schizophrenia: Bookstein's schizophrenia data

schizophreniaR Documentation

Bookstein's schizophrenia data


Bookstein's schizophrenia data. 13 landmarks in 2 dimensions, 28 individuals. The first 14 individuals are controls. The last fourteen cases were diagnosed with schizophrenia. The landmarks were taken in the near midline from MR images of the brain: (1) splenium, posteriormost point on corpus callosum; (2) genu, anteriormost point on corpus callosum; (3) top of corpus callosum, uppermost point on arch of callosum (all three to an approximate registration on the diameter of the callosum); (4) top of head, a point relaxed from a standard landmark along the apparent margin of the dura; (5) tentorium of cerebellum at dura; (6) top of cerebellum; (7) tip of fourth ventricle; (8) bottom of cerebellum; (9) top of pons, anterior margin; (10) bottom of pons, anterior margin; (11) optic chiasm; (12) frontal pole, extension of a line from landmark 1 through landmark 2 until it intersects the dura; (13) superior colliculus.




schizophrenia$x : An array of dimension 13 x 2 x 28

schizophrenia$group : A factor of group labels ‘con’ for Controls and ‘scz’ for the schizophrenia patients.


Bookstein, F. L. (1996). Biometrics, biomathematics and the morphometric synthesis, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 58, 313–365.


Data kindly provided by Fred Bookstein (University of Washington and University of Vienna)



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