
# Uglify shinyWidgets files -----------------------------------------------

# js ----

# not used
# js_files <- list.files(path = "inst/www/", pattern = "\\.js$", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
# js_files <- lapply(js_files, readLines)
# js_files <- lapply(js_files, paste, collapse = "\n")
# js_files <- paste(unlist(js_files), collapse = "\n")
# library("js")
# js_files <- uglify_optimize(text = js_files)
# writeLines(text = js_files, con = "inst/www/shinyWidgets.min.js")

# bindings ----

# create one file with all bindings
bindings_files <- list.files(path = "inst/assets/", pattern = "bindings", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
bindings_files <- bindings_files[bindings_files != "inst/assets/shinyWidgets-bindings.min.js"]
bindings_files <- bindings_files[bindings_files != "inst/assets/sweetAlert/sweetalert-bindings.js"]
bindings_files <- bindings_files[bindings_files != "inst/assets/air-datepicker/datepicker-bindings.js"]
bindings_files <- bindings_files[!grepl(pattern = "awesome", bindings_files)]
bindings_files <- lapply(bindings_files, readLines)
bindings_files <- lapply(bindings_files, paste, collapse = "\n")
bindings_files <- paste(unlist(bindings_files), collapse = "\n")

bindings_files <- uglify_optimize(text = bindings_files)

writeLines(text = bindings_files, con = "inst/assets/shinyWidgets-bindings.min.js")

# css ----

# all files
css_files <- list.files(path = "inst/assets/", pattern = "\\.css$", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)

# keep the ones not integrated via a widgets
css_files <- css_files[
  grepl(pattern = "checkboxGroupButtons", x = css_files, fixed = TRUE) |
    grepl(pattern = "radioGroupButtons", x = css_files) |
    grepl(pattern = "circle-button", x = css_files) |
    grepl(pattern = "material-switch", x = css_files, fixed = TRUE) |
    # grepl(pattern = "multi-shiny", x = css_files) |
    grepl(pattern = "sw-color-selector", x = css_files)

# read them all
css_files <- lapply(css_files, readLines)
# concat in one string
css_files <- lapply(css_files, paste, collapse = "\n")
css_files <- paste(unlist(css_files), collapse = "\n")

# write them all
writeLines(text = css_files, con = "inst/assets/shinyWidgets.css")

# go here to minify the file

Try the shinyWidgets package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

shinyWidgets documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 9:07 a.m.