#' Adds the content of www to sF/
#' @importFrom shiny addResourcePath
#' @noRd
.onLoad <- function(...) {
shiny::addResourcePath("sF", system.file("www", package = "shinyFiles"))
#' check for NULL or NA
#' @noRd
.is_not <- function(x) length(x) == 0 || (length(x) == 1 &&
#' Run a simple example app using the shinyFiles functionality
#' When the function is invoked a shiny app is started showing a very simple
#' setup using shinyFiles. A button summons the dialog box allowing the user to
#' navigate the R installation directory. To showcase the restrictions parameter
#' the base package location has been hidden, and is thus inaccessible. A panel
#' besides the button shows how the user selection is made accessible to the
#' server after parsing with [parseFilePaths()].
#' @family shinyFiles
#' @importFrom shiny runApp
#' @export
shinyFilesExample <- function() {
shiny::runApp(system.file("example", package = "shinyFiles", mustWork = T), display.mode = "showcase")
#' Get a list of available volumes
#' This function is intended as an input to the roots parameter in
#' [fileGetter()] and [shinyFileChoose()]. It returns a
#' function that returns a named vector of available volumes on the system. This
#' construction makes it dynamic so that a shinyFiles instance reflects new
#' volumes as they get added (e.g. usb drives). The function takes a single
#' argument giving names of volumes the developer wants removed from the return
#' value.
#' @details
#' The function is OS specific and looks for volumes/drives in different places
#' depending on the system on which shiny is running.
#' \describe{
#' \item{Windows}{Returns all drives mapped to a letter}
#' \item{Mac OSX}{Looks in /Volumes/ and lists the directories therein}
#' \item{Linux}{Returns the system root}
#' }
#' If the function does not recognize the system under which it is running it
#' will throw an error
#' @param exclude A vector of volume names to be excluded from the return value
#' @return A function returning a named vector of available volumes
#' @importFrom fs dir_exists dir_ls
#' @export
getVolumes <- function(exclude) {
if (missing(exclude)) exclude <- NULL
function() {
osSystem <-["sysname"]
if (osSystem == "Darwin") {
volumes <- dir_ls("/Volumes")
names(volumes) <- basename(volumes)
} else if (osSystem == "Linux") {
volumes <- c("Computer" = "/")
if (isTRUE(dir_exists("/media"))) {
media <- dir_ls("/media")
names(media) <- basename(media)
volumes <- c(volumes, media)
} else if (osSystem == "Windows") {
wmic <- paste0(Sys.getenv("SystemRoot"), "\\System32\\Wbem\\WMIC.exe")
if (!file.exists(wmic)) {
volumes_info <- system2("powershell", "$dvr=[System.IO.DriveInfo]::GetDrives();Write-Output $dvr.length $ $dvr.VolumeLabel;", stdout = TRUE)
num = as.integer(volumes_info[1])
if(num == 0) return(NULL)
mat <- matrix(volumes_info[-1], nrow = num, ncol = 2)
mat[, 1] <- gsub(":\\\\$", ":/", mat[, 1])
sel <- mat[, 2] == ""
mat[sel, 2] <- mat[sel, 1]
volumes <- mat[, 1]
volNames <- mat[, 2]
volNames <- paste0(volNames, " (", gsub(":/$", ":", volumes), ")")
} else {
volumes <- system(paste(wmic, "logicaldisk get Caption"), intern = TRUE, ignore.stderr=TRUE)
volumes <- sub(" *\\r$", "", volumes)
keep <- !tolower(volumes) %in% c("caption", "")
volumes <- volumes[keep]
volNames <- system(paste(wmic, "/FAILFAST:1000 logicaldisk get VolumeName"), intern = TRUE, ignore.stderr=TRUE)
volNames <- sub(" *\\r$", "", volNames)
volNames <- volNames[keep]
volNames <- paste0(volNames, ifelse(volNames == "", "", " "))
volNames <- paste0(volNames, "(", volumes, ")")
names(volumes) <- volNames
volumes <- gsub(":$", ":/", volumes)
} else {
stop("unsupported OS")
if (!is.null(exclude)) {
volumes <- volumes[!names(volumes) %in% exclude]
getSession <- function() {
session <- shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain()
if (is.null(session)) {
"could not find the Shiny session object. This usually happens when a",
"shinyjs function is called from a context that wasn't set up by a Shiny session."
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.