
Defines functions sits_view.default sits_view.probs_cube sits_view.class_cube sits_view.uncertainty_cube sits_view.vector_cube sits_view.raster_cube sits_view.som_map sits_view.data.frame sits_view.sits sits_view

Documented in sits_view sits_view.class_cube sits_view.data.frame sits_view.default sits_view.probs_cube sits_view.raster_cube sits_view.sits sits_view.som_map sits_view.uncertainty_cube sits_view.vector_cube

#' @title  View data cubes and samples in leaflet
#' @name sits_view
#' @author Gilberto Camara, \email{gilberto.camara@@inpe.br}
#' @description Uses leaflet to visualize time series, raster cube and
#' classified images
#' @param  x             Object of class "sits", "data.frame", "som_map",
#'                       "raster_cube" or "classified image".
#' @param  ...           Further specifications for \link{sits_view}.
#' @param  band          For plotting grey images.
#' @param  red           Band for red color.
#' @param  green         Band for green color.
#' @param  blue          Band for blue color.
#' @param  dates         Dates to be plotted.
#' @param  tiles         Tiles to be plotted (in case of a multi-tile cube).
#' @param  class_cube    Classified cube to be overlayed on top on image.
#' @param  legend        Named vector that associates labels to colors.
#' @param  palette       Color palette (if colors not in legend nor
#'                       in sits default colors)
#' @param  opacity       Opacity of segment fill or class cube
#' @param  seg_color     Color for segment boundaries
#' @param  line_width    Line width for segments (in pixels)
#' @param  view_max_mb   Maximum size of leaflet to be visualized
#' @param  id_neurons    Neurons from the SOM map to be shown.
#' @return               A leaflet object containing either samples or
#'                       data cubes embedded in a global map that can
#'                       be visualized directly in an RStudio viewer.
#' @note
#' Please refer to the sits documentation available in
#' <https://e-sensing.github.io/sitsbook/> for detailed examples.
#' @examples
#' if (sits_run_examples()) {
#'     # view samples
#'     sits_view(cerrado_2classes)
#'     # create a local data cube
#'     data_dir <- system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1", package = "sits")
#'     modis_cube <- sits_cube(
#'         source = "BDC",
#'         collection = "MOD13Q1-6",
#'         data_dir = data_dir
#'     )
#'     # view the data cube
#'     sits_view(modis_cube,
#'         band = "NDVI"
#'     )
#'     # train a model
#'     rf_model <- sits_train(samples_modis_ndvi, sits_rfor())
#'     # classify the cube
#'     modis_probs <- sits_classify(
#'         data = modis_cube,
#'         ml_model = rf_model,
#'         output_dir = tempdir()
#'     )
#'     # view the probs
#'     sits_view(modis_probs)
#'     # generate a map
#'     modis_label <- sits_label_classification(
#'         modis_probs,
#'         output_dir = tempdir()
#'     )
#'     # view the classified map
#'     sits_view(modis_label)
#'     # view the classified map with the B/W image
#'     sits_view(modis_cube,
#'         band = "NDVI",
#'         class_cube = modis_label,
#'         dates = sits_timeline(modis_cube)[[1]]
#'     )
#'     # view the classified map with the RGB image
#'     sits_view(modis_cube,
#'         red = "NDVI", green = "NDVI", blue = "NDVI",
#'         class_cube = modis_label,
#'         dates = sits_timeline(modis_cube)[[1]]
#'     )
#'     # create an uncertainty cube
#'     modis_uncert <- sits_uncertainty(
#'         cube = modis_probs,
#'         output_dir = tempdir()
#'     )
#'     # view the uncertainty cube
#'     sits_view(modis_uncert)
#' }
#' @export
sits_view <- function(x, ...) {
    # set caller to show in errors
    UseMethod("sits_view", x)
#' @rdname   sits_view
#' @export
sits_view.sits <- function(x, ...,
                           legend = NULL,
                           palette = "Harmonic") {
    # precondition

