
Defines functions plot.morphMat print.morphMat morph_mature plot.classify print.classify classify_mature

Documented in classify_mature morph_mature plot.classify plot.morphMat print.classify print.morphMat

# sizeMat package: Estimate Size at Sexual Maturity ---------------

#' @importFrom MCMCpack MCMClogit
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowQuantiles
#' @importFrom MASS lda qda
#' @importFrom grDevices colors
#' @importFrom graphics axis box legend lines points hist par abline
#' @importFrom utils data read.csv installed.packages
#' @import stats
#' @title Estimate Size at Sexual Maturity.
#' @description Estimate morphometric and gonadal size at sexual maturity for organisms, usually fish and invertebrates. It includes methods for classification based on relative growth (principal components analysis, hierarchical clustering, discriminant analysis), logistic regression (frequentist or Bayes), parameters estimation and some basic plots. The size at sexual maturity is defined as the length at which a randomly chosen specimen has a 50\% chance of being mature.
#' @name sizeMat-package
#' @aliases sizeMat-package sizeMat
#' @docType package
#' @author Josymar Torrejon-Magallanes <ejosymart@@gmail.com>
#' @details Package: sizeMat
#' @details Type: Package
#' @details The Size at Morphometric and Gonad maturity are estimating using different functions (process).
#' 1) The estimation of the Size at Morphometric Maturity involves two processes:
#' 1.1) A Principal Components Analysis is conducted with two allometric variables (x: independent variable, y: dependent variable) in log base, allowing to distinguish
#' two groups that would represent juveniles and adult. The individuals are assigned to each group using a hierarchical classification procedure (hierarchical cluster).
#' This method is based on establishing a predetermined number of groups (in this case, two) and assigning individuals to one of the groups according to
#' their loads on the two axes of the PCA (Corgos and Freire, 2006). Using the results of the classification (PCA + cluster), a discriminant analysis (linear or quadratic)
#' is carried out to obtain a discriminating function that permitted any individuals to be classified as a juvenile or an adult on the basis of the X and Y
#' allometric variables.
#' 1.2) After classification, the logistic approach is used. The size at 50\% maturity (\eqn{L_{50}}) is estimated as the length at
#' which a randomly chosen specimen has a 50\% chance of being mature (Somerton  1980, Roa  et al. 1999, Corgos & Freire 2006).
#' In the regression analysis, \eqn{X} (i.e. carapace width) is considered the explanatory variable and the classification \eqn{CL}
#' (juveniles: 0, adults: 1) is considered the response variable (binomial).
#' The variables are fitted to a logistic function with the form:
#' \deqn{P_{CL} = \frac{1}{(1 + e^{-(beta_{0} + beta_{1}*X)})}}
#' where:
#' \eqn{P_{CL}} is the probability of an individual of being mature at a determinate \eqn{X} length.
#' \eqn{beta_{0}} (intercept) and \eqn{beta_{1}} (slope) are parameters estimated.
#' The \eqn{L_{50}} is calculated as:
#' \deqn{L_{50} = \frac{-beta_{0}}{beta_{1}}}
#' Some basic plotting (classification, \eqn{beta_{0}}, \eqn{beta_{1}} and \eqn{L_{50}} histogram, and maturity ogive)
#' are also provided.
#' 2) The estimation of Size at Gonad Maturity use the logistic approach.
#' To estimate size at gonadal maturity, the database must contains the stage of sexual
#' maturity and at least one allometric variable (i.e. total length, fork length, carapace width).
#' The stage of sexual maturity is referred to the gonadal maturation stages (i.e. I, II, III, IV or 0, 1, etc).
#' So, in the regression analysis, the allometric variable (i.e. total length) is considered the
#' explanatory variable and the stage of sexual maturity (immature: 0, mature: 1)
#' is considered the response variable (binomial). The regression  analysis is performed
#' in the same way as the size at morphometric maturity.
#' @references Agostinho, C. S. (2000). Use of otoliths to estimate size at sexual maturity in fish. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 43(4):437-440, doi:10.1590/s1516-89132000000400014.
#' @references Corgos, A. and Freire, J. (2006). Morphometric and gonad maturity in the spider crab Maja brachydactyla: a comparison of methods for estimating size at maturity in species with determinate growth. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 63(5): 851-859, doi:10.1016/j.icesjms.2006.03.003.
#' @references Roa, R., Ernst, B. and Tapia, F. (1999). Estimation of size at sexual maturity: an evaluation of analytical and resampling procedures. Fishery Bulletin, 97(3): 570-580.
#' @references Somerton, D. A. (1980). A computer technique for estimating the size of sexual maturity in crabs. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 37(10): 1488-1494. doi:10.1139/f80-192.
#' @concept morphometric 
#' @concept maturity
#' @concept allometric
#' @concept relative growth
#' @examples
#' #See examples for functions morph_mature() and gonad_mature().

