# prints, summaries and reports -------------------------------------------
#' Sensitivity analysis print and summary methods for \code{sensemakr}
#' @description
#' The \code{print} and \code{summary} methods provide verbal descriptions of the sensitivity analysis results
#' obtained with the function \code{\link{sensemakr}}. The function \code{\link{ovb_minimal_reporting}} provides
#' latex or html code for a minimal
#' sensitivity analysis reporting, as suggested in Cinelli and Hazlett (2020).
#' @param ... arguments passed to other methods.
#' @param x an object of class \code{\link{sensemakr}}.
#' @param digits minimal number of \emph{significant} digits.
#' @examples
#' # runs regression model
#' model <- lm(peacefactor ~ directlyharmed + age + farmer_dar + herder_dar +
#' pastvoted + hhsize_darfur + female + village,
#' data = darfur)
#' # runs sensemakr for sensitivity analysis
#' sensitivity <- sensemakr(model, treatment = "directlyharmed",
#' benchmark_covariates = "female",
#' kd = 1:3)
#' # print
#' sensitivity
#' # summary
#' summary(sensitivity)
#' # prints latex code for minimal sensitivity analysis reporting
#' ovb_minimal_reporting(sensitivity)
#' @references Cinelli, C. and Hazlett, C. (2020), "Making Sense of Sensitivity: Extending Omitted Variable Bias." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (Statistical Methodology).
#' @export
print.sensemakr = function(x,
digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 2L),
) {
cat("Sensitivity Analysis to Unobserved Confounding\n\n")
cat("Model Formula: ", paste(deparse(x$info$formula),
sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"),
"\n\n", sep = "")
reduce <- x$info$reduce
q <- x$info$q
cat("Null hypothesis:", "q =", q, "and", "reduce =", reduce,"\n\n")
cat("Unadjusted Estimates of '", treatment <- x$sensitivity_stats$treatment, "':\n ")
cat(" Coef. estimate:", estimate <- round(x$sensitivity_stats$estimate, digits), "\n ")
cat(" Standard Error:", se <- round(x$sensitivity_stats$se, digits), "\n ")
cat(" t-value:", t_statistic <- round(x$sensitivity_stats$t_statistic, digits), "\n")
cat("Sensitivity Statistics:\n ")
cat(" Partial R2 of treatment with outcome:", r2yd.x <- round(x$sensitivity_stats$r2yd.x,digits), "\n ")
cat(" Robustness Value,", "q =", q <- x$info$q, ":", rv_q <- round(x$sensitivity_stats$rv_q,digits), "\n ")
cat(" Robustness Value,", "q =", q, "alpha =", alpha <- x$info$alpha, ":", rv_qa <- round(x$sensitivity_stats$rv_qa,digits), "\n")
cat("For more information, check summary.")
.simpleCap <- function(x) {
s <- strsplit(x, " ")[[1]]
paste(toupper(substring(s, 1, 1)), substring(s, 2),
sep = "", collapse = " ")
#' @rdname print.sensemakr
#' @param object an object of class \code{\link{sensemakr}}.
#' @export
summary.sensemakr <- function(object, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), ...){
x <- object
q <- x$info$q
alpha <- x$info$alpha
reduce <- x$info$reduce
h0 <- round(ifelse(reduce, x$sensitivity_stats$estimate*(1 - q), x$sensitivity_stats$estimate*(1 + q)), 4)
direction <- ifelse(reduce, "reduce", "increase")
cat("Sensitivity Analysis to Unobserved Confounding\n\n")
cat("Model Formula: ", paste(deparse(x$info$formula),
sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"),
"\n\n", sep = "")
cat("Null hypothesis:", "q =", q, "and", "reduce =", reduce,"\n")
cat("-- This means we are considering biases that", direction, "the absolute value of the current estimate.\n")
cat("-- The null hypothesis deemed problematic is H0:tau =", h0, "\n")
cat("Unadjusted Estimates of", paste0("'",treatment <- x$sensitivity_stats$treatment,"':"), "\n ")
cat(" Coef. estimate:", estimate <- round(x$sensitivity_stats$estimate, digits), "\n ")
cat(" Standard Error:", se <- round(x$sensitivity_stats$se, digits), "\n ")
cat(" t-value", "(H0:tau =", paste0(h0,"):"), t_statistic <- round(x$sensitivity_stats$t_statistic, digits), "\n")
cat("Sensitivity Statistics:\n ")
cat(" Partial R2 of treatment with outcome:", r2yd.x <- round(x$sensitivity_stats$r2yd.x,digits), "\n ")
cat(" Robustness Value,", "q =", paste0(q, ":"), rv_q <- round(x$sensitivity_stats$rv_q,digits), "\n ")
cat(" Robustness Value,", "q =", paste0(q, ","), "alpha =", paste0(alpha, ":"), rv_qa <- round(x$sensitivity_stats$rv_qa,digits), "\n")
reduce <- ifelse(x$info$reduce, "reduce", "increase")
cat("Verbal interpretation of sensitivity statistics:\n\n")
cat("-- Partial R2 of the treatment with the outcome: an extreme confounder (orthogonal to the covariates) that explains 100% of the residual variance of the outcome, would need to explain at least",
paste0(100*r2yd.x, "%"),"of the residual variance of the treatment to fully account for the observed estimated effect.")