    # check samples contains the expected columns
        contains = c("longitude", "latitude", "label"),
        discriminator = "all_of",
        msg = "Missing lat/long and label - please correct"
    # create a leaflet for samples
    leaf_map <- .view_samples(
        samples = x,
        legend = legend,
        palette = palette
#' @rdname   sits_view
#' @export
sits_view.data.frame <- function(x, ...,
                                 legend = NULL,
                                 palette = "Harmonic") {
    leaf_map <- sits_view.sits(x, legend, palette)
#' @rdname   sits_view
#' @export
sits_view.som_map <- function(x, ...,
                              legend = NULL,
                              palette = "Harmonic") {
    # check id_neuron
        min = 1,
        max = max(unique(x$labelled_neurons$id_neuron)),
        len_min = 1,
        len_max = length(unique(x$labelled_neurons$id_neuron))
    # first select unique locations
    samples <- dplyr::filter(
        x$data, .data[["id_neuron"]] %in% !!id_neurons
    leaf_map <- .view_samples(
        samples = samples,
        legend = legend,
        palette = palette
#' @rdname   sits_view
#' @export
sits_view.raster_cube <- function(x, ...,
                                  band = NULL,
                                  red = NULL,
                                  green = NULL,
                                  blue = NULL,
                                  tiles = x$tile,
                                  dates = NULL,
                                  class_cube = NULL,
                                  legend = NULL,
                                  palette = "RdYlGn",
                                  opacity = 0.7,
                                  view_max_mb = NULL) {
    # preconditions
    # Probs cube not supported
    .check_that(!inherits(x, "probs_cube"),
        local_msg = paste0("sits_view not available for probability cube")
    # verifies if leafem and leaflet packages are installed
    .check_require_packages(c("leafem", "leaflet"))
    # pre-condition for bands
    .check_view_bands_params(band, red, green, blue)
    .check_view_bands(x, band, red, green, blue)
    # view image raster
    leaf_map <- .view_image_raster(
        cube = x,
        class_cube = class_cube,
        tiles = tiles,
        dates = dates,
        band = band,
        red = red,
        green = green,
        blue = blue,
        legend = legend,
        palette = palette,
        opacity = opacity,
        view_max_mb = view_max_mb
#' @rdname   sits_view
#' @export
sits_view.vector_cube <- function(x, ...,
                                  band = NULL,
                                  red = NULL,
                                  green = NULL,
                                  blue = NULL,
                                  tiles = x$tile,
                                  dates = NULL,
                                  class_cube = NULL,
                                  legend = NULL,
                                  palette = "RdYlGn",
                                  opacity = 0.7,
                                  seg_color = "black",
                                  line_width = 1,
                                  view_max_mb = NULL) {
    # preconditions
    .check_that(inherits(x, "vector_cube"),
                local_msg = paste0("cube is not a vector cube")
    # verifies if leafem and leaflet packages are installed
    .check_require_packages(c("leafem", "leaflet"))
    # pre-condition for bands
    .check_view_bands(x, band, red, green, blue)
    # view vector cube
    leaf_map <- .view_image_vector(
        cube = x,
        tiles = tiles,
        dates = dates,
        band = band,
        red = red,
        green = green,
        blue = blue,
        class_cube = class_cube,
        legend = legend,
        palette = palette,
        opacity = opacity,
        seg_color = seg_color,
        line_width = line_width,
        view_max_mb = view_max_mb
#' @rdname   sits_view
#' @export
sits_view.uncertainty_cube <- function(x, ...,
                                       tiles = x$tile,
                                       class_cube = NULL,
                                       legend = NULL,
                                       palette = "Blues",
                                       opacity = 0.7,
                                       view_max_mb = NULL) {
    # preconditions
    # verifies if leafem and leaflet packages are installed
    .check_require_packages(c("leafem", "leaflet"))
    # plot as grayscale
    band <- .cube_bands(x)
    # try to find tiles in the list of tiles of the cube
        msg = "requested tiles are not part of cube"
    # filter the tiles to be processed
    cube <- .cube_filter_tiles(x, tiles)
    # more than one tile? needs regular cube
    if (nrow(cube) > 1) {
    # check the view_max_mb parameter
    view_max_mb <- .view_set_max_mb(view_max_mb)
    # find out if resampling is required (for big images)
    output_size <- .view_resample_size(
        cube = cube,
        ndates = 1,
        view_max_mb = view_max_mb
    # create a leaflet and add providers
    leaf_map <- .view_add_basic_maps()
    # get names of base maps
    base_maps <- .view_get_base_maps(leaf_map)
    # obtain the raster objects for the dates chosen
    for (row in seq_len(nrow(cube))) {
        # get tile
        tile <- cube[row, ]
        band_file <- .tile_path(tile, band)
        leaf_map <- .view_add_stars_image(
            leaf_map = leaf_map,
            band_file = band_file,
            tile = tile,
            band = .cube_bands(cube),
            date = NULL,
            palette = palette,
            output_size = output_size
    # include class cube, if available
    leaf_map <- .view_class_cube(
        leaf_map = leaf_map,
        class_cube = class_cube,
        tiles = tiles,
        legend = legend,
        palette = palette,
        opacity = opacity,
        output_size = output_size
    # add overlay groups
    overlay_groups <- .view_add_overlay_grps(
        cube = cube,
        class_cube = class_cube
    # add layers control to leafmap
    leaf_map <- leaf_map |>
            baseGroups = base_maps,
            overlayGroups = overlay_groups,
            options = leaflet::layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE)
        ) |>
        # add legend to leaf_map
            cube = class_cube,
            legend = legend,
            palette = palette
#' @rdname sits_view
#' @export
sits_view.class_cube <- function(x, ...,
                                 tiles = NULL,
                                 legend = NULL,
                                 palette = "Spectral",
                                 opacity = 0.8,
                                 view_max_mb = NULL) {
    # preconditions
    # deal with tiles
    if (!purrr::is_null(tiles)) {
        # try to find tiles in the list of tiles of the cube
            msg = "requested tiles are not part of cube"
        # select the tiles that will be shown
        cube <- dplyr::filter(x, .data[["tile"]] %in% tiles)
    } else {
        cube <- x
    # find out if resampling is required (for big images)
    output_size <- .view_resample_size(
        cube = cube,
        ndates = 1,
        view_max_mb = view_max_mb
    # create a leaflet and add providers
    leaf_map <- .view_add_basic_maps()
    # get names of basic maps
    base_maps <- .view_get_base_maps(leaf_map)
    # add a leafmap for class cube
    leaf_map <- leaf_map |>
            class_cube = cube,
            tiles = tiles,
            legend = legend,
            palette = palette,
            opacity = opacity,
            output_size = output_size
        ) |>
        # add legend
            cube = cube,
            legend = legend,
            palette = palette

