#' @title Construct a Sentencepiece model
#' @description Construct a Sentencepiece model on text.
#' @param x a character vector of path(s) to the text files containing training data
#' @param type either one of 'bpe', 'char', 'unigram' or 'word' for Byte Pair Encoding, Character level encoding,
#' Unigram encoding or pretokenised word encoding. Defaults to 'bpe' (Byte Pair Encoding).
#' @param vocab_size integer indicating the number of tokens in the final vocabulary. Defaults to 8000.
#' @param coverage fraction of characters covered by the model. Must be in the range [0, 1]. A good value to use is about 0.9999.
#' @param model_prefix character string with the name of the model. Defaults to 'sentencepiece'.
#' When executing the function 2 files will be created in the directory specified by \code{model_dir}, namely
#' sentencepiece.model with the model and sentencepiece.vocab containing the vocabulary of the model.
#' You can change the name of the model by providing the \code{model_prefix} argument.
#' @param model_dir directory where the model will be saved. Defaults to the temporary directory (tempdir())
#' @param threads integer indicating number of threads to use when building the model
#' @param args character string with arguments passed on to sentencepiece::SentencePieceTrainer::Train (for expert use only)
#' @param verbose logical indicating to show progress of sentencepiece training. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @return an object of class \code{sentencepiece} which is defined at \code{\link{sentencepiece_load_model}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{sentencepiece_load_model}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(tokenizers.bpe)
#' data(belgium_parliament, package = "tokenizers.bpe")
#' path <- "traindata.txt"
#' folder <- getwd()
#' \dontshow{
#' path <- tempfile("traindata_", fileext = ".txt")
#' folder <- tempdir()
#' }
#' writeLines(belgium_parliament$text, con = path)
#' \dontshow{
#' model <- sentencepiece(path, type = "char", vocab_size = 30, model_dir = folder)
#' model <- sentencepiece(path, type = "unigram", vocab_size = 50, model_dir = folder)
#' model <- sentencepiece(path, type = "bpe", vocab_size = 200, model_dir = folder)
#' }
#' \donttest{
#' model <- sentencepiece(path, type = "char",
#' model_dir = folder, verbose = TRUE)
#' model <- sentencepiece(path, type = "unigram", vocab_size = 20000,
#' model_dir = folder, verbose = TRUE)
#' model <- sentencepiece(path, type = "bpe", vocab_size = 4000,
#' model_dir = folder, verbose = TRUE)
#' txt <- c("De eigendomsoverdracht aan de deelstaten is ingewikkeld.",
#' "On est d'accord sur le prix de la biere?")
#' sentencepiece_encode(model, x = txt, type = "subwords")
#' sentencepiece_encode(model, x = txt, type = "ids")
#' model <- sentencepiece_load_model(file.path(folder, "sentencepiece.model"))
#' sentencepiece_encode(model, x = txt, type = "subwords")
#' sentencepiece_encode(model, x = txt, type = "ids")
#' }
#' \dontshow{
#' # clean up for CRAN
#' file.remove(file.path(folder, "sentencepiece.model"))
#' file.remove(file.path(folder, "sentencepiece.vocab"))
#' file.remove(path)
#' }
sentencepiece <- function(x, type = c("bpe", "char", "unigram", "word"), vocab_size = 8000, coverage = 0.9999,
model_prefix = "sentencepiece",
model_dir = tempdir(), threads = 1L, args, verbose = FALSE){
oldwd <- getwd()
if(grepl(pattern = " ", model_prefix)){
stop("model_prefix should not contain spaces")
type <- match.arg(type)
args <- sprintf("--input=%s --model_prefix=%s --vocab_size=%s --character_coverage=%s --model_type=%s --num_threads=%s", paste(x, collapse=","), model_prefix, vocab_size, coverage, type, threads)
args <- as.character(args)
model_prefix <- regmatches(args, regexpr(args, pattern = "model_prefix=.+ -"))
model_prefix <- gsub("^model_prefix=|-$", "", model_prefix)
model_prefix <- gsub(" +$", "", model_prefix)
if(length(model_prefix) == 0 || nchar(model_prefix) == 0){
stop("Please provide at least model_prefix")
result <- spc_train(args)
msg <- capture.output(result <- spc_train(args))
model <- file.path(getwd(), sprintf("%s.model", model_prefix))
result <- sentencepiece_load_model(file = model)
#' @export
print.sentencepiece <- function(x, ...){
cat("Sentencepiece model", sep = "\n")
cat(sprintf(" size of the vocabulary: %s", x$vocab_size), sep = "\n")
cat(sprintf(" model stored at: %s", x$model_path), sep = "\n")
#' @title Load a Sentencepiece model
#' @description Load a Sentencepiece model which either was trained with \code{\link{sentencepiece}} or which you have found in the wild.