#' Classify mature
#' Classify the individuals in two groups (0: juveniles, 1: adults) based on relative growth.
#' @param data data.frame with allometric variables and sex category (male, female).
#' If sex category contains NA's, that row will be filtered.
#' @param varNames the name of two allometric variables to be used for analysis.
#' @param varSex the name of the variable containing sex information.
#' @param selectSex sex category to be used for analysis. If \code{selectSex = NULL} all the individuals will be used in the analysis.
#' @param method a character string indicating the discriminant analysis method, linear discriminant analysis \code{"ld"},
#' quadratic discriminant analysis \code{"qd"}.
#' We suggest begin the analysis using the \code{method = "ld"}.
#' @return A data.frame of class 'classify', with x (independent), y (dependent) and classification of maturity
#' (juveniles = 0, adult = 1) variables.
#' @details Classify the individuals in two groups (juveniles = 0 and adult = 1).
#' A Principal Components Analysis was conducted with two allometric variables (x: independent variable, y: dependent variable)
#' in log base, allowing to distinguish two groups that would represent juveniles and adult.
#' The individuals are assigned to each group using a hierarchical classification procedure
#' (hierarchical cluster with agglomeration method: "Ward.D" and the distance measure: "euclidean").
#' This method is based on establishing a predetermined number of groups (in this case, two) and assigning individuals
#' to one of the groups according to their loads on the two axes of the PCA (Corgos and Freire, 2006).
#' Using the results of the classification (PCA + cluster), a discriminant analysis (linear or quadratic) is conducted
#' to obtain a discriminating function that permitted any individuals to be classified as a
#' juvenile or an adult on the basis of the X and Y allometric variables.
#' @examples
#' data(crabdata)
#' classify_data = classify_mature(crabdata, varNames = c("carapace_width", "chela_height"),
#' varSex = "sex_category", selectSex = NULL, method = "ld")
#' classify_data
#' @export
classify_mature <- function(data, varNames = c("x", "y"), varSex = "sex",
                            selectSex = NULL, method = "ld") {

  if(length(varNames) != 2) stop("You must provide two variables only.")
  if(!all(varNames %in% names(data))) stop("'varNames' have not been found in data.")
  if(varNames[1] == varNames[2]) stop("'varNames' must have different names")
  if(!all(varSex %in% names(data))) stop("'varSex' have not been found in data.")

  input <- data[, c(varNames, varSex)]
  names(input)  <-  c("x", "y", "sex")
  input <- input[complete.cases(input), ]
  input <- input[order(input$x), ]

  if(is.null(selectSex)) {
    input <- input[, c("x", "y")]
    cat("all individuals were used in the analysis", "\n\n")
  } else {
    input <-input[which(input$sex == selectSex),]
    cat("only", paste0(unique(input$sex), "-sex", sep =""), "were used in the analysis", "\n\n")
    input <- input[, c("x", "y")]

  input <- log(input)

  pca_classify    <- prcomp(input, 2)
  scores          <- pca_classify$x
  clusters        <- hclust(dist(scores, method = 'euclidean'), method = 'ward.D')
  mature_classify <- cutree(clusters, 2) - 1

  base            <- data.frame(input, mature_binom = mature_classify)

  dis_reg  <- switch (method,
                      ld = MASS::lda(mature_binom ~ ., data = base),
                      qd = MASS::qda(mature_binom ~ ., data = base))

  mature       <- as.numeric(as.character(predict(dis_reg)$class))
  data         <- data.frame(exp(base[, c("x", "y")]), mature = mature)

  class(data)  <- c("classify", class(data))