    # add overlay groups
    overlay_groups <- .view_add_overlay_grps(
        cube = cube
    # add layers control
    leaf_map <- leaf_map |>
            baseGroups = base_maps,
            overlayGroups = overlay_groups,
            options = leaflet::layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE)
#' @rdname sits_view
#' @export
sits_view.probs_cube <- function(x, ...,
                                 tiles = x$tile,
                                 class_cube = NULL,
                                 legend = NULL,
                                 view_max_mb = NULL,
                                 opacity = 0.7,
                                 palette = "YlGnBu") {
    # preconditions
    # verifies if leafem and leaflet packages are installed
    .check_require_packages(c("leafem", "leaflet"))
    # get band and labels
    band <- .cube_bands(x)
    labels <- .cube_labels(x)
    # try to find tiles in the list of tiles of the cube
        msg = "requested tiles are not part of cube"
    # filter the tiles to be processed
    cube <- .cube_filter_tiles(x, tiles)

    # more than one tile? needs regular cube
    if (nrow(cube) > 1) {
    # check the view_max_mb parameter
    view_max_mb <- .view_set_max_mb(view_max_mb)
    # find out if resampling is required (for big images)
    output_size <- .view_resample_size(
        cube = cube,
        ndates = length(labels),
        view_max_mb = view_max_mb
    # add base maps to leaflets
    leaf_map <- .view_add_basic_maps()
    # get names of basic maps
    base_maps <- .view_get_base_maps(leaf_map)
    # obtain the raster objects for the dates chosen
    for (row in seq_len(nrow(cube))) {
        # get tile
        tile <- cube[row, ]
        probs_file <- .tile_path(tile, band)
        st_obj <- stars::read_stars(
            along = "band",
            RasterIO = list(
                "nBufXSize" = output_size[["xsize"]],
                "nBufYSize" = output_size[["ysize"]]
            proxy = FALSE
        # resample and warp the image
        st_obj_new <- stars::st_warp(
            src = st_obj,
            crs = sf::st_crs("EPSG:3857")
        for (ind in seq_len(length(labels))) {
            # add stars to leaflet
            leaf_map <- leafem::addStarsImage(
                x = st_obj_new,
                band = ind,
                colors = palette,
                project = FALSE,
                group = paste("probs", labels[[ind]]),
                maxBytes = output_size["leaflet_maxbytes"]
    # should we overlay a classified image?
    leaf_map <- leaf_map |>
            class_cube = class_cube,
            tiles = tiles,
            legend = legend,
            palette = palette,
            opacity = opacity,
            output_size = output_size
        ) |>
        # add legend
        .view_add_legend(cube = cube,
                         legend = legend,
                         palette = palette)

    # set overlay groups
    overlay_groups <- paste("probs", labels)
    if (!purrr::is_null(class_cube)) {
        overlay_groups <- c(overlay_groups, "classification")
    # add layers control to leafmap
    leaf_map <- leaf_map |>
            baseGroups = base_maps,
            overlayGroups = overlay_groups,
            options = leaflet::layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE)
#' @rdname sits_view
#' @export
sits_view.default <- function(x, ...) {
    stop(paste0("sits_view not available for object of class ", class(x)[1]))

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sits documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 5:59 p.m.