
Defines functions as_numeric_helper as_numeric.data.frame as_numeric.default as_numeric

Documented in as_numeric as_numeric.data.frame

#' @title Convert factors to numeric variables
#' @name as_numeric
#' @description This function converts (replaces) factor levels with the
#' related factor level index number, thus the factor is converted to
#' a numeric variable.
#' @param start.at Starting index, i.e. the lowest numeric value of the variable's
#'   value range. By default, this argument is \code{NULL}, hence the lowest
#'   value of the returned numeric variable corresponds to the lowest factor
#'   level (if factor levels are numeric) or to \code{1} (if factor levels
#'   are not numeric).
#' @param keep.labels Logical, if \code{TRUE}, former factor levels will be added as
#'   value labels. For numeric factor levels, values labels will be used,
#'   if present. See 'Examples' and \code{\link{set_labels}} for more details.
#' @param use.labels Logical, if \code{TRUE} and \code{x} has numeric value labels,
#'   the values defined in the labels (right-hand side of \code{labels}, for instance
#'   \code{labels = c(null = 0, one = 1)}) will be set as numeric values (instead
#'   of consecutive factor level numbers). See 'Examples'.
#' @return A numeric variable with values ranging either from \code{start.at} to
#'           \code{start.at} + length of factor levels, or to the corresponding
#'           factor levels (if these were numeric). If \code{x} is a data frame,
#'           the complete data frame \code{x} will be returned, where variables
#'           specified in \code{...} are coerced to numeric; if \code{...} is
#'           not specified, applies to all variables in the data frame.
#' @inheritParams add_labels
#' @examples
#' data(efc)
#' test <- as_label(efc$e42dep)
#' table(test)
#' table(as_numeric(test))
#' hist(as_numeric(test, start.at = 0))
#' # set lowest value of new variable to "5".
#' table(as_numeric(test, start.at = 5))
#' # numeric factor keeps values
#' dummy <- factor(c("3", "4", "6"))
#' table(as_numeric(dummy))
#' # do not drop unused factor levels
#' dummy <- ordered(c(rep("No", 5), rep("Maybe", 3)),
#'                  levels = c("Yes", "No", "Maybe"))
#' as_numeric(dummy)
#' # non-numeric factor is converted to numeric
#' # starting at 1
#' dummy <- factor(c("D", "F", "H"))
#' table(as_numeric(dummy))
#' # for numeric factor levels, value labels will be used, if present
#' dummy1 <- factor(c("3", "4", "6"))
#' dummy1 <- set_labels(dummy1, labels = c("first", "2nd", "3rd"))
#' dummy1
#' as_numeric(dummy1)
#' # for non-numeric factor levels, these will be used.
#' # value labels will be ignored
#' dummy2 <- factor(c("D", "F", "H"))
#' dummy2 <- set_labels(dummy2, labels = c("first", "2nd", "3rd"))
#' dummy2
#' as_numeric(dummy2)
#' # easily coerce specific variables in a data frame to numeric
#' # and keep other variables, with their class preserved
#' data(efc)
#' efc$e42dep <- as.factor(efc$e42dep)
#' efc$e16sex <- as.factor(efc$e16sex)
#' efc$e17age <- as.factor(efc$e17age)
#' # convert back "sex" and "age" into numeric
#' head(as_numeric(efc, e16sex, e17age))
#' x <- factor(c("None", "Little", "Some", "Lots"))
#' x <- set_labels(x,
#'   labels = c(None = "0.5", Little = "1.3", Some = "1.8", Lots = ".2")
#' )
#' x
#' as_numeric(x)
#' as_numeric(x, use.labels = TRUE)
#' as_numeric(x, use.labels = TRUE, keep.labels = FALSE)
#' @export
as_numeric <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname as_numeric
#' @export
to_numeric <- as_numeric

#' @export
as_numeric.default <- function(x, start.at = NULL, keep.labels = TRUE, use.labels = FALSE, ...) {
  as_numeric_helper(x, start.at, keep.labels, use.labels)

#' @rdname as_numeric
#' @export
as_numeric.data.frame <- function(x, ..., start.at = NULL, keep.labels = TRUE, use.labels = FALSE) {
  dots <- sapply(eval(substitute(alist(...))), deparse)
  .dat <- .get_dot_data(x, dots)

  # iterate variables of data frame
  for (i in colnames(.dat)) {
    x[[i]] <- as_numeric_helper(.dat[[i]], start.at, keep.labels, use.labels)


as_numeric_helper <- function(x, start.at, keep.labels, use.labels) {
  labels <- NULL

  # is already numeric?
  if (is.numeric(x)) return(x)

  # save variable label
  varlab <- get_label(x)

  # get labels
  labels <- get_labels(x, attr.only = TRUE, values = "n")

  # is character?
  if (is.character(x)) {

    # has labels?
    if (!is.null(labels)) {

      # sort labels correctly, therefor get "levels"
      lvls <- levels(as.factor(x))

      # do we have more labels than values? If yes, drop unused labels
      if (length(labels) > length(lvls)) labels <- labels[names(labels) %in% lvls]

      # it might be that we have more levels than labels, in this case
      # drop unused levels - else, ordering won't work
      if (length(lvls) > length(labels)) lvls <- lvls[lvls %in% names(labels)]

      # sort labels correctly
      labels <- unname(labels[order(names(labels), lvls)])

    # convert to factor
    x <- as.factor(x)

  # check if we have numeric factor levels
  if (is.num.fac(x)) {

    # retrieve "value labels"
    if (is.null(labels)) labels <- levels(x)

    # convert to numeric via as.vector
    new_value <- as.numeric(as.vector((x)))

    # new minimum value?
    if (!is.null(start.at) && is.numeric(start.at)) {

      # check if lowest value of variable differs from
      # requested minimum conversion value
      val_diff <- start.at - min(new_value, na.rm = TRUE)

      # adjust new_value
      new_value <- new_value + val_diff
  } else {

    # use non-numeric factor levels as new labels
    labels <- levels(x)

    # check which numeric values to use. If value labels were
    # numeric and 'use.labels = TRUE', value labels as used
    # as values
    if (use.labels) {
      levels(x) <- get_values(x)
    } else {
      # check start.at value
      if (is.null(start.at)) start.at <- 1

      # get amount of categories
      l <- nlevels(x)

      # determine highest category value
      end <- start.at + l - 1

      # replace labels with numeric values
      levels(x) <- start.at:end

    # convert to numeric
    new_value <- as.numeric(as.character(x))

  # check if we should set back former variable and value labels
  if (keep.labels) {
    new_value <- set_labels(new_value, labels = labels, force.labels = TRUE)
    new_value <- set_label(new_value, label = varlab)


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sjlabelled documentation built on April 10, 2022, 5:05 p.m.