cat("-- Robustness Value,", "q =", paste0(q, ":"), "unobserved confounders (orthogonal to the covariates) that explain more than",
paste0(100*rv_q,"%"), "of the residual variance",
"of both the treatment and the outcome are strong enough to bring the point estimate to", paste0(h0),
"(a bias of", paste0(100*q, "%"),"of the original estimate).",
"Conversely, unobserved confounders that do not explain more than", paste0(100*rv_q,"%"), "of the residual variance",
"of both the treatment and the outcome are not strong enough to bring the point estimate to", paste0(h0,"."))
cat("-- Robustness Value,", "q =", paste0(q, ","), "alpha =", paste0(alpha, ":"), "unobserved confounders (orthogonal to the covariates) that explain more than", paste0(100*rv_qa,"%"), "of the residual variance",
"of both the treatment and the outcome are strong enough to bring the estimate to a range where it is no longer 'statistically different' from",
paste0(h0), "(a bias of", paste0(100*q, "%"),"of the original estimate),",
"at the significance level of alpha =", paste0(alpha, "."),
"Conversely, unobserved confounders that do not explain more than", paste0(100*rv_qa,"%"), "of the residual variance",
"of both the treatment and the outcome are not strong enough to bring the estimate to a range where it is no longer 'statistically different' from",
"at the significance level of alpha =", paste0(alpha,"."))
bounds <- x$bounds
if (!is.null(bounds)) {
numeric <- sapply(bounds, is.numeric)
bounds[numeric] <- lapply(bounds[numeric], round, digits = digits)
names(bounds) <- sapply(gsub("\\_", " ", names(bounds)), .simpleCap)
cat("Bounds on omitted variable bias:\n\n")
cat("--The table below shows the maximum strength of unobserved confounders with association with the treatment and the outcome bounded by a multiple of the observed explanatory power of the chosen benchmark covariate(s).\n\n")
print(bounds, row.names = FALSE)
#' @rdname print.sensemakr
#' @return
#' The function \code{ovb_minimal_reporting} returns the LaTeX/HTML code invisibly in character form and also prints with
#' \code{\link{cat}} the LaTeX code. To suppress automatic printing, set \code{verbose = FALSE}.
#' @param format code format to print, either \code{latex} or \code{html}. The default html version
#' has some mathematical content that requires mathjax or equivalent library to parse.
#' If you need only html, use the option "pure_html".
#' @param verbose if `TRUE`, the function prints the LaTeX code with \code{\link{cat}}
#' @export
ovb_minimal_reporting <- function(x, digits = 3, verbose = TRUE, format = c("latex", "html", "pure_html"), ...){
if (!inherits(x, "sensemakr")) stop("Object needs to be of class sensemakr.")
format <- match.arg(format)
fun <- switch(format,
latex = latex_table,
html = html_table,
pure_html = html_table_no_mathjax)
fun(x = x, digits = digits, verbose = verbose, ...)
latex_table <- function(x, digits = 3, verbose = TRUE, ...){
# Let's begin
table_settings = list(...)
# Override variable labels
outcome_label = ifelse(is.null(table_settings[["outcome_label"]]),
treatment_label = ifelse(is.null(table_settings[["treatment_label"]]),
# Okay, static beginning
table_begin = paste0("\\begin{table}[!h]\n",
# Outcome variable header
outcome_header = sprintf("\\multicolumn{7}{c}{Outcome: \\textit{%s}} \\\\\n",
# Coeff header row
coeff_header = paste0(
"\\hline \\hline \n",
"Treatment: & Est. & S.E. & t-value & $R^2_{Y \\sim D |{\\bf X}}$ ",
paste0("& $RV_{q = ", x$info$q, "}$ "),
paste0("& $RV_{q = ", x$info$q, ", \\alpha = ", x$info$alpha, "}$ "),
" \\\\ \n",
"\\hline \n"
