
Defines functions avm.ci

Documented in avm.ci

#' Bootstrap Confidence Intervals for Linear Regression Error Variances
#' Uses bootstrap methods to compute approximate confidence intervals for
#'    error variances in a heteroskedastic linear regression model based on
#'    an auxiliary linear variance model (ALVM) or auxiliary nonlinear variance
#'    model (ANLVM).
#' @details \eqn{B} resampled versions of the original linear regression model
#'    (which can be accessed using \code{object$ols}) are generated using a
#'    nonparametric bootstrap method that is suitable for heteroskedastic
#'    linear regression models, namely either the pairs bootstrap or the wild
#'    bootstrap (bootstrapping residuals is \emph{not} suitable). Depending on
#'    the class of \code{object}, either an ALVM or an ANLVM is fit to each of
#'    the bootstrapped regression models. The distribution of the \eqn{B}
#'    bootstrap estimates of each error variance \eqn{\omega_i},
#'    \eqn{i=1,2,\ldots,n}, is used to construct an approximate confidence
#'    interval for \eqn{\omega_i}. This is done using one of three methods.
#'    The first is the percentile interval, which simply takes the empirical
#'    \eqn{\alpha/2} and \eqn{1-\alpha/2} quantiles of the \eqn{i}th bootstrap
#'    variance estimates. The second is the Bias-Corrected and accelerated
#'    (BCa) method as described in \insertCite{Efron93;textual}{skedastic},
#'    which is intended to improve on the percentile interval (although
#'    simulations have not found it to yield better coverage probabilities).
#'    The third is the na{\" i}ve standard normal interval, which takes
#'    \eqn{\hat{\omega}_i \pm z_{1-\alpha/2} \widehat{\mathrm{SE}}}, where
#'    \eqn{\widehat{\mathrm{SE}}} is the standard deviation of the \eqn{B}
#'    bootstrap estimates of \eqn{\omega_i}. By default, the expansion
#'    technique described in \insertCite{Hesterberg15;textual}{skedastic} is
#'    also applied; evidence from simulations suggests that this \emph{does}
#'    improve coverage probabilities.
#' Technically, the hyperparameters of the ALVM, such as \eqn{\lambda} (for a
#'    penalised polynomial or thin-plate spline model) or \eqn{n_c} (for a
#'    clustering model) should be re-tuned every time the ALVM is fitted to
#'    another bootstrapped regression model. However, due to the computational
#'    cost, this is not done by \code{avm.ci} unless \code{retune} is set to
#'    \code{TRUE}.
#' When obtained from ALVMs, bootstrap estimates of \eqn{\omega_i} that fall on
#'    the constraint boundary (i.e., are estimated to be near 0) are ignored
#'    by default; there is an attempt to obtain \code{Brequired} bootstrap
#'    estimates of each \eqn{\omega_i} that do not fall on the constraint
#'    boundary. This fine-tuning can be turned off by setting the
#'    \code{rm_onconstraint} argument to \code{FALSE}; the amount of effort
#'    put into obtaining non-boundary estimates is controlled using the
#'    \code{Bextra} argument. When ANLVMs are used, the default behaviour is to
#'    try to obtain \code{Brequired} bootstrap estimates of \eqn{\omega} where
#'    the Gauss-Newton algorithm applied for quasi-likelihood estimation
#'    has converged, and ignore estimates obtained from non-convergent cases.
#'    This behaviour can be toggled using the \code{rm_nonconverged} argument.
#' @param object An object of class \code{"alvm.fit"} or of class
#'    \code{"anlvm.fit"}, containing information on a fitted ALVM or ANLVM
#' @param bootobject An object of class \code{"bootlm"}, containing information
#'    on a set of \eqn{B} bootstrapped versions of a linear regression model,
#'    obtained by a nonparametric bootstrap method suitable for heteroskedastic
#'    linear models. If set to \code{NULL} (the default), it is generated by
#'    calling \code{\link{bootlm}}.
#' @param bootavmobject An object of class \code{"bootavm"}, containing
#'    information on an ALVM or ANLVM fit to \eqn{B} bootstrapped linear
#'    regression models. If set to \code{NULL} (the default), it is generated
#'    by calling the non-exported function \code{bootavm}.
#' @param jackobject An object of class \code{"jackavm"}, containing
#'    information on ALVMs or ANVLMs fit to jackknife versions of a linear
#'    regression model. If set to \code{NULL} (the default), it is generated
#'    by calling the non-exported function \code{jackavm}.
#' @param bootCImethod A character specifying the method to use when computing
#'    the approximate bootstrap confidence interval. The default, \code{"pct"},
#'    corresponds to the percentile interval. \code{"bca"} corresponds to the
#'    Bias-Corrected and accelerated (BCa) modification of the percentile
#'    interval. \code{"stdnorm"} corresponds to a na{\" i}ve standard normal
#'    interval with bootstrap standard error estimates.
#' @param bootsampmethod A character specifying the method to use for
#'    generating nonparametric bootstrap linear regression models. Corresponds
#'    to the \code{sampmethod} argument of \code{\link{bootlm}} and defaults
#'    to \code{"pairs"}. \strong{Warning:} in simulations, bootstrap intervals
#'    computed using the wild bootstrap have shown very poor coverage
#'    probabilities. Ignored unless \code{bootobject} is \code{NULL}.
#' @param Brequired An integer indicating the number of bootstrap regression
#'    models that should be used to compute the bootstrap confidence intervals.
#'    The default behaviour is to base the interval estimates only on bootstrap
#'    ALVM variance estimates that are not on the constraint boundary or on
#'    bootstrap ANLVMs where the estimation algorithm converged. Consequently,
#'    if this is not the case for all of the first \code{Brequired} bootstrap
#'    models, additional bootstrap models are used (up to a maximum of
#'    \code{Bextra}). Defaults to \code{1000L}.
#' @param Bextra An integer indicating the maximum number of additional
#'    bootstrap models that should be fitted in an attempt to obtain
#'    \code{Brequired} appropriate sets of bootstrap variance estimates, as
#'    explained above under \code{Brequired}. Defaults to \code{500L}.
#'    Ignored if \code{rm_on_constraint} is set to \code{FALSE} (for an ALVM)
#'    or if \code{rm_nonconverged} is set to \code{FALSE} (for an ANLVM).
#' @param conf.level A double representing the confidence level \eqn{1-\alpha};
#'    must be between 0 and 1. Defaults to \code{0.95}.
#' @param expand A logical specifying whether to implement the expansion
#'    technique described in \insertCite{Hesterberg15;textual}{skedastic}.
#'    Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param retune A logical specifying whether to re-tune hyperparameters and
#'    re-select features each time an ALVM or (in the case of feature
#'    selection) ANLVM is fit to a bootstrapped regression model. If
#'    \code{FALSE} (the default), the hyperparameter value and selected
#'    features from the ALVM fit to the original model are reused in every
#'    bootstrap model. Setting to \code{TRUE} is more theoretically sound but
#'    increases computation time substantially.
#' @param qtype A numeric corresponding to the \code{type} argument of
#'    \code{\link[stats]{quantile}}. Defaults to \code{6}.
#' @param rm_on_constraint A logical specifying whether to exclude
#'    bootstrapped ALVMs from the interval estimation method where the ALVM
#'    parameter estimate falls on the constraint boundary. Defaults to
#'    \code{TRUE}.
#' @param rm_nonconverged A logical specifying whether to exclude bootstrapped
#'    ANLVMs from the interval estimation method where the optimisation
#'    algorithm used in quasi-likelihood estimation of the ANLVM parameter did
#'    not converge. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param jackknife_point A logical specifying whether to replace the point
#'    estimates of the error variances \eqn{\omega} with jackknife estimates
#'    based only on the leave-one-out auxiliary models where the parameter
#'    estimates do not lie on the constraint boundary (in the ALVM case) or
#'    where the quasi-likelihood estimation algorithm converged (in the ANLVM
#'    case). Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param ... Other arguments to pass to non-exported helper functions
#' @inheritParams bootlm
#' @return An object of class \code{"avm.ci"}, containing the following:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{climits}, an \eqn{n\times 2} matrix with lower confidence
#'    limits in the first column and upper confidence limits in the second
#'  \item \code{var.est}, a vector of length \eqn{n} of point estimates
#'    \eqn{\hat{\omega}} of the error variances. This is the same vector
#'    passed within \code{object}, unless \code{jackknife_point} is
#'    \code{TRUE}.
#'  \item \code{conf.level}, corresponding to the eponymous argument
#'  \item \code{bootCImethod}, corresponding to the eponymous argument
#'  \item \code{bootsampmethod}, corresponding to the eponymous argument or
#'    otherwise extracted from \code{bootobject}
#' }
#' @references{\insertAllCited{}}
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{alvm.fit}}, \code{\link{anlvm.fit}},
#'    \insertCite{Efron93;textual}{skedastic}
#' @examples
#' mtcars_lm <- lm(mpg ~ wt + qsec + am, data = mtcars)
#' myalvm <- alvm.fit(mtcars_lm, model = "cluster")
#' # Brequired would of course not be so small in practice
#' ci.alvm <- avm.ci(myalvm, Brequired = 5)