#' Print method for classify class
#' @param x an object of class 'classify' with the allometric variables ("X", "Y") and classification of maturity (juveniles = 0, adults = 1).
#' @param \dots Additional arguments to the print method.
#' @return The number of juveniles and adults. Also shows the regression analysis for juveniles and adults
#' and an ANCOVA analysis to compare slopes.
#' @examples
#' data(crabdata)
#' classify_data = classify_mature(crabdata, varNames = c("carapace_width", "chela_height"),
#' varSex = "sex_category", selectSex = NULL, method = "ld")
#' print(classify_data)
#' @export
#' @method print classify
print.classify <- function(x, ...){
  if (!inherits(x, "classify"))
    stop("Use only with 'classify' objects")
  data <- x
  cat("Number in juvenile group =", as.numeric(table(data$mature)[1]), "\n\n")
  cat("Number in adult group =", as.numeric(table(data$mature)[2]), "\n\n")

  juv  <- data[data$mature == 0, ]
  adt  <- data[data$mature == 1, ]

  fit_juv <- glm(y ~ x, data = juv)
  fit_adt <- glm(y ~ x, data = adt)
  slope   <- summary(glm(y ~ x + mature + x:mature, data = data))
  cat("--------------------------------------------------------", "\n")
  cat("1) Linear regression for juveniles", "\n")
  cat("--------------------------------------------------------", "\n")
  cat("2) Linear regression for adults", "\n")
  cat("--------------------------------------------------------", "\n")
  cat("3) Difference between slopes (ANCOVA)", "\n")
  print(ifelse(rev(slope$coefficients)[1]<0.05, "slopes are different", "slopes are the same"))

#' Plot method for classify class
#' @param x an object of class 'classify' with the allometric variables ("X", "Y") and classification of maturity (juveniles = 0, adults = 1).
#' @param xlab a title for the x axis.
#' @param ylab a title for the y axis.
#' @param col the colors for juveniles and adults group.
#' @param pch the character indicating the type of plotting.
#' @param lty_lines the line type in the regression.
#' @param lwd_lines the line width in the regression.
#' @param cex character expansion in the regression.
#' @param legendPlot legend in the plot (FALSE or TRUE).
#' @param cex_label size of the legendPlot
#' @param \dots Additional arguments to the plot method.
#' @examples
#' data(crabdata)
#' classify_data = classify_mature(crabdata, varNames = c("carapace_width", "chela_height"),
#' varSex = "sex_category", selectSex = NULL, method = "ld")
#' ## Showing different plots
#' plot(classify_data, xlab = "X")
#' plot(classify_data, xlab = "X", ylab = "Y", col = c(1, 2), pch = c(4, 5), cex = c(1, 3))
#' plot(classify_data, xlab = "Carapace width (mm.)", ylab = "Y", col = c(1, 2),
#' pch = c(4, 5), cex = c(1, 3), lwd_lines = c(1, 3))
#' plot(classify_data, xlab = "Carapace width (mm.)", ylab = "Y", col = c(1, 2),
#' pch = c(4, 5), cex = c(1, 3), lwd_lines = c(1, 3), main = "Classification")
#' @export
#' @method plot classify
plot.classify <- function(x, xlab = "X", ylab = "Y", col = c(1, 2), pch = c(4, 5),
                          cex = c(1, 1), lty_lines = c(1, 1), lwd_lines = c(1, 1), 
                          legendPlot = TRUE, cex_label = 0.8,  ...){

  if (!inherits(x, "classify"))
    stop("Use only with 'classify' objects")

  data <- x
  juv  <- data[data$mature == 0, ]
  adt  <- data[data$mature == 1, ]

  fit_juv <- glm(y ~ x, data = juv)
  fit_adt <- glm(y ~ x, data = adt)

  if(length(col) < 2) stop('col argument must have 2 values. The colors could be the same')
  if(length(col) > 2) warning('col: only the first two colors will be used in the plot')
  if(length(pch) < 2) stop('pch argument must have 2 values. The plotting character could be the same')
  if(length(pch) > 2) warning('pch: only the first two plotting character will be used in the plot')
  if(length(cex) < 2) stop('cex argument must have 2 values. The character expansion could be the same')
  if(length(cex) > 2) warning('cex: only the first two character expansion will be used in the plot')
  if(length(lty_lines) < 2) stop('lty argument must have 2 values. The line type could be the same')
  if(length(lty_lines) > 2) warning('lty: only the first two line type  will be used in the plot')
  if(length(lwd_lines) < 2) stop('lwd argument must have 2 values. The line width could be the same')
  if(length(lwd_lines) > 2) warning('lwd: only the first two line width will be used in the plot')