# Treatment result
# Why paste and not sprintf? Easier to handle precision on the digits.
coeff_results = paste0(
"\\textit{", treatment_label, "} & ",
round(x$sensitivity_stats$estimate, digits), " & ",
round(x$sensitivity_stats$se, digits), " & ",
round(x$sensitivity_stats$t_statistic, digits)," & ",
100 * round(x$sensitivity_stats$r2yd.x, digits), "\\% & ",
100 * round(x$sensitivity_stats$rv_q, digits), "\\% & ",
100 * round(x$sensitivity_stats$rv_qa, digits), "\\% \\\\ \n")
# Foonote row: Display benchmarks
if (!is.null(x$bounds)) {
footnote_begin = paste0("\\hline \n",
"df = ", x$sensitivity_stats$dof, " & & ",
"\\multicolumn{5}{r}{ ",
row = x$bounds[1, , drop = FALSE]
footnotes = paste0("\\small ",
"\\textit{Bound (", row$bound_label, ")}: ",
"$R^2_{Y\\sim Z| {\\bf X}, D}$ = ",
100 * round(row$r2yz.dx, digits),
"\\%, $R^2_{D\\sim Z| {\\bf X} }$ = ",
100 * round(row$r2dz.x, digits),
footnote_body = paste0(footnotes, collapse = " \\\\ ")
footnote_end = "} \\\\\n"
footnote = paste0(footnote_begin, footnote_body, footnote_end)
} else {
footnote = paste0("\\hline \n",
"df = ", x$sensitivity_stats$dof, " & & ",
"\\multicolumn{5}{r}{ ",
# Below footnote end table, caption, label
tabular_end = "\\end{tabular}\n"
caption = ifelse(!is.null(table_settings[["caption"]]),
paste0("\\caption{", table_settings[["caption"]], "} \n"),
label = ifelse(!is.null(table_settings[["label"]]),
paste0("\\label{", table_settings[["label"]], "} \n"),
table_end = "\\end{table}"
# Stick it all together
table = paste0(table_begin, outcome_header, coeff_header,
coeff_results, footnote, tabular_end,
caption, label, table_end)
# Cat to output valid LaTeX for rmarkdown
if (verbose) cat(table)
html_table <- function(x, digits = 3, verbose = TRUE, ...){
# Let's begin
table_settings = list(...)
outcome_label = ifelse(is.null(table_settings[["outcome_label"]]),
treatment_label = ifelse(is.null(table_settings[["treatment_label"]]),
# Okay, static beginning
table_begin = paste0("<table>\n")
# Coeff header row
coeff_header = paste0(
'\t<th style="text-align:left;border-bottom: 1px solid transparent;border-top: 1px solid black"> </th>\n',
'\t<th colspan = 6 style="text-align:center;border-bottom: 1px solid black;border-top: 1px solid black"> Outcome: ',
'\t<th style="text-align:left;border-top: 1px solid black"> Treatment </th>\n',
'\t<th style="text-align:right;border-top: 1px solid black"> Est. </th>\n',
'\t<th style="text-align:right;border-top: 1px solid black"> S.E. </th>\n',
'\t<th style="text-align:right;border-top: 1px solid black"> t-value </th>\n',
'\t<th style="text-align:right;border-top: 1px solid black"> $R^2_{Y \\sim D |{\\bf X}}$ </th>\n',
paste0('\t<th style="text-align:right;border-top: 1px solid black"> $RV_{q = ',
x$info$q, '}$ </th>\n'),
paste0('\t<th style="text-align:right;border-top: 1px solid black"> $RV_{q = ',
x$info$q, ", \\alpha = ",
x$info$alpha, "}$ </th>\n"),
# Treatment result
# Why paste and not sprintf? Easier to handle precision on the digits.
coeff_results = paste0(
"<tbody>\n <tr>\n",
'\t<td style="text-align:left; border-bottom: 1px solid black"><i>',
treatment_label, "</i></td>\n",
'\t<td style="text-align:right;border-bottom: 1px solid black">',
round(x$sensitivity_stats$estimate, digits), " </td>\n",
'\t<td style="text-align:right;border-bottom: 1px solid black">',
round(x$sensitivity_stats$se, digits), " </td>\n",
'\t<td style="text-align:right;border-bottom: 1px solid black">',
round(x$sensitivity_stats$t_statistic, digits)," </td>\n",
'\t<td style="text-align:right;border-bottom: 1px solid black">',
100 * round(x$sensitivity_stats$r2yd.x, digits), "\\% </td>\n",
'\t<td style="text-align:right;border-bottom: 1px solid black">',
100 * round(x$sensitivity_stats$rv_q, digits), "\\% </td>\n",
'\t<td style="text-align:right;border-bottom: 1px solid black">',
100 * round(x$sensitivity_stats$rv_qa, digits), "\\% </td>\n",
table_end <- "</table>"
# Foonote row: Display benchmarks
if (!is.null(x$bounds)) {
row = x$bounds[1, , drop = FALSE]
footnote = paste0('<tr>\n',
"<td colspan = 7 style='text-align:right;border-top: 1px solid black;border-bottom: 1px solid transparent;font-size:11px'>",
"Note: df = ", x$sensitivity_stats$dof, "; ",
"Bound ( ", row$bound_label, " ): ",
"$R^2_{Y\\sim Z| {\\bf X}, D}$ = ",
100 * round(row$r2yz.dx, digits),
"\\%, $R^2_{D\\sim Z| {\\bf X} }$ = ",
100 * round(row$r2dz.x, digits),
} else {
footnote = paste0('<tr>\n',
"<td colspan = 7 style='text-align:right;border-top: 1px solid black;border-bottom: 1px solid transparent;font-size:11px'>",
"Note: df = ", x$sensitivity_stats$dof, "; ",
# Stick it all together
table = paste0(table_begin,
# Cat to output valid LaTeX for rmarkdown
if (verbose) cat(table)
html_table_no_mathjax <- function(x, digits = 3, verbose = TRUE, ...){
# Let's begin
table_settings = list(...)
