr_testvals)
  flovals <- sapply(testvals, ftlo)
  fupvals <- sapply(testvals, ftup)
  ll <- min(which(!is.na(flovals) &
                    !is.nan(flovals) & 
  ul <- min(which(!is.na(fupvals) &
  lu <- max(which(!is.na(flovals) &
  uu <- max(which(!is.na(fupvals) &
                    !is.nan(fupvals) & 
  testvals_low <- testvals[ll:lu]
  testvals_up <- testvals[ul:uu]

  if(any(flovals[c(ll,lu)] > 0) & any(testvals_low < tstat)){
    low <- try(uniroot(f = function(x) ftlo(x) - alpha/2,
                       interval = range(testvals_low),
                       extendInt = "upX")$root, silent = TRUE)
    if(allow_smaller_alphas & class(low)=="try-error"){
      if(tstat > 0) low <- max(testvals_low[testvals_low > 0 & testvals_low < tstat])
      if(tstat < 0) low <- max(testvals_low[testvals_low < 0 & testvals_low < tstat])
      warning("Lower interval limit is not the ",
              alpha/2*100, "%-quantile, but the (",
              signif(ftlo(low)/100,3), ")%-quantile.")
    warning("Calculating ", alpha/2, " quantile not possible. ", 
            "Observed test statistic correpsonds to the 0% quantile, ",
            "returning -Inf as upper interval limit.")
    low <- -Inf
  if(any(fupvals[c(ul,uu)] < 1) & any(testvals_up > tstat)){
    up <- try(uniroot(f = function(x) ftup(x) - alpha/2,
                      interval = range(testvals_up),
                      extendInt = "downX")$root, silent = TRUE)
    if(allow_smaller_alphas & class(up)=="try-error"){
      if(tstat > 0) up <- min(testvals_up[testvals_up > 0 & testvals_up > tstat])
      if(tstat < 0) up <- min(testvals_up[testvals_up < 0 & testvals_up > tstat])
      warning("Upper interval limit is not the ",
              (1-alpha/2)*100, "%-quantile, but the (",
              signif((1-ftup(up))/100,3), ")%-quantile.")
    warning("Calculating ", 1-alpha/2, "%-quantile not possible. ", 
            "Observed test statistic correpsonds to the 100%-quantile, ",
            "returning Inf as upper interval limit.")
    up <- Inf
  if(class(low)=="try-error") low <- -Inf
  if(class(up)=="try-error") up <- Inf

  ci <- c(low, up)

  return(data.frame(nrsurv = nrsurv, tstat = tstat, pval = pv, cil = low, ciu = up))


#' Calculate selective p-value for given covariance
#' @param vT test vector of function
#' @param VCOV covariance used for distribution of test statistic
#' @param this_y original response vector
#' @param nrSamples number of samples to be used
#' @param checkFun function; function to congruency with initial selection
#' @param twosided logical; compute two-sided p-values?
#' @param bayesian see \code{\link{mocasin}}
#' @param alpha see \code{\link{mocasin}}
#' @param maxiter maximum number of iteratoins to perform the linesearch used
#' in the sampling procedure
#' @param trace see \code{\link{mocasin}}
#' @param complete_effect logical; TRUE performs a (conservative) test whether
#' the whole spline has a significant influence after accounting for all other effects.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to vT if specified as function
pval_vT_cov <- function(
  twosided = TRUE,
  bayesian = FALSE,
  alpha = 0.05,
  maxiter = 10,
  trace = TRUE,
  complete_effect = FALSE,
    # group test
    # Adapted from iboost package (https://github.com/davidruegamer/iboost/)
    m <- nrow(vT)
    if(m==1) vT <- vT / as.numeric(sqrt(tcrossprod(vT)))
    R <- vT %*% this_y
    Z <- sqrt(sum(R^2))
    u <- t(vT) %*% R / Z
    yperp <- this_y - u * Z
    var <- attr(vT, "var")
    sigma1 <- sqrt(m - 2 * (gamma((m+1)/2) / gamma(m/2))^2 )
    # Do Monte Carlo (Importance Sampling)
    ss <- gen_samples(checkFun = checkFun, 
                      this_sd = NULL,
                      sampFun = function(B){ 
                        rBs <- Z + rnorm(B) * sigma1 * sqrt(var)
                      nrSample = nrSamples, 
                      orthdir = yperp, 
                      dir = u)
    rBs <- ss$fac
    survr <- rBs[ss$logvals]
    Z <- Z/sqrt(var)
    survr <- survr/sqrt(var)
    w <- (survr^(m-1)) * (exp(-survr^2/2)) / dnorm(survr, mean = Z, sd = sigma1)
    var_est <- var
    tstat <- Z
  }else{ # standard "univariate" test
    n <- length(this_y)
    vvT <- tcrossprod(vT)
    tstat <- as.numeric(vT%*%this_y)
    if(!bayesian) var_est <- as.numeric(vT%*%VCOV%*%t(vT)) else
      var_est <- attr(vT, "var")
    dirV <- (VCOV%*%t(vT)/var_est)
    orthdir <- (diag(n) - dirV%*%vT)%*%this_y
    samples <- gen_samples(
      orthdir = orthdir,
      dir = dirV,
      this_sd = sqrt(var_est),
      sampFun = function(n) rnorm(n, mean = tstat, sd = sqrt(var_est)),
      nrSample = nrSamples,
      checkFun = checkFun,
      trace = trace)
    # extract survived samples and weights
    survr <- samples$fac[samples$logvals]
    nom <- dnorm(survr, mean = 0, sd = sqrt(var_est))
    denom <- dnorm(survr, mean = tstat, sd = sqrt(var_est))
    var_est <- rep(var_est, 2)
    while(sum(nom)==0 & all(denom!=0) & maxiter-1 > 0){
      var_est[2] <- var_est[2] * abs(tstat)/sqrt(var_est[2])
      samples <- gen_samples(
        orthdir = orthdir,
        dir = dirV,
        this_sd = sqrt(var_est[1]),
        sampFun = function(n) rnorm(n, mean = tstat, sd = var_est[2]),
        nrSample = nrSamples,
        checkFun = checkFun)
      survr <- samples$fac[samples$logvals]
      nom <- dnorm(survr, mean = 0, sd = sqrt(var_est[1]))
      denom <- dnorm(survr, mean = tstat, sd = var_est[2])
      maxiter <- maxiter - 1
    w <- nom / denom


  # compute p-value and CI
      survr = survr,
      tstat = tstat,
      w = w,
      var_est = var_est,
      alpha = alpha


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