  PCH <- ifelse(data$mature == 0, pch[1], pch[2])
  COL <- ifelse(data$mature == 0, col[1], col[2])
  CEX <- ifelse(data$mature == 0, cex[1], cex[2])
  LTY <- ifelse(data$mature == 0, lty_lines[1], lty_lines[2])
  LWD <- ifelse(data$mature == 0, lwd_lines[1], lwd_lines[2])

  plot(data$x, data$y, type = "p", col = COL, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, pch = PCH, cex = CEX, ...)
  lines(juv$x, predict(fit_juv), col = COL[1], lwd = LWD[1], lty = LTY[1])
  lines(adt$x, predict(fit_adt), col = COL[2], lwd = LWD[2], lty = LTY[2])
  eq_juv <- paste0("Y = ", round(as.numeric(coef(fit_juv)[1]), 2), " + ", round(as.numeric(coef(fit_juv)[2]),2), " *X", sep = "")
  eq_adt <- paste0("Y = ", round(as.numeric(coef(fit_adt)[1]), 2), " + ", round(as.numeric(coef(fit_adt)[2]),2), " *X", sep = "")
  if(legendPlot == TRUE){
    legend("topleft", c(paste("Juveniles: ", eq_juv), paste("Adults: ", eq_adt)),
           bty = "n", pch = unique(PCH), col = unique(COL), cex = cex_label)

#' Estimate morphometric mature
#' Estimate size at morphometric maturity.
#' @param data an object of class 'classify' with the allometric variables ("X", "Y") and classification of maturity (juveniles = 0, adults = 1).
#' @param method a character string indicating the method to be applied, \code{"fq"} frequentist GLM, or \code{"bayes"} Bayes GLM (MCMClogit function).
#' @param niter number of iterations (bootstrap resampling).
#' @param seed a single value, interpreted as an integer.
#' @return An object of class 'morphMat'.
#' \code{model} the summary statistics of the model.
#' \code{A_boot} the 'n iter' values of parameter A.
#' \code{B_boot} the 'n iter' values of parameter B.
#' \code{L50} the 'n iter' values of parameter L50 (size at morphometric maturity).
#' \code{out} a dataframe with the allometric variables "X" and "Y", classification of maturity, the fitted values for
#' logistic regression and confidence intervals (95\%). Also the summary statistics of the model is provided.
#' @details Estimate the size at morphometric maturity using a logistic regression with X variable
#' and maturity classification (two categories: juveniles and adults).
#' The function requires an object of class "classify" with the X, Y (allometric variables) and classification of maturity (juveniles = 0, adults = 1).
#' The argument \code{method} requires a character string indicating which regression will be used for the test.
#' If \code{method = "fq"} the logistic regression is based on GLM (frequentist) and if \code{method = "bayes"} a sample from the posterior distribution
#' of a logistic regression model using a random walk Metropolis algorithm is generated (see MCMClogit function).
#' The argument \code{niter} requires a number. For the GLM regression (\code{method = "fq"}), a non-parametric bootstrap method consists
#' in generate B bootstrap samples, by resampling with replacement the original data. Then all statistics for each parameter
#' can be calculated from each bootstrap sample (median and confidence intervals).
#' For the \code{method = "bayes"}, the argument `niter` is related to the number of Metropolis iterations for the sampler.
#' @examples
#' data(crabdata)
#' classify_data = classify_mature(crabdata, varNames = c("carapace_width", "chela_height"),
#' varSex = "sex_category", selectSex = NULL, method = "ld")
#' my_mature = morph_mature(classify_data, method = "fq", niter = 50)
#' # 'niter' parameters:
#' my_mature$A_boot
#' my_mature$B_boot
#' my_mature$L50_boot
#' my_mature$out
#' @export
morph_mature <- function(data, method = "fq", niter = 999, seed = 070388){

  if (!inherits(data, "classify"))
    stop("Use only with 'classify' objects")
  estimate <- switch(method,
                     fq = .morph_mature_fq(data = data,  niter = niter, seed = seed),
                     bayes = .morph_mature_bayes(data = data,  niter = niter, seed = seed))

  out   <- data.frame(x = data$x, y = data$y, mature = data$mature, CIlower = estimate$lower,
                      fitted = estimate$fitted, CIupper = estimate$upper)

  output <- list(model    = estimate$model,
                 A_boot   = estimate$parameters_A,
                 B_boot   = estimate$parameters_B,
                 L50_boot = estimate$L50,
                 out      = out)

  class(output) <- c("morphMat", class(output))


