
Defines functions dotPlot

Documented in dotPlot

dotPlot <- function(seq1, seq2, wsize = 1, wstep = 1, nmatch = 1, shift = 0, col = c("white", "black"), 
                    xlab = deparse(substitute(seq1)), ylab = deparse(substitute(seq2)), ...){
    # Check arguments:
    if(nchar(seq1[1]) > 1) stop("seq1 should be provided as a vector of single chars")
    if(nchar(seq2[1]) > 1) stop("seq2 should be provided as a vector of single chars")
    if(wsize < 1) stop("non allowed value for wsize")
    if(wstep < 1) stop("non allowed value for wstep")
    if(nmatch < 1) stop("non allowed value for nmatch")
    if(nmatch > wsize) stop("nmatch > wsize is not allowed")
    if(shift >= wsize ) stop("shift >= wsize is not allowed")
    # sliding window on sequences:
    mkwin <- function(seq, start,wsize, wstep){
        sapply(seq(from = start, to = length(seq) - wsize + 1, by = wstep), function(i) c2s(seq[i:(i + wsize - 1)]))
    wseq1 <- mkwin(seq1,1, wsize, wstep)
    wseq2 <- mkwin(seq2,1 + shift, wsize, wstep)
    if( nmatch == wsize ){
        # perfect match case
        xy <- outer(wseq1, wseq2, "==")
    } else {
        # partial match case
        "%==%" <- function(x, y) colSums(sapply(x, s2c) == sapply(y, s2c)) >= nmatch
        xy <- outer(wseq1, wseq2, "%==%")
    graphics::image(x = seq(from = 1, to = length(seq1), length = length(wseq1)), 
          y = seq(from = 1, to = length(seq2), length = length(wseq2)),
          z = xy, col = col, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)

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seqinr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:36 a.m.