
Defines functions drawSuperEll drawDSUOval drawTriSector drawEllSector drawEllipse.default drawEllipse.list drawEllipse drawCircle.default drawCircle.list drawCircle drawBox2.default drawBox2.list drawBox2 drawBox.default drawBox.list drawBox getColors

Documented in drawBox drawBox2 drawBox2.default drawBox2.list drawBox.default drawBox.list drawCircle drawCircle.default drawCircle.list drawEllipse drawEllipse.default drawEllipse.list

getColors <-
function(n) {
    hues <- seq(15, 375, length=n+1)
    hcl(h=hues, l=65, c=100)[1:n]

drawBox <-
function(x, fg=par("fg"), bg=NA, colCtr=NA,
         lty=par("lty"), lwd=par("lwd"), pch=par("pch"), cex=par("cex")) {

drawBox.list <-
function(x, fg=par("fg"), bg=NA, colCtr=NA,
        lty=par("lty"), lwd=par("lwd"), pch=par("pch"), cex=par("cex")) {
    x <- x$pts

drawBox.default <-
function(x, fg=par("fg"), bg=NA, colCtr=NA,
        lty=par("lty"), lwd=par("lwd"), pch=par("pch"), cex=par("cex")) {
    rect(x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], col=bg, border=fg, lty=lty, lwd=lwd)
    ctr <- c(x[1] + (x[3]-x[1]) / 2, x[2] + (x[4]-x[2]) / 2)
    points(ctr[1], ctr[2], col=colCtr, pch=pch, lwd=lwd, cex=cex)

drawBox2 <-
function(x, fg=par("fg"), bg=NA, colCtr=NA,
         lty=par("lty"), lwd=par("lwd"), pch=par("pch"), cex=par("cex")) {

drawBox2.list <-
function(x, fg=par("fg"), bg=NA, colCtr=NA,
        lty=par("lty"), lwd=par("lwd"), pch=par("pch"), cex=par("cex")) {
    x <- x$pts

drawBox2.default <-
function(x, fg=par("fg"), bg=NA, colCtr=NA,
        lty=par("lty"), lwd=par("lwd"), pch=par("pch"), cex=par("cex")) {
    polygon(x, col=bg, border=fg, lty=lty, lwd=lwd)
    ctr <- x[1, ] + 0.5 * (x[3, ] - x[1, ])
    points(ctr[1], ctr[2], col=colCtr, pch=pch, lwd=lwd, cex=cex)

drawCircle <-
function(x, radius, nv=100, fg=par("fg"), bg=NA,
         colCtr=NA, lty=par("lty"), lwd=par("lwd"),
         pch=par("pch"), cex=par("cex")) {

drawCircle.list <-
function(x, radius, nv=100, fg=par("fg"), bg=NA,
         colCtr=NA, lty=par("lty"), lwd=par("lwd"),
         pch=par("pch"), cex=par("cex")) {
    radius <- x$rad
    x      <- x$ctr
    NextMethod("drawCircle", radius=radius)

drawCircle.default <-
function(x, radius, nv=100, fg=par("fg"), bg=NA,
         colCtr=NA, lty=par("lty"), lwd=par("lwd"),
         pch=par("pch"), cex=par("cex")) {
    if(!is.numeric(x))      { stop("x must be numeric") }
    if(!is.vector(x))       { stop("x must be a vector") }
    if(length(x) != 2L)     { stop("x must have length 2") }
    if(!is.numeric(radius)) { stop("radius must be numeric") }

    angles <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out=nv)
    circ   <- cbind(x[1] + radius*cos(angles), x[2] + radius*sin(angles))

    polygon(circ[-1, ], border=NA, col=bg)
    lines(circ, col=fg, lwd=lwd, lty=lty)
    points(x[1], x[2], col=colCtr, pch=pch, lwd=lwd, cex=cex)

drawEllipse <-
function(x, shape, radius, nv=100, axes=FALSE,
         fg=par("fg"), bg=NA, colCtr=NA,
         lty=par("lty"), lwd=par("lwd"), pch=par("pch"), cex=par("cex")) {

drawEllipse.list <-
function(x, shape, radius, nv=100, axes=FALSE,
        fg=par("fg"), bg=NA, colCtr=NA,
        lty=par("lty"), lwd=par("lwd"), pch=par("pch"), cex=par("cex")) {
    if(missing(shape))  { shape <- x$cov }
    if(missing(radius)) {
        radius <- if(!is.null(x$magFac)) {
        } else {

