# SERP fit via Newton-Raphson iteration
serpfit <- function(x, y, wt, yMtx, link, slope, reverse, control,
Terms, lambda, lambdaGrid, gridType, tuneMethod,
globalEff, cvMetric, mslope, nL, obs,
vnull, nvar, m)
if (slope == 'penalize' && !is.null(globalEff))
slope <- 'partial'
if (slope == 'partial'){
if (!is.null(globalEff)) {
if(class(globalEff) != "formula")
stop("no object of class formula used in globalEff", call. = FALSE)
if (grepl('["]', c(globalEff)))
stop("variable name in quotes not allowed in globalEff",
call. = FALSE)
globalEff <- as.character(all.vars(globalEff))
if (length(globalEff) == 0L)
stop("wrong input in 'globalEff'", call. = FALSE)
if (!length(union(colnames(m), globalEff)) == length(colnames(m)))
stop("unknown variable in globalEff", call. = FALSE)
if (ncol(x) <= 2L || (ncol(x)-1) == length(globalEff))
slope <- "parallel"
if (all.vars(Terms)[[1L]] %in% globalEff)
stop("response not allowed in 'globalEff'", call. = FALSE)
} else stop("'globalEff' is unspecified", call. = FALSE)
link_reversed <- FALSE
initial_link <- link
if (link == "cloglog" & reverse == TRUE){
link_reversed <- TRUE
link <- "loglog"
initial_link <- "cloglog"
if(initial_link == "loglog"){
if (link == "loglog" & reverse == TRUE){
link_reversed <- TRUE
link <- "cloglog"
initial_link <- "loglog"
linkf <- lnkfun(link)
xlst <- formxL(x, nL, slope, globalEff, m, vnull)
yFreq <- colSums(yMtx)/obs
xMat <-, xlst)
colnames.x <- colnames(x)
useout <- FALSE
if (!vnull) x <- x[ ,-1L, drop = FALSE]
stv <- startv(link, linkf, globalEff, x, yFreq, xMat, nL, nvar, slope)
npar <- length(stv)
startval <- est.names(c(stv), slope, globalEff, colnames.x, x, m, npar,
xMat, nL, vnull, useout)
partial.names <- FALSE
if (mslope == 'penalize' && slope != 'parallel' &&
slope <- "penalize"
partial.names <- TRUE
if(is.null(lambdaGrid)) lambdaGrid <- control$int.lambdaGrid
if(!is.numeric(lambdaGrid) || any( ||
any(lambdaGrid < 0L) || !(length(lambdaGrid) > 1L))
stop("lambdaGrid must be a non-negative numeric vector of length > 1",
call. = FALSE)
if (any(lambdaGrid > control$lambda.upper.limit))
stop("values of lambda above 1e10 are not allowed", call. = FALSE)
if (slope == "penalize" && tuneMethod == "user"){
if (is.null(lambda))
stop("user-supplied lambda value is required for 'user' tuning",
call. = FALSE)
if (!is.numeric(lambda) || length(lambda) != 1 || any(lambda < 0))
stop("lambda should be a single numeric and non-negative value",
call. = FALSE)
if (lambda > control$lambda.upper.limit)
stop("values of lambda above 1e10 are not allowed", call. = FALSE)
ans <- list(model = m)
if(slope == "penalize"){
aic = {
discrete = {
ml <- suppressWarnings(
vapply(lambdaGrid, dvfun, numeric(1), globalEff, x, y, startval,
xlst, xMat, yMtx, nL, obs, npar, linkf, link, vnull,
control, slope, wt, tuneMethod, m, mslope, Terms))
hh <- cbind(lambdaGrid, ml)
hh <- as.numeric(hh[which.min(hh[,2L]), ])
minL <- list(minimum = hh[1L], objective = hh[2L])
lam <- minL$minimum
ans$lambdaGrid <- lambdaGrid
fine = {
minL <- suppressWarnings(
optimize(dvfun, c(0L,control$maxpen), globalEff,
x, y, startval,xlst, xMat, yMtx, nL, obs, npar, linkf,
link, vnull,control, slope, wt, tuneMethod, m,
mslope, Terms))
lam <- minL$minimum
cv = {
nrFold <- control$nrFold
discrete = {
ml <- try(suppressWarnings(
vapply(lambdaGrid, cvfun, numeric(1), x, y, nrFold, linkf, link,
m, slope, globalEff, nvar, reverse, vnull, control, wt,
cvMetric, mslope, Terms, xlst = xlst, yMtx = yMtx,
obs)), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(ml, "try-error"))
