#' Display a popup message (modal) in Shiny
#' Modals can contain text, images, OK/Cancel buttons, Shiny inputs, and Shiny outputs
#' (such as plots and tables). A modal can also have a timer to close automatically,
#' and you can specify custom code to run when a modal closes. See the
#' \href{}{demo Shiny app}
#' online for examples or read the
#' \href{}{full README}.
#' @param title The title of the modal.
#' @param text The modal's text. Can either be simple text, or Shiny tags (including
#' Shiny inputs and outputs). If using Shiny tags, then you must also set `html=TRUE`.
#' @param type The type of the modal. There are 4 built-in types which will show
#' a corresponding icon: \code{"warning"}, \code{"error"}, \code{"success"} and
#' \code{"info"}. You can also set \code{type="input"} to get a prompt
#' in the modal where the user can enter a response. By default, the modal has
#' no type.
#' @param closeOnEsc If \code{TRUE}, the user can dismiss the modal by
#' pressing the Escape key.
#' @param closeOnClickOutside If \code{TRUE}, the user can dismiss the modal by
#' clicking outside it.
#' @param html If \code{TRUE}, the content of the title and text will not be
#' escaped. By default, the content in the title and text are escaped, so any
#' HTML tags will not render as HTML.
#' @param showCancelButton If \code{TRUE}, a "Cancel" button will be shown,
#' which the user can click on to dismiss the modal.
#' @param showConfirmButton If \code{TRUE}, a "OK" button
#' will be shown. If \code{FALSE}, make sure to either use \code{timer},
#' \code{closeOnEsc}, or \code{closeOnClickOutside} to allow the user a way to
#' close the modal.
#' @param inputType When using \code{type="input"}, change the type of the input
#' field. The input type can be \code{"number"}, \code{"text"},
#' \code{"password"}, or any other valid HTML input type.
#' @param inputValue When using \code{type="input"}, specify a default
#' value that you want the input to show initially.
#' @param inputPlaceholder When using \code{type="input"}, specify a placeholder
#' text for the input.
#' @param confirmButtonText The text in the "OK" button.
#' @param confirmButtonCol The background colour of the "OK" button
#' (must be a HEX value).
#' @param cancelButtonText The text in the "Cancel" button.
#' @param timer The amount of time (in milliseconds) before the modal should
#' close automatically. Use \code{0} to not close the modal automatically (default).
#' @param animation If \code{FALSE}, the modal's animation will be disabled.
#' Possible values: \code{FALSE}, \code{TRUE}, \code{"slide-from-top"},
#' \code{"slide-from-bottom"}, \code{"pop"} (the default animation when
#' \code{animation=TRUE}).
#' @param imageUrl Add a custom icon to the modal.
#' @param imageWidth Width of the custom image icon, in pixels.
#' @param imageHeight Height of the custom image icon, in pixels.
#' @param className A custom CSS class name for the modal's container.
#' @param callbackR An R function to call when the modal exits. See the
#' 'Modal return value' and 'Callbacks' sections below.
#' @param callbackJS A JavaScript function to call when the modal exits. See the
#' 'Modal return value' and 'Callbacks' sections below.
#' @param inputId The input ID that will be used to retrieve the value of this
#' modal (defualt: \code{"shinyalert"}). You can access the value of the modal
#' with \code{input$<inputId>}.
#' @param size The size (width) of the modal. One of `"xs"` for extra small, `"s"`
#' for small (default), `"m"` for medium, or `"l"` for large.
#' @param immediate If `TRUE`, close any previously opened alerts and display
#' the current one immediately.
#' @param session Shiny session object (only for advanced users).
#' @return An ID that can be used by \code{\link{closeAlert}} to close this
#' specific alert.
#' @section Simple input modals:
#' Usually the purpose of a modal is simply informative, to show some information
#' to the user. However, the modal can also be used to retrieve an input from the
#' user by setting the `type = "input"` parameter.
#' When using a `type="input"` modal, only a single input can be used. By default,
#' the input will be a text input, but you can use other input types by specifying
#' the `inputType` parameter (for example `inputType = "number"` will expose a
#' numeric input).
