
Defines functions OutlierDrop IntervalConstrict

#' Constrict simulations to a defined interval
#' \code{IntervalConstrict} is an internal function to constrict a set of
#' simulations to user defined interval.
#' @param Simb character string naming the data frame with the simulations.
#' @param SubVar character vector of the variable names to subset the
#' simulations by.
#' @param qi character vector naming the type of quantity of interest.
#' @param spin logical for whether or not to use the shortest probability
#' interval or the central interval.
#' @param ci numeric confidence interval measure.
#' @param extremesDrop logical whether or not to drop simulated quantity of
#' interest values that are \code{Inf}, \code{NA}, \code{NaN} and
#' \eqn{> 1000000} for \code{spin = FALSE} or \eqn{> 800} for
#' \code{spin = TRUE}. These values are difficult to plot \code{\link{simGG}}
#' and may prevent \code{spin} from finding the central interval.
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by_at vars all_of mutate
#' @keywords internals
#' @noRd

IntervalConstrict <- function(Simb = Simb, SubVar = SubVar, qi = qi,
                              spin = FALSE, ci = 0.95,
                              extremesDrop = extremesDrop)
    if (qi == "Hazard Rate" & isTRUE(spin)){
        message(paste("spin currently unsupported for Hazard Rates.",
                      "\nThe central interval will be found instead."))
        spin <- FALSE
    if (isTRUE(extremesDrop)){
        SimbNoExt <- Simb[!is.infinite(Simb$QI), ]
        SimbNoExt <- SimbNoExt[!is.na(SimbNoExt$QI), ]
        SimbNoExt <- SimbNoExt[!is.nan(SimbNoExt$QI), ]
        if (!isTRUE(spin)){
            SimbNoExt <- SimbNoExt[SimbNoExt$QI <= 1000000, ]
            MaxNum <- '1000000'
        else if (isTRUE(spin)){
            SimbNoExt <- SimbNoExt[SimbNoExt$QI <= 800, ]
            MaxNum <- '800'
        # Messages informing the user of dropped infinite values (if any)
        extDropped <- nrow(Simb) - nrow(SimbNoExt)
        extDroppedPerc <- round((extDropped/nrow(Simb) * 100), digits = 1)
        if (extDropped > 0){
            message(paste0(extDropped, ' (', extDroppedPerc, '%)',
                   ' simulations dropped for having',
                   '\nquantity of interest values: Inf/NA/NaN/>', MaxNum, '.\n',
                   '\nTo keep extreme values set extremesDrop = FALSE.\n'))
        Simb <- SimbNoExt
    if (Inf %in% Simb$QI){
        if (isTRUE(spin)){
            stop("spin cannot be TRUE when there are infinite values for your quantity of interest.",
                call. = FALSE)
        } else {
            message(paste("Warning infinite values calculated for your quantity of interest.",
                "\nConsider changing the difference between Xj and Xl."))
    if (any(Simb$QI > 800) & isTRUE(spin)){
        message(paste("Warning large quantity of interest values estimated.",
            "\nSPIn may not be found. If so, try spin = FALSE."))

    Lower <- Upper <- NULL
    if (qi == "Relative Hazard" |qi == "Hazard Ratio"| qi == "Hazard Rate"){
        lb <- 0
    else if (qi == "First Difference"){
        lb <- -100
    else if (qi == "Marginal Effect"){
        lb <- -Inf
    Simb <- group_by_at(Simb, vars(all_of(SubVar)))

    if (!isTRUE(spin)){
        Bottom <- (1 - ci)/2
        Top <- 1 - Bottom
        SimbPerc <- eval(parse(text =
                        paste0("mutate(Simb, Lower = QI < quantile(QI,",
                            Bottom, ", na.rm = TRUE))")))
        SimbPerc <- eval(parse(text =
                        paste0("mutate(SimbPerc, Upper = QI > quantile(QI,",
                            Top, ", na.rm = TRUE))")))

    # Drop simulations outside of the shortest probability interval
    else if (isTRUE(spin)){
        SimbPerc <- eval(parse(text =
                        paste0("mutate(Simb, Lower = QI < simPH:::SpinBounds(QI, conf = ",
                        ci, ", lb = ", lb, ", LowUp = 1))" )))
        SimbPerc <- eval(parse(text =
                        paste0("mutate(SimbPerc, Upper = QI > simPH:::SpinBounds(QI,",
                        "conf = ", ci, ", lb = ", lb, ", LowUp = 2))" )))

    SimbPerc <- subset(SimbPerc, Lower == FALSE & Upper == FALSE)

#' Drop any individual simulation with at least one value outside of the
#' specified confidence bounds
#' @param SimIn data frame
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by mutate select
#' @keywords internals
#' @noRd

OutlierDrop <- function(SimIn){
    # CRAN nonsense
    SimID <- dummy <- Rows <- NULL

    # Drop simulations that do not have all values within
    # the central interval
    SimIn$dummy <- 1
    Sims <- dplyr::group_by(SimIn, SimID)
    Sims <- dplyr::mutate(Sims, Rows = sum(dummy))
    Sims <- data.frame(Sims)
    MaxRows <- max(Sims$Rows)
    Sims <- subset(Sims, Rows == MaxRows)
    Sims <- select(Sims, -Rows, -dummy)

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simPH documentation built on Jan. 13, 2021, 6:52 a.m.