
Defines functions sidebar_menu menu_item validate_tab_name icon

Documented in icon menu_item sidebar_menu validate_tab_name

#' Create Semantic UI icon tag (alias for \code{icon} for compatibility with \code{shinydashboard})
#' This creates an icon tag using Semantic UI styles.
#' @param type A name of an icon. Look at http://semantic-ui.com/elements/icon.html for all possibilities.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be added as attributes of the tag (e.g. style, class etc.)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' icon("dog")
icon <- function(type, ...) {
  shiny.semantic::icon(type, ...)

#' Valid tab name should not containt dot character '.'.
#' @param name Tab name to validate.
validate_tab_name <- function(name) {
  if (grepl(".", name, fixed = TRUE)) {
    stop("tabName must not have a '.' in it.")

#' Create a menu item.
#' @description Create a menu item corresponding to a tab.
#' @param text Text to show for the menu item.
#' @param ...	 This may consist of menuSubItems.
#' @param icon Icon of the menu item. (Optional)
#' @param tabName Id of the tab. Not compatible with href.
#' @param href A link address. Not compatible with tabName.
#' @param newtab If href is supplied, should the link open in a new browser tab?
#' @param  selected If TRUE, this menuItem will start selected.
#' @return A menu item that can be passed \code{\link[semantic.dashboard]{sidebarMenu}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' menuItem(tabName = "plot_tab", text = "My plot", icon = icon("home"))
menu_item <- function(text, ..., icon = NULL, tabName = NULL, href = NULL, newtab = TRUE, selected = FALSE) {
  sub_items <- list(...)
  if (!is.null(href) + (!is.null(tabName) + (length(sub_items) > 0) != 1)) {
    stop("Must have either href, tabName, or sub-items (contained in ...).")
  data_tab <- NULL
  target <- NULL
  isTabItem <- FALSE

  if (!is.null(tabName)) {
    isTabItem <- TRUE
    data_tab <- paste0("shiny-tab-", tabName)
    href <- paste0("#", data_tab)
  else if (is.null(href)) {
    href <- "#"
  else if (newtab) {
      target <- "_blank"

  if (length(sub_items) == 0) {
      class = "item", href = href, icon, text,
      `data-tab` = data_tab,
      `data-toggle` = if (isTabItem) "tab",
      `data-value` = if (!is.null(tabName)) tabName,
      target = target,
      if (selected) shiny::singleton(shiny::tags$script(shiny::HTML(glue::glue("
        $(function() {{
          ['.dashboard-sidebar a', '.tab-content > div'].forEach(function(tag) {{
  } else {
    shiny::tags$div(class = "item",
      shiny::tags$div(class = "header", text),
      shiny::tags$div(class = "menu", sub_items)

#' @describeIn menu_item Create a menu item (alias for \code{manu_item} for compatibility with \code{shinydashboard})
#' @export
menuItem <- menu_item

#' @describeIn menu_item Create a menu item (alias for \code{manu_item} for compatibility with \code{shinydashboard})
#' @export
menuSubItem <- menu_item

#' Create a sidebar menu.
#' @description Create a sidebar menu with menu items.
#' @param id The sidebar id class also used for update input on server side. Default is \code{uisidebar}
#' @param ... Menu items.
#' @return A sidebar menu that can be passed \code{\link[semantic.dashboard]{dashboardSidebar}}
#' @export
#' @details
#' It's possible to set selected menu item by setting `selected = TRUE` in `menuItem`.
#' @examples
#' sidebarMenu(
#'   menuItem(tabName = "plot_tab", text = "My plot", icon = icon("home")),
#'   menuItem(tabName = "table_tab", text = "My table", icon = icon("smile"), selected = TRUE)
#'   )
sidebar_menu <- function(..., id = "uisidebar") {
  c(as.list(environment()), list(...))

#' @describeIn sidebar_menu Create a sidebar menu (alias for \code{sidebar_menu} for compatibility with \code{shinydashboard})
#' @export
sidebarMenu <- sidebar_menu

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semantic.dashboard documentation built on Nov. 10, 2021, 1:06 a.m.