#' @section Shiny inputs/outputs in modals:
#' While simple input modals are useful for retrieving input from the user, they
#' aren't very flexible - they only allow one input. You can include any Shiny UI
#' code in a modal, including Shiny inputs and outputs (such as plots), by
#' providing Shiny tags in the `text` parameter and setting `html=TRUE`. For
#' example, the following code would produce a modal with two inputs:
#' \preformatted{
#' shinyalert(html = TRUE, text = tagList(
#' textInput("name", "What's your name?", "Dean"),
#' numericInput("age", "How old are you?", 30),
#' ))
#' }
#' @section Modal return value:
#' Modals created with \{shinyalert\} have a return value when they exit.
#' When using a simple input modal (`type="input"`), the value of the modal is
#' the value the user entered. Otherwise, the value of the modal is `TRUE` if
#' the user clicked the "OK" button, and `FALSE` if the user dismissed the modal
#' (either by clicking the "Cancel" button, using the Escape key, clicking outside
#' the modal, or letting the `timer` run out).
#' The return value of the modal can be accessed via `input$shinyalert` (or using
#' a different input ID if you specify the `inputId` parameter), as if it were a
#' regular Shiny input. The return value can also be accessed using the
#' *modal callbacks* (see below).
#' @section Callbacks:
#' The return value of the modal is passed as an argument to the `callbackR`
#' and `callbackJS` functions (if a `callbackR` or `callbackJS` arguments
#' are provided). These functions get called (in R and in JavaScript, respectively)
#' when the modal exits.
#' For example, using the following \{shinyalert\} code will result in a modal with
#' an input field. After the user clicks "OK", a hello message will be printed
#' to both the R console and in a native JavaScript alert box. You don't need to
#' provide both callback functions, but in this example both are used for
#' demonstration.
#' \preformatted{
#' shinyalert(
#' "Enter your name", type = "input",
#' callbackR = function(x) { message("Hello ", x) },
#' callbackJS = "function(x) { alert('Hello ' + x); }"
#' )
#' }
#' Notice that the \code{callbackR} function accepts R code, while the
#' \code{callbackJS} function uses JavaScript code.
#' Since closing the modal with the Escape key results in a return value of
#' \code{FALSE}, the callback functions can be modified to not print anything in
#' that case.
#' \preformatted{
#' shinyalert(
#' "Enter your name", type = "input",
#' callbackR = function(x) { if(x != FALSE) message("Hello ", x) },
#' callbackJS = "function(x) { if (x !== false) { alert('Hello ' + x); } }"
#' )
#' }
#' @section Chaining modals:
#' It's possible to chain modals (call multiple modals one after another) by
#' making a \code{shinyalert()} call inside a shinyalert callback or using the
#' return value of a previous modal. For example:
#' \preformatted{
#' shinyalert(
#' title = "What is your name?", type = "input",
#' callbackR = function(value) { shinyalert(paste("Welcome", value)) }
#' )
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link[shinyalert]{useShinyalert}}
#' @examples
#' # Example 1: Simple modal
#' if (interactive()) {
#' library(shiny)
#' library(shinyalert)
#' shinyApp(
#' ui = fluidPage(
#' actionButton("btn", "Click me")
#' ),
#' server = function(input, output) {
#' observeEvent(input$btn, {
#' # Show a simple modal
#' shinyalert(title = "You did it!", type = "success")
#' })
#' }
#' )
#' }
#' # Example 2: Simple input modal calling another modal in its callback
#' if (interactive()) {
#' library(shiny)
#' library(shinyalert)
#' shinyApp(
#' ui = fluidPage(
#' actionButton("btn", "Greet")
#' ),
#' server = function(input, output) {
#' observeEvent(input$btn, {
#' shinyalert(
#' title = "What is your name?", type = "input",
#' callbackR = function(value) { shinyalert(paste("Welcome", value)) }
#' )
