
## Example on using compiled code efficiently *with* simecol


# compile C++ code within R
# (requires installed compiler)
# on Windows:
system("R CMD SHLIB clotka.c")

modeldll <- dyn.load("clotka.dll")

clotka <- new("odeModel",

  ## note that this main does not contain the equations directly
  ## but returns information where these can be found
  main = function(time, init, parms) {
     # list with dllname, func, nout, [jacfunc]
     list(lib     = "clotka",
          func    = "dlotka",
          jacfunc = NULL,
          nout    = 2)

  ## parms, times, init are provided as usual, enabling
  ## scenario control like for "ordinary" simecol models
  parms  = c(k1=0.2, k2=0.2, k3=0.2),
  times  = c(from=0, to=100, by=0.5),
  init   = c(prey=0.5, predator=1),

  ## a special solver interface that evaluates funclist
  ## and passes its contents directly to the lsoda
  ## in the "compiled function" mode
  solver = function(init, times, funclist, parms, ...) {
    f <- funclist(), times, func=f$func,
      parms = parms, dllname = f$lib, jacfunc=f$jacfunc, nout = f$nout, ...)

clotka <- sim(clotka)

## the two graphivs on top are the states
## the other are additional variables returned by the C code
## (for demonstration purposes here)

## Another simulation with more time steps
times(clotka)["to"] <- 1000

## another simulation with intentionally reduced accuracy
## for testing
plot(sim(clotka, atol=1))


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simecol documentation built on Oct. 7, 2021, 9:20 a.m.