    x <- x$ctr
    NextMethod("drawEllipse", shape=shape, radius=radius)

drawEllipse.default <-
function(x, shape, radius=1, nv=100, axes=FALSE,
         fg=par("fg"), bg=NA, colCtr=NA,
         lty=par("lty"), lwd=par("lwd"), pch=par("pch"), cex=par("cex")) {
    if(!is.numeric(x))        { stop("x must be numeric") }
    if(!is.vector(x))         { stop("x must be a vector") }
    if(length(x) != 2L)       { stop("x must have length two") }
    if(!is.matrix(shape))     { stop("shape must be a matrix") }
    if(!is.numeric(shape))    { stop("shape must be numeric") }
    if(any(dim(shape) != 2L)) { stop("shape must be a (2 x 2)-matrix") }
    if(!isTRUE(all.equal(shape, t(shape)))) {
        stop("shape must be symmetric")

    CF     <- chol(shape, pivot=TRUE)      # Cholesky-factor
    CFord  <- order(attr(CF, "pivot"))
    angles <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out=nv)  # angles in radians
    ell    <- radius * cbind(cos(angles), sin(angles)) %*% CF[ , CFord]  # ellipse
    ellCtr <- sweep(ell, 2, x, "+")        # move ellipse to center

    ## draw center, ellipse
    points(x[1], x[2], col=colCtr, pch=pch, lwd=lwd, cex=cex)  # center
    polygon(ellCtr, border=fg, col=bg, lwd=lwd, lty=lty)       # ellipse

    ## draw axes
    if(axes) {
        eig    <- eigen(shape)
        eigScl <- eig$vectors %*% diag(radius * sqrt(eig$values))

        # matrix with scaled ellipse axes
        xMat <- rbind(x[1] + eigScl[1, ], x[1] - eigScl[1, ])
        yMat <- rbind(x[2] + eigScl[2, ], x[2] - eigScl[2, ])

        matlines(xMat, yMat, col=fg, lwd=lwd, lty=lty)

drawEllSector <-
function(x, shape=diag(2), radius=1, sect0=0, sect1=90, rot=0, nv=100,
         fg=par("fg"), bg=NA, colCtr=NA,
         lty=par("lty"), lwd=par("lwd"), pch=par("pch"), cex=par("cex")) {
    if(!is.numeric(x))        { stop("x must be numeric") }
    if(!is.vector(x))         { stop("x must be a vector") }
    if(length(x) != 2L)       { stop("x must have length two") }
    if(!is.matrix(shape))     { stop("shape must be a matrix") }
    if(!is.numeric(shape))    { stop("shape must be numeric") }
    if(any(dim(shape) != 2L)) { stop("shape must be a (2 x 2)-matrix") }
    if(!isTRUE(all.equal(shape, t(shape)))) {
        stop("shape must be symmetric")
    if(sect0 >= sect1) { stop("sect0 must be smaller than sect 1") }

    CF      <- chol(shape, pivot=TRUE)      # Cholesky-factor
    CFord   <- order(attr(CF, "pivot"))
    angles  <- seq(sect0*pi/180, sect1*pi/180, length.out=nv)  # angles in radians
    sect    <- radius * cbind(cos(angles), sin(angles)) %*% CF[ , CFord]  # sector
    sect    <- rbind(sect, c(0, 0))

    ang  <- -rot*pi/180
    G    <- cbind(c(cos(ang), sin(ang)), c(-sin(ang), cos(ang)))
    sect <- sect %*% G

    sectCtr <- sweep(sect, 2, x, "+")       # move sector to center

    ## draw center, ellipse
    points(x[1], x[2], col=colCtr, pch=pch, lwd=lwd, cex=cex)  # center
    polygon(sectCtr, border=fg, col=bg, lwd=lwd, lty=lty)      # ellipse

drawTriSector <-
function(x, radius=1, sect0=0, sect1=90, rot=0,
         fg=par("fg"), bg=NA, colCtr=NA,
         lty=par("lty"), lwd=par("lwd"), pch=par("pch"), cex=par("cex")) {
    if(!is.numeric(x))  { stop("x must be numeric") }
    if(!is.vector(x))   { stop("x must be a vector") }
    if(length(x) != 2L) { stop("x must have length two") }
    if(sect0 >= sect1)  { stop("sect0 must be smaller than sect 1") }

    angles <- c(sect0*pi/180, sect1*pi/180)  # angles in radians
    sect   <- rbind(c(0, 0),
                    c(radius, radius*tan(angles[1])),
                    c(radius, radius*tan(angles[2])),
                    c(0, 0))

    ang  <- -rot*pi/180
    G    <- cbind(c(cos(ang), sin(ang)), c(-sin(ang), cos(ang)))
    sect <- sect %*% G

    sectCtr <- sweep(sect, 2, x, "+")       # move sector to center

    ## draw center, triangle
    points(x[1], x[2], col=colCtr, pch=pch, lwd=lwd, cex=cex)  # center
    polygon(sectCtr, border=fg, col=bg, lwd=lwd, lty=lty)      # triangle