stop("cv tuning did not succeed, try using a different tuneMethod")
hh <- cbind(lambdaGrid, ml)
hh <- as.numeric(hh[which.min(hh[,2L]), ])
minL <- list(minimum = hh[1L], objective = hh[2L])
lam <- minL$minimum
ans$lambdaGrid <- lambdaGrid
fine = {
minL <- try(suppressWarnings(
optimize(cvfun, c(0L,control$maxpen), x, y, nrFold, linkf,
link, m, slope, globalEff, nvar, reverse, vnull,
control, wt, cvMetric, mslope, Terms, xlst = xlst,
yMtx = yMtx, obs)), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(minL, "try-error"))
stop("cv tuning did not succeed, try using a different tuneMethod")
lam <- minL$minimum
ans$nrFold <- nrFold
ans$cvMetric <- cvMetric
finite = {
lx <- dvfun(lambda = 0L, globalEff, x, y, startval,xlst, xMat,
yMtx, nL, obs, npar, linkf, link, vnull,control,
slope, wt, tuneMethod, m, mslope, Terms)
minL <- suppressWarnings(
optimize(f = dvfun, interval = c(0,control$maxpen), globalEff,
x, y, startval, xlst, xMat, yMtx, nL, obs, npar, linkf,
link, vnull,control, slope, wt, tuneMethod, m,
mslope, Terms))
lam <- minL$minimum
lam <- 0L
minL <- NULL
user = {
lam <- lambda
minL <- NULL
ans$lambda <- lambda
lam <- 0L
minL <- NULL
res <-, x, y, wt, startval, xlst, xMat,
yMtx, nL, obs, npar, linkf, link, vnull,
control, slope, globalEff, m, mslope, Terms)
nmsv <- names(startval)
misc <- list(colnames.x = colnames.x, colnames.xMat = nmsv, npar = npar,
variable.null = vnull, = res$conv, no.var = nvar)
delta <- res$coef
if (reverse) delta <- -1L * delta
fv <-$
colnames(fv) <- levels(y)
nfinite <- "non-finite log-likelihood persists, "
if (!is.null(globalEff)) ans$globalEff <- globalEff
if (slope == "penalize"){
if ($loglik)){
if (tuneMethod=="user")
warning(nfinite,"apply a stronger lambda value or a different ",
"tuning method")
if (tuneMethod=="aic" || tuneMethod=="cv"){
if (!is.null(lambdaGrid))
warning(nfinite,"increase lambdaGrid upper limit or apply a ",
"different tuning method")
warning(nfinite,"try a different tuning method.")
if (tuneMethod == "aic" || tuneMethod == "cv"){
if (tuneMethod == "cv"){
ans$testError <- if ($loglik)) NA else minL$objective
} else ans$value <- as.numeric(minL$objective)
if (gridType == "discrete"){
misc$gridType <- gridType
misc$grid.range <- if(!is.null(lambdaGrid))
c(0L, max(lambdaGrid)) else c(0L, control$maxpen)
} else {
misc$grid.range <- c(0L, control$maxpen)
ans$gridType <- gridType
ans$lambda <- if ($loglik)) NA else lam
if (tuneMethod == "finite") ans$value <- res$loglik
ans$tuneMethod <- tuneMethod
if (!vnull){
hes <- res$info
gra <- res$score
dimnames(hes) <- list(names(startval), names(startval))
dimnames(gra) <- list(names(startval), "gradient")
} else {
delta <- delta[nL] + delta[seq_len(nL-1L)]
hes <- res$info[-nL, -nL]
gra <- res$score[-nL]
npar <- nL - 1 <- names(startval)[seq_len(nL)-1L]
dimnames(hes) <- list(,
names(gra) <-
if (link_reversed) link <- initial_link
delta <- as.numeric(delta)
sl <- if (partial.names) "partial" else slope
delta <- est.names(delta, slope = sl, globalEff, colnames.x, x, m,
npar, xMat, nL, vnull, useout)
ans$coef <- delta
ans$logLik <- as.numeric(res$loglik)
ans$deviance <- -2*ans$logLik
ans$aic <- ans$deviance + 2*res$edf
ans$bic <- ans$deviance + log(obs)*res$edf
ans <- c(list(link = link, ylev = nL, nobs = obs,
gradient = gra, hessian = hes, fitted.values = fv,
slope = slope, Terms = Terms, control = control,
reverse = reverse, converged = res$converged,
iter = res$iter, message = res$message, misc = misc,
edf = res$edf, rdf = res$rdf), ans)
} <- function(lambda, x, y, wt, startval, xlst,
xMat, yMtx, nL, obs, npar, linkf, link,