#' Print method for morphMat class (size at morphometric maturity)
#' @param x object of class 'morphMat' with the parameters of the logistic regression and a data.frame with the allometric variables ("X", "Y")
#' and classification of maturity. Also the fitted values for the logistic regression and confidence intervals (95\%).
#' @param \dots Additional arguments to the print method.
#' @return The median of the size at morphometric maturity estimation, parameters and the Nagelkerke's R square.
#' @examples
#' data(crabdata)
#' classify_data = classify_mature(crabdata, varNames = c("carapace_width", "chela_height"),
#' varSex = "sex_category", selectSex = NULL, method = "ld")
#' my_mature = morph_mature(classify_data, method = "fq", niter = 50)
#' print(my_mature)
#' @export
#' @method print morphMat
print.morphMat <- function(x, ...){
  if (!inherits(x, "morphMat"))
    stop("Use with 'morphMat' objects only")
  cat("formula: Y = 1/1+exp-(A + B*X)", "\n\n")

  A_b   <- quantile(x$A_boot, probs = 0.5, na.rm = TRUE)
  B_b   <- quantile(x$B_boot, probs = 0.5, na.rm = TRUE)
  L50_b <- quantile(x$L50_boot, probs = 0.5, na.rm = TRUE)

  fit     <- x$out
  x_input <- fit$x
  y_input <- fit$mature

  model1 <- glm(y_input ~ x_input, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
  R2     <- nagelkerkeR2(model1)

    tab <- matrix(c(round(as.numeric(c(A_b, B_b, L50_b)), 4), round(R2, 4)),
                  nrow = 4, ncol = 1, byrow = TRUE)
    colnames(tab) <- c("Bootstrap (Median)")
    rownames(tab) <- c("A", "B", "L50", "R2")
    tab <- as.table(tab)
    A_or   <- coef(x$model)[1]
    B_or   <- coef(x$model)[2]
    L50_or <- -A_or/B_or
    tab <- matrix(c(round(as.numeric(c(A_or, A_b, B_or, B_b, L50_or, L50_b)), 4), "-", round(R2, 4)),
                  nrow = 4, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
    colnames(tab) <- c("Original", "Bootstrap (Median)")
    rownames(tab) <- c("A", "B", "L50", "R2")
    tab <- as.table(tab)


#' Plot method for morphMat class (size at morphometric maturity)
#' @param x object of class 'morphMat' with the mature parameters and a data.frame with the allometric variables ("X", "Y")
#' and classification of maturity. Also the fitted values for the logistic regression and confidence intervals (95\%).
#' @param xlab a title for the x axis.
#' @param ylab a title for the y axis.
#' @param col color for the logistic curve and for the L50\% size at morphometric maturity.
#' @param lwd line with for drawing fitted values and confidence intervals.
#' @param lty line type line type for drawing fitted values and confidence intervals
#' @param vline_hist color of the vertical lines in the histogram. The lines represent the
#' the median and the confidence intervals.
#' @param lwd_hist line with for the vertical line in the histogram.
#' @param lty_hist line type for the vertical line in the histogram.
#' @param onlyOgive plot only the ogive.
#' @param \dots Additional arguments to the plot method.
#' @examples
#' data(crabdata)
#' classify_data = classify_mature(crabdata, varNames = c("carapace_width", "chela_height"),
#' varSex = "sex_category", selectSex = NULL, method = "ld")
#' my_mature = morph_mature(classify_data, method = "fq", niter = 50)
#' plot(my_mature, xlab = "Carapace width (mm.)", ylab = "Proportion mature", col = c("blue", "red"))
#' @export
#' @method plot morphMat
plot.morphMat <- function(x, xlab = "X", ylab = "Proportion mature", col = c("blue", "red"),
                          lwd = 2, lty = 2, vline_hist = "black", lwd_hist = 2, lty_hist = 2, 
                          onlyOgive = FALSE, ...){

  if (!inherits(x, "morphMat"))
    stop("Use with 'morphMat' objects only")

  fit     <- x$out
  x_input <- fit$x
  y_input <- fit$mature
  m_p     <- tapply(y_input, x_input, mean)
  wide    <- quantile(x$L50_boot, probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), na.rm = TRUE)