## draw oval shape from DSU targets
drawDSUOval <-
function(x, shape=diag(2), radius=1, angle, h=0, rot=0, nv=100,
         fg=par("fg"), bg=NA, colCtr=NA,
         lty=par("lty"), lwd=par("lwd"), pch=par("pch"), cex=par("cex"),
         plot=TRUE) {
    if(!is.numeric(x))        { stop("x must be numeric") }
    if(!is.vector(x))         { stop("x must be a vector") }
    if(length(x) != 2L)       { stop("x must have length two") }
    if(!is.matrix(shape))     { stop("shape must be a matrix") }
    if(!is.numeric(shape))    { stop("shape must be numeric") }
    if(any(dim(shape) != 2L)) { stop("shape must be a (2 x 2)-matrix") }
    if(!isTRUE(all.equal(shape, t(shape)))) {
        stop("shape must be symmetric")
    if(angle >= 90) { stop("angle must be < 90 degree") }
    angle <- (pi/180)*angle     # convert angle to radians

    ## ellipse sector - right upper quadrant
    CF    <- chol(shape, pivot=TRUE)      # Cholesky-factor
    CFord <- order(attr(CF, "pivot"))

    ## correct opening angle for vertical offset h
    angCorr <- atan(h/radius)
    ellAng1 <- seq(angle-angCorr, (pi-angle+angCorr), length.out=nv)  # angles in radians
    ellAng2 <- pi + ellAng1
    ellSec1 <- radius * cbind(cos(ellAng1), sin(ellAng1)) %*% CF[ , CFord]  # sector
    ellSec2 <- radius * cbind(cos(ellAng2), sin(ellAng2)) %*% CF[ , CFord]  # sector

    ## move up to h
    ellSec1 <- sweep(ellSec1, 2, c(0,  h), "+")
    ellSec2 <- sweep(ellSec2, 2, c(0, -h), "+")

    ## triangle sector
    angTri  <- c(-angle, angle)
    triSec1 <- rbind(c( radius, radius*tan(angTri[1])),
                     c( radius, radius*tan(angTri[2])))
    triSec2 <- rbind(c(-radius, radius*tan(angTri[2])),
                     c(-radius, radius*tan(angTri[1])))

    ## join triangle - ellipse - triangle - ellipse
    oval <- rbind(triSec1,

    ## rotate and move to center
    ang     <- -rot*pi/180
    G       <- cbind(c(cos(ang), sin(ang)), c(-sin(ang), cos(ang)))
    oval    <- oval %*% G
    ovalCtr <- sweep(oval, 2, x, "+")       # move sector to center

    ## draw center, triangle
    if(plot) {
        points(x[1], x[2], col=colCtr, pch=pch, lwd=lwd, cex=cex)  # center
        polygon(ovalCtr, border=fg, col=bg, lwd=lwd, lty=lty)      # triangle
    } else {

## draw a super ellipse
drawSuperEll <-
function(x, a, b, n, nv=100, rot=0,
         col=par("fg"), colCtr=NA, lty=par("lty"), lwd=par("lwd"),
         pch=par("pch"), cex=par("cex")) {
    angles <- seq(0, pi/2, length.out=nv)
    x0 <- a*cos(angles)^(2/n)
    y0 <- b*sin(angles)^(2/n)
    xy <- cbind(c(x0, rev(-x0), -x0, rev( x0)),
                c(y0, rev( y0), -y0, rev(-y0)))

    ang <- -rot*pi/180
    G   <- cbind(c(cos(ang), sin(ang)), c(-sin(ang), cos(ang)))
    xy  <- xy %*% G

    xyCtr <- sweep(xy, 2, x, "+")       # move sector to center

    lines(xyCtr, col=col, lwd=lwd, lty=lty)
    ## draw center
    points(x[1], x[2], col=colCtr, pch=pch, lwd=lwd, cex=cex)  # center

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