vnull, control, slope, globalEff, m, mslope,
Terms, xtrace = TRUE)
iter <- 0
maxits <- control$maxits
eps <- control$eps
if ((obs*(nL-1L)) < npar)
stop("There are ", npar, " parameters but only ", (obs*(nL-1L)),
" observations")
conv <- 2L
delta <- startval
trc <- control$trace
converged <- FALSE
adj.iter <- abs.iter <- nonfinite <- half.iter <- 0L
while(!converged && iter < maxits)
iter <- iter+1
penx <- PenMx(lamv = lambda, delta, nL,
slope, m, globalEff, mslope, Terms)
fvalues <- prlg(delta, xMat, obs, yMtx, penx, linkf, control, wt)
pr <- fvalues$pr[,-nL]
obj <- fvalues$logL
stop("Non-finite log-likelihood at starting value")
SI <- ScoreInfo(x, y, pr, wt, nL, yMtx, xlst, penx, linkf)
score <- SI$score
maxGrad <- max(abs(score))
info <- SI$info
fvaluesOld <- fvalues
deltaOld <- delta
objOld <- obj
cho <- try(chol(info), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(cho, "try-error")) {
min.ev <- try(min(eigen(info, symmetric = TRUE,
only.values = TRUE)$values), silent = TRUE)
inflation.factor <- 1
if(inherits(min.ev, "try-error"))
stop("\nnon-finite eigen values in iteration process", call. = FALSE)
inflector <- abs(min.ev) + inflation.factor
info <- info + diag(inflector, nrow(info))
if(control$trace > 0 && xtrace)
Trace(iter, maxGrad, obj, delta, step, score, eigen,
info, trc, inflector, first = (iter == 1), half.iter,
step.type = "adjust")
cho <- try(chol(info), silent=TRUE)
if(inherits(cho, "try-error"))
stop(gettextf("Cannot compute Newton step at iteration %d",
iter), call. = FALSE)
adj.iter <- adj.iter + 1L
} else adj.iter <- 0L
if(adj.iter >= control$maxAdjIter) {
conv <- 4L
step <- backsolve(cho, backsolve(cho, score, transpose = TRUE))
rel.conv <- (max(abs(step)) < control$relTol)
delta <- delta + step
fvalues <- prlg(delta, xMat, obs, yMtx, penx, linkf, control, wt)
pr <- fvalues$pr[,-nL]
obj <- loglik <- fvalues$logL
abs.conv <- eval(control$stopcrit)
if(abs.conv && !rel.conv) conv <- 1L
if(abs.conv && rel.conv) conv <- 0L
if(control$trace > 0 && xtrace)
Trace(iter, maxGrad, obj, delta, step, score, eigen, info, trc,
inflector, first=(iter==1), half.iter, step.type = "full")
if(iter == 2L && fvalues$negprob){
loglik <- NA
conv <- 5L
fvalues <- fvaluesOld
delta <- deltaOld
nonfinite <- 1L
converged <- abs.conv
half.iter <- 0L
delta.old <- delta
obj.old <- obj
fvalues.old <- fvalues
while (obj < objOld && (conv == 2L)) {
delta <- (delta + deltaOld) * 0.5
fvalues <- prlg(delta, xMat, obs, yMtx, penx, linkf, control, wt)
pr <- fvalues$pr[,-nL]
obj <- loglik <- fvalues$logL
half.iter <- half.iter + 1
if(control$trace > 0 && xtrace)
Trace(iter, maxGrad, obj, delta, step, score, eigen,
info, trc, inflector, first=(iter == 1L), half.iter,
step.type = "modify")
if(half.iter >= control$max.half.iter)
conv <- 3L
NotImproved <- objOld <= obj
if (NotImproved) {
delta <- delta.old
loglik <- obj.old
fvalues <- fvalues.old
if (maxits > 1L && iter >= maxits){
conv <- 2L
warning("convergence not obtained in ", maxits,
" Newton's iterations")
if (nonfinite && !slope == "penalize")
msg <- control$msg[as.character(conv)][[1L]]
if(conv <= 1L && control$trace > 0L && xtrace) {
message("\nSuccessful convergence!\n", msg)
if(conv > 1 && control$trace > 0L && xtrace) {
message("\nOptimization failed!\n", msg)
df <- df.serp(fvalues, xMat, penx, nL)
res <- c(list(coef = delta, loglik = loglik, info = info, score = score,
converged = converged, conv = conv, iter = iter,
message = msg), edf = df$edf, rdf = df$rdf, fvalues)
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