avm.ci <- function(object, bootobject = NULL,
                   bootavmobject = NULL, jackobject = NULL,
                   bootCImethod = c("pct", "bca", "stdnorm"),
                   bootsampmethod = c("pairs", "wild"),
                   Bextra = 500L, Brequired = 1000L,
                   conf.level = 0.95, expand = TRUE,
                   retune = FALSE, resfunc = c("identity", "hccme"),
                   qtype = 6, rm_on_constraint = TRUE, rm_nonconverged = TRUE,
                   jackknife_point = FALSE, ...) {

  if (!(inherits(object, "alvm.fit") || inherits(object, "anlvm.fit")))
    stop("object should be of class alvm.fit or anlvm.fit")
  bootCImethod <- match.arg(bootCImethod, c("pct", "bca", "stdnorm"))

  X <- stats::model.matrix(object$ols)
  y <- stats::model.response(stats::model.frame(object$ols))
  n <- nrow(X)
  p <- ncol(X)
  if (length(conf.level) != 1 || conf.level <= 0 || conf.level >= 1) {
    stop("Invalid conf.level")

  var.est <- unname(object$var.est)

  if (is.null(bootavmobject)) {

    if (is.null(bootobject)) {

      bootsampmethod <- match.arg(bootsampmethod, c("pairs", "wild"))
      bootsampmethod2return <- bootsampmethod
      resfunc <- match.arg(resfunc, c("identity", "hccme"))

      bootobject <- bootlm(object = object$ols, sampmethod = bootsampmethod,
                           B = Brequired + Bextra, resfunc = resfunc, ...)
    } else {
      if (!(inherits(bootobject, "bootlm")))
        stop("bootobject should be of class bootlm")
      Bextra <- length(bootobject) - Brequired
      bootsampmethod2return <- bootobject$sampmethod

    bootavmobject <- bootavm(object = object