  # R-square Nagelkerke method
  model1 <- glm(y_input ~ x_input, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
  R2     <- nagelkerkeR2(model1)
  if(onlyOgive == TRUE){
    if(length(col) < 2) stop('col argument must have 2 values. The colors could be the same')
    if(length(col) > 2) warning('col: only the first two colors will be used in the plot')
    plot(sort(unique(x_input)), m_p, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, pch = 19, col = "darkgrey", ...)
    lines(sort(x_input), sort(fit$fitted), col = col[1], lwd = lwd)
    lines(sort(x_input), sort(fit$CIlower), col = col[1], lwd = lwd, lty = lty)
    lines(sort(x_input), sort(fit$CIupper), col = col[1], lwd = lwd, lty = lty)
    lines(c(wide[2], wide[2]), c(-1, 0.5), col = col[2], lwd = lwd, lty = lty)
    lines(c(-1, wide[2]), c(0.5, 0.5), col = col[2], lwd = lwd, lty = lty)
    points(wide[2], 0.5, pch = 19, col = col[2], cex = 1.25)
    legend("topleft", c(as.expression(bquote(bold(L[50] == .(round(wide[2], 1))))),
                        as.expression(bquote(bold(R^2 == .(round(R2, 2)))))),
           bty = "n")
    # figure 1
    hist(x$A_boot, main = "", xlab = "A", col = "grey90")
    abline(v = as.numeric(quantile(x$A_boot, probs = c(0.5), na.rm = TRUE)),
           lwd = lwd_hist, col = vline_hist)
    abline(v = c(as.numeric(quantile(x$A_boot, probs = c(0.025, 0.975), na.rm = TRUE))),
           lty = lty_hist, col = vline_hist)
    # figure 2
    hist(x$B_boot, main = "", xlab = "B", col = "grey90")
    abline(v = as.numeric(quantile(x$B_boot, probs = c(0.5), na.rm = TRUE)),
           lwd = lwd_hist, col = vline_hist)
    abline(v = c(as.numeric(quantile(x$B_boot, probs = c(0.025, 0.975), na.rm = TRUE))),
           lty = lty_hist, col = vline_hist)
    # figure 3
    hist(x$L50_boot, main = "", xlab = "Size at sexual maturity values", col = "grey90")
    abline(v = as.numeric(quantile(x$L50_boot, probs = c(0.5), na.rm = TRUE)),
           lwd = lwd_hist, col = vline_hist)
    abline(v = c(as.numeric(quantile(x$L50_boot, probs = c(0.025, 0.975), na.rm = TRUE))),
           lty = lty_hist, col = vline_hist)
    # figure 4
    if(length(col) < 2) stop('col argument must have 2 values. The colors could be the same')
    if(length(col) > 2) warning('col: only the first two colors will be used in the plot')
    plot(sort(unique(x_input)), m_p, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, pch = 19, col = "darkgrey", ...)
    lines(sort(x_input), sort(fit$fitted), col = col[1], lwd = lwd)
    lines(sort(x_input), sort(fit$CIlower), col = col[1], lwd = lwd, lty = lty)
    lines(sort(x_input), sort(fit$CIupper), col = col[1], lwd = lwd, lty = lty)
    lines(c(wide[2], wide[2]), c(-1, 0.5), col = col[2], lwd = lwd, lty = lty)
    lines(c(-1, wide[2]), c(0.5, 0.5), col = col[2], lwd = lwd, lty = lty)
    points(wide[2], 0.5, pch = 19, col = col[2], cex = 1.25)
    legend("topleft", c(as.expression(bquote(bold(L[50] == .(round(wide[2], 1))))),
                        as.expression(bquote(bold(R^2 == .(round(R2, 2)))))),
           bty = "n")

  cat("Size at morphometric maturity =", round(wide[2], 1), "\n")
  cat("Confidence intervals =", round(wide[1], 1), "-",round(wide[3], 1) ,  "\n")
  cat("Rsquare =", round(R2, 2))


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sizeMat documentation built on July 8, 2020, 7:27 p.m.