outcome_label = ifelse(is.null(table_settings[["outcome_label"]]),
treatment_label = ifelse(is.null(table_settings[["treatment_label"]]),
# Okay, static beginning
table_begin = paste0("<table style='align:center'>\n")
# Coeff header row
coeff_header = paste0(
'\t<th style="text-align:left;border-bottom: 1px solid transparent;border-top: 1px solid black"> </th>\n',
'\t<th colspan = 6 style="text-align:center;border-bottom: 1px solid black;border-top: 1px solid black"> Outcome: ',
'\t<th style="text-align:left;border-top: 1px solid black"> Treatment </th>\n',
'\t<th style="text-align:right;border-top: 1px solid black"> Est. </th>\n',
'\t<th style="text-align:right;border-top: 1px solid black"> S.E. </th>\n',
'\t<th style="text-align:right;border-top: 1px solid black"> t-value </th>\n',
'\t<th style="text-align:right;border-top: 1px solid black"> R<sup>2</sup><sub>Y~D|X</sub> </th>\n',
paste0('\t<th style="text-align:right;border-top: 1px solid black"> RV<sub>q = ',
x$info$q, '</sub> </th>\n'),
paste0('\t<th style="text-align:right;border-top: 1px solid black"> RV<sub>q = ',
x$info$q, ", α = ",
x$info$alpha, "</sub> </th>\n"),
# Treatment result
# Why paste and not sprintf? Easier to handle precision on the digits.
coeff_results = paste0(
"<tbody>\n <tr>\n",
'\t<td style="text-align:left; border-bottom: 1px solid black"><i>',
treatment_label, "</i></td>\n",
'\t<td style="text-align:right;border-bottom: 1px solid black">',
round(x$sensitivity_stats$estimate, digits), " </td>\n",
'\t<td style="text-align:right;border-bottom: 1px solid black">',
round(x$sensitivity_stats$se, digits), " </td>\n",
'\t<td style="text-align:right;border-bottom: 1px solid black">',
round(x$sensitivity_stats$t_statistic, digits)," </td>\n",
'\t<td style="text-align:right;border-bottom: 1px solid black">',
100 * round(x$sensitivity_stats$r2yd.x, digits), "\\% </td>\n",
'\t<td style="text-align:right;border-bottom: 1px solid black">',
100 * round(x$sensitivity_stats$rv_q, digits), "\\% </td>\n",
'\t<td style="text-align:right;border-bottom: 1px solid black">',
100 * round(x$sensitivity_stats$rv_qa, digits), "\\% </td>\n",
table_end <- "</table>"
# Foonote row: Display benchmarks
if (!is.null(x$bounds)) {
row = x$bounds[1, , drop = FALSE]
footnote = paste0('<tr>\n',
"<td colspan = 7 style='text-align:right;border-bottom: 1px solid transparent;font-size:11px'>",
"Note: df = ", x$sensitivity_stats$dof, "; ",
"Bound ( ", row$bound_label, " ): ",
"R<sup>2</sup><sub>Y~Z|X,D</sub> = ",
100 * round(row$r2yz.dx, digits),
"\\%, R<sup>2</sup><sub>D~Z|X</sub> = ",
100 * round(row$r2dz.x, digits),
} else {
footnote = paste0('<tr>\n',
"<td colspan = 7 style='text-align:right;border-bottom: 1px solid transparent;font-size:11px'>",
"Note: df = ", x$sensitivity_stats$dof, "; ",
# Stick it all together
table = paste0(table_begin,
# Cat to output valid LaTeX for rmarkdown
if (verbose) cat(table)
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