#' })
#' }
#' )
#' }
#' # Example 3: Modal with Shiny tags (input and output)
#' if (interactive()) {
#' library(shiny)
#' library(shinyalert)
#' shinyApp(
#' ui = fluidPage(
#' actionButton("btn", "Go")
#' ),
#' server = function(input, output) {
#' observeEvent(input$btn, {
#' shinyalert(
#' html = TRUE,
#' text = tagList(
#' numericInput("num", "Number", 10),
#' "The square of the number is",
#' textOutput("square", inline = TRUE)
#' )
#' )
#' })
#' output$square <- renderText({ input$num*input$num })
#' }
#' )
#' }
#' @export
shinyalert <- function(
title = "",
text = "",
type = "",
closeOnEsc = TRUE,
closeOnClickOutside = FALSE,
html = FALSE,
showCancelButton = FALSE,
showConfirmButton = TRUE,
inputType = "text",
inputValue = "",
inputPlaceholder = "",
confirmButtonText = "OK",
confirmButtonCol = "#AEDEF4",
cancelButtonText = "Cancel",
timer = 0,
animation = TRUE,
imageUrl = NULL,
imageWidth = 100,
imageHeight = 100,
className = "",
callbackR = NULL,
callbackJS = NULL,
inputId = "shinyalert",
size = "s",
immediate = FALSE,
session = getSession()
) {
params <- as.list(environment())
if (timer < 0) {
stop("timer cannot be negative.", call. = FALSE)
if (!type %in% c("", "warning", "error", "success", "info", "input")) {
stop("type=", type, " is not supported.", call. = FALSE)
if (!size %in% c("xs", "s", "m", "l")) {
stop("size=", size, " is not supported.", call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(imageUrl) && imageUrl == "") {
imageUrl <- NULL
# Rename some parameters that shinyalert tries to use more sensible names for
params[['customClass']] <- paste0(params[['className']], " alert-size-", size)
params[['allowEscapeKey']] <- params[['closeOnEsc']]
params[['allowOutsideClick']] <- params[['closeOnClickOutside']]
params[['confirmButtonColor']] <- params[['confirmButtonCol']]
params[['imageSize']] <- paste0(params[['imageWidth']], "x", params[['imageHeight']])
params[['closeOnEsc']] <- NULL
params[['className']] <- NULL
params[['closeOnClickOutside']] <- NULL
params[['confirmButtonCol']] <- NULL
params[['imageWidth']] <- NULL
params[['imageHeight']] <- NULL
# Remove parameters that shouldn't be passed to JavaScript
params[['session']] <- NULL
if (is.null(session$userData$.shinyalert_added) || !session$userData$.shinyalert_added) {
shiny::insertUI("head", "beforeEnd", immediate = TRUE, ui = getDependencies())
session$userData$.shinyalert_added <- TRUE
if (immediate) {
# If an R callback function is provided, create an observer for it
cbid <- paste0("__shinyalert-", gsub("-", "", uuid::UUIDgenerate()))
params[['cbid']] <- session$ns(cbid)
if (is.null(callbackR)) {
params[['callbackR']] <- FALSE
} else {
shiny::observeEvent(session$input[[cbid]], {
if (length(formals(callbackR)) == 0) {
} else {
}, once = TRUE)
params[['callbackR']] <- TRUE
if (html && !is.null(params[["text"]]) && (length(params[["text"]]) > 1 || nzchar(as.character(params[["text"]])))) {
if (type == "input") {
stop("Cannot use 'input' type and HTML together. You must supply your own Shiny inputs when using HTML.", call. = FALSE)
shiny::insertUI("head", "beforeEnd", immediate = FALSE, ui = htmltools::findDependencies(params[["text"]]))
params[["text"]] <- as.character(params[["text"]])
params[["inputId"]] <- session$ns(params[["inputId"]])
session$sendCustomMessage(type = "", message = params)
#' Close a shinyalert popup message
#' @param num Number of popup messages to close. If set to 0 (default) then all
#' messages are closed. This is only useful if you have multiple popups queued up.
#' @param id To close a specific popup, use the ID returned by \code{\link{shinyalert}}.
#' Note that if `id` is specified, then `num` is ignored.
#' @export
closeAlert <- function(num = 0, id = NULL) {
session <- getSession()
session$sendCustomMessage(type = "shinyalert.closeAlert",
message = list(count = num, cbid = id))
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.