
Defines functions info_sidra

Documented in info_sidra

#' Listing all the parameters of a SIDRA's table
#' It returns the parameters and their descriptions of a SIDRA's table.
#' @param x A table from SIDRA's API.
#' @param wb Logical. Should the metadata be open in the web browser?
#'    Default to FALSE.
#' @return A list with the all table's parameters.
#' @author Renato Prado Siqueira \email{rpradosiqueira@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_sidra}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' info_sidra(1419)
#' }
#' @keywords sidra IBGE
#' @export

info_sidra <- function(x, wb = FALSE) {

  if (!is.logical(wb)) {

    stop("'wb' argument must be TRUE or FALSE")

  } else if (wb == FALSE || wb == F) {

    a <- xml2::read_html(paste0("http://api.sidra.ibge.gov.br/desctabapi.aspx?c=", x))

    # Tabela
    tab1 = a %>%
      rvest::html_nodes("#lblNumeroTabela") %>%

    tab2 = a %>%
      rvest::html_nodes("#lblNomeTabela") %>%

    table <- list("table" = paste0("Tabela ", tab1, ": ", tab2))

    # Período
    p1 = a %>%
      rvest::html_nodes("#lblPeriodoDisponibilidade") %>%

    period <- list("period" = p1)

    # Variáveis
    v1 <- a %>% rvest::html_nodes("#lblVariaveis") %>%

    v2 <- a %>% rvest::html_table(fill = TRUE, trim = TRUE)
    v2 <- v2[[2]]

    v3 <- data.frame(cod = apply(v2, 1, stringr::str_extract,"[[:digit:]]+"),
                     desc = apply(v2, 1, stringr::str_replace_all, "([[:digit:]])", ""))
    v3$cod <- stringr::str_trim(v3$cod)
    v3$desc <- stringr::str_trim(v3$desc)
    v3$desc <- stringr::str_replace(v3$desc, " - casas decimais:  padr\uE3o = , m\uE1ximo =", "")

    variables <- list("variable" = v3)

    # Classificações e categorias
    c1 <- rvest::html_nodes(a, "table") %>%
      rvest::html_table(fill = TRUE, trim = TRUE) %>%
      unlist() %>%
      stringr::str_extract("\\C[0-9]+") %>%
      stringr::str_subset("\\C[0-9]+") %>%

    if (length(c1) >= 1) {

      lc1 <- length(c1)

      c2 <- a %>% rvest::html_nodes(".tituloLinha:nth-child(4)") %>% rvest::html_text()

      c3 <- a %>% rvest::html_nodes(".tituloLinha:nth-child(5)") %>% rvest::html_text()

      c4 <- paste(c1, "=", c2, c3)

      c5 <- list()

      for (i in 0:(lc1-1)) {

        c5[[i+1]] <- a %>% rvest::html_nodes(paste0("#lstClassificacoes_lblQuantidadeCategorias_", i, "+ ", "#tabPrincipal span")) %>%
          rvest::html_text() %>%  stringr::str_replace("\\[[^]]*]", "NA")
        c5[[i+1]] <- c5[[i+1]][c5[[i+1]] != "NA"]
        c5[[i+1]] <-  data.frame(cod =  c5[[i+1]][seq(1, length(c5[[i+1]]), 2)],
                                 desc = c5[[i+1]][seq(2, length(c5[[i+1]]), 2)])


      names(c5) <- c4

      classific_category <- list("classific_category" = c5)

    } else {

      classific_category <- list("classific_category" = NULL)


    # Níveis Territoriais
    trad.geo <- data.frame(cod = as.character(c("n1","n2","n3","n8","n9","n7","n13","n14","n15","n23","n6","n10",
                           cod2 = as.character(c("Brazil","Region","State","MesoRegion","MicroRegion",
                                                 "City", "District","subdistrict","Neighborhood")),
                           level = c(1:14),
                           order = c(1:5, 10:14, 6:9))

    n1 <- rvest::html_nodes(a, "table") %>%
      rvest::html_table(fill = TRUE, trim = TRUE) %>%
      unlist() %>%
      stringr::str_extract("N[0-9]+") %>%
      stringr::str_subset("N[0-9]+") %>%
      tolower() %>%

    n2 <- a %>% rvest::html_nodes("p+ #tabPrincipal span:nth-child(4)") %>% rvest::html_text()
    n3 <- a %>% rvest::html_nodes("p+ #tabPrincipal span:nth-child(5)") %>% rvest::html_text()
    n4 <- data.frame(desc = paste(n2, n3))

    n5 <- cbind(n1, n4)

    ngeo <-  merge(trad.geo, n5, by.x = "cod", by.y = ".")
    ngeo <- ngeo[c("cod2","desc")]
    names(ngeo) <- c("cod","desc")

    ngeo <- list(geo = ngeo)

    info <- c(table, period, variables, classific_category, ngeo)


  } else if (wb == TRUE || wb == T) {

    p <- readline(prompt = "Can the web browser be open? (y/n): ")

    if (p == "y" | p == "Y") {

      shell.exec(paste0("http://api.sidra.ibge.gov.br/desctabapi.aspx?c=", x))

    } else {

      stop(paste("Sorry, I need your permission to show the parameters of the table", x))




Try the sidrar package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

sidrar documentation built on July 13, 2022, 1:05 a.m.