#' @param file path to the file containing the Sentencepiece model
#' @return an object of class \code{sentencepiece} which is a list with elements
#' \itemize{
#' \item{model: an Rcpp pointer to the model}
#' \item{model_path: the path to the model}
#' \item{vocab_size: the size of the Sentencepiece vocabulary}
#' \item{vocabulary: the Sentencepiece vocabulary which is a data.frame with columns id and subword}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' model <- system.file(package = "sentencepiece", "models", "nl-fr-dekamer.model")
#' model <- sentencepiece_load_model(file = model)
#' txt <- c("De eigendomsoverdracht aan de deelstaten is ingewikkeld.",
#' "On est d'accord sur le prix de la biere?")
#' sentencepiece_encode(model, x = txt, type = "subwords")
#' sentencepiece_encode(model, x = txt, type = "ids")
sentencepiece_load_model <- function(file = "sentencepiece.model"){
model <- spc_load_model(file)
Encoding(model$vocabulary$subword) <- "UTF-8"
class(model) <- "sentencepiece"
#' @title Tokenise text alongside a Sentencepiece model
#' @description Tokenise text alongside a Sentencepiece model
#' @param model an object of class \code{sentencepiece} as returned by \code{\link{sentencepiece_load_model}} or \code{\link{sentencepiece}}
#' @param x a character vector of text (in UTF-8 Encoding)
#' @param type a character string, either 'subwords' or 'ids' to get the subwords or the corresponding ids of these subwords as defined in the vocabulary of the model.
#' Defaults to 'subwords'.
#' @param nbest integer indicating the number of segmentations to extract. See the details. The argument is not used if you do not provide a value for it.
#' @param alpha smoothing parameter to perform subword regularisation. Typical values are 0.1, 0.2 or 0.5. See the details. The argument is not used if you do not provide a value for it or do not provide a value for \code{nbest}.
#' @return a list with tokenised text, one for each element of \code{x}
#' unless you provide \code{nbest} without providing \code{alpha} in which case the result is a list of list of \code{nbest} tokenised texts
#' @details
#' If you specify \code{alpha} to perform subword regularisation, keep in mind the following. \cr
#' When alpha is 0.0, one segmentation is uniformly sampled from the \code{nbest} or lattice.
#' The best Viterbi segmentation is more likely sampled when setting larger \code{alpha} values like 0.1. \cr
#' \itemize{
#' \item If you provide a positive value for \code{nbest}, approximately samples one segmentation from \code{nbest} candidates.
#' \item If you provide a negative value for \code{nbest}, samples one segmentation from the hypotheses (Lattice) according to the generation probabilities using forward-filtering and backward-sampling algorithm.
#' }
#' \code{nbest} and \code{alpha} correspond respectively to the parameter \code{l} and in \code{alpha}
#' in the paper \url{} where (\code{nbest} < 0 means l = infinity).\cr
#' If the model is a BPE model, \code{alpha} is the merge probability \code{p} explained in \url{}.
#' In a BPE model, nbest-based sampling is not supported so the nbest parameter is ignored although
#' it still needs to be provided if you want to make use of \code{alpha}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' model <- system.file(package = "sentencepiece", "models", "nl-fr-dekamer.model")
#' model <- sentencepiece_load_model(file = model)
#' txt <- c("De eigendomsoverdracht aan de deelstaten is ingewikkeld.",
#' "On est d'accord sur le prix de la biere?")
