
Defines functions create_query_token

Documented in create_query_token


#' Create Query Token
#' Uses Flipside ShroomDK to create a Query Token to access Flipside Crypto
#' data. The query token is kept `ttl` hours and available for no-additional cost reads up to `mam` minutes (i.e., cached to the same exact result).
#' allowing for pagination and multiple requests before expending more daily request uses.
#' @param query Flipside Crypto Snowflake SQL compatible query as a string.
#' @param api_key Flipside Crypto ShroomDK API Key
#' @param ttl time-to-live (in hours) to keep query results available. Default 1 hour.
#' @param mam max-age-minutes, lifespan of cache. set to 0 to always re-execute. Default 10 minutes.
#' @param data_source Where data is sourced, including specific computation warehouse. Default "snowflake-default". Non default data sources may require registration of api_key to allowlist.
#' @param data_provider Who provides data, Default "flipside". Non default data providers may require registration of api_key to allowlist.
#' @param api_url default to https://api-v2.flipsidecrypto.xyz/json-rpc but upgradeable for user.
#' @return list of `token` and `cached` use `token` in `get_query_from_token()`
#' @import jsonlite httr
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' create_query_token(
#' query = "SELECT * FROM ethereum.core.fact_transactions LIMIT 33",
#' api_key = readLines("api_key.txt"),
#' ttl = 1,
#' mam = 5
#' )
create_query_token <- function(query, api_key,
                               ttl = 1,
                               mam = 10,
                               data_source = "snowflake-default",
                               data_provider = "flipside",
                               api_url = "https://api-v2.flipsidecrypto.xyz/json-rpc"){

  headers = c(
    "Content-Type" = 'application/json',
    "x-api-key" = api_key

  # Small default query to validate connection & api key
    query = 'SELECT * FROM ethereum.core.fact_transactions LIMIT 1'

  # warn if no order by
  if( !grepl("ORDER BY", query, ignore.case = TRUE) ){
    warning("No ORDER BY found in query. Unordered queries may return different
            results over time and not be reproducible. They may also be harder to paginate.")

  # this exact structure including pretty is required
  # new RPC API cannot take direct JSON
 request_body <- as.character(
    jsonlite::toJSON(pretty = TRUE,
                       "jsonrpc" = "2.0",
                       "method" = "createQueryRun",
                       "params" = list(
                         list(         "resultTTLHours" = ttl,
                                       "maxAgeMinutes" = mam,
                                       "sql" = query,
                                       "tags" = list(
                                         "sdk_package" = "R",
                                         "sdk_version" = "0.3.0",
                                         "sdk_language" = "R"
                                       "dataSource" = data_source,
                                       "dataProvider" = data_provider
                       "id" = 1
                     auto_unbox = TRUE

  # must use auto_unbox to ensure toJSON does not wrap string in an array
  res <- httr::POST(
    config = httr::add_headers(.headers = headers),
    body = request_body)

  token <- content(res)



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shroomDK documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:21 a.m.