#' sentencepiece_encode(model, x = txt, type = "subwords")
#' sentencepiece_encode(model, x = txt, type = "ids")
#' ## Examples using subword regularisation
#' model <- system.file(package = "sentencepiece", "models", "nl-fr-dekamer-unigram.model")
#' model <- sentencepiece_load_model(file = model)
#' txt <- c("Goed zo",
#' "On est d'accord")
#' sentencepiece_encode(model, x = txt, type = "subwords", nbest = 4)
#' sentencepiece_encode(model, x = txt, type = "ids", nbest = 4)
#' sentencepiece_encode(model, x = txt, type = "subwords", nbest = 2)
#' sentencepiece_encode(model, x = txt, type = "ids", nbest = 2)
#' sentencepiece_encode(model, x = txt, type = "subwords", nbest = 1)
#' sentencepiece_encode(model, x = txt, type = "ids", nbest = 1)
#' sentencepiece_encode(model, x = txt, type = "subwords", nbest = 4, alpha = 0.1)
#' sentencepiece_encode(model, x = txt, type = "ids", nbest = 4, alpha = 0.1)
#' sentencepiece_encode(model, x = txt, type = "subwords", nbest = -1, alpha = 0.1)
#' sentencepiece_encode(model, x = txt, type = "ids", nbest = -1, alpha = 0.1)
#' sentencepiece_encode(model, x = txt, type = "subwords", nbest = -1, alpha = 0)
#' sentencepiece_encode(model, x = txt, type = "ids", nbest = -1, alpha = 0)
sentencepiece_encode <- function(model, x, type = c("subwords", "ids"), nbest = -1L, alpha = 0.1){
type <- match.arg(type)
if(type == "ids"){
if(!missing(nbest) && !missing(alpha)){
x <- spc_encode_as_ids_sample(model$model, x, as.integer(nbest), as.numeric(alpha))
}else if(!missing(nbest)){
x <- spc_encode_as_ids_nbest(model$model, x, as.integer(nbest))
x <- spc_encode_as_ids(model$model, x)
}else if(type == "subwords"){
if(!missing(nbest) && !missing(alpha)){
x <- spc_encode_as_subwords_sample(model$model, x, as.integer(nbest), as.numeric(alpha))
x <- lapply(x, FUN=function(x){
Encoding(x) <- "UTF-8"
}else if(!missing(nbest)){
x <- spc_encode_as_subwords_nbest(model$model, x, as.integer(nbest))
x <- lapply(x, FUN=function(x){
x <- lapply(x, FUN=function(x){
Encoding(x) <- "UTF-8"
x <- spc_encode_as_subwords(model$model, x)
x <- lapply(x, FUN=function(x){
Encoding(x) <- "UTF-8"
#' @title Decode encoded sequences back to text
#' @description Decode a sequence of Sentencepiece ids into text again
#' @param model an object of class \code{sentencepiece} as returned by \code{\link{sentencepiece_load_model}} or \code{\link{sentencepiece}}
#' @param x an integer vector of Sentencepiece id's or a list of these
#' @export
#' @return a character vector of detokenised text or if you encoded with \code{nbest}, a list of these
#' @examples
#' model <- system.file(package = "sentencepiece", "models", "nl-fr-dekamer.model")
#' model <- sentencepiece_load_model(file = model)
#' txt <- c("De eigendomsoverdracht aan de deelstaten is ingewikkeld.",
#' "On est d'accord sur le prix de la biere?")
#' x <- sentencepiece_encode(model, x = txt, type = "subwords")
#' sentencepiece_decode(model, x)
#' x <- sentencepiece_encode(model, x = txt, type = "ids")
#' sentencepiece_decode(model, x)
#' model <- system.file(package = "sentencepiece", "models",
#' "nl-fr-dekamer-unigram.model")
#' model <- sentencepiece_load_model(file = model)
#' x <- sentencepiece_encode(model, x = txt, type = "subwords", nbest = 3)
#' sentencepiece_decode(model, x)
#' x <- sentencepiece_encode(model, x = txt, type = "subwords",
#' nbest = 3, alpha = 0.1)
#' sentencepiece_decode(model, x)
sentencepiece_decode <- function(model, x){
if(is.integer(x) || (is.list(x) && is.integer(x[[1]]))){
f <- spc_decode_ids
f <- spc_decode_subwords
if(is.list(x) && is.list(x[[1]])){
x <- lapply(x, FUN=function(x){
sentencepiece_decode(model, x)
x <- f(model$model, x)
Encoding(x) <- "UTF-8"
x <- lapply(x, FUN=function(x){
x <- f(model$model, x)
Encoding(x) <- "UTF-8"
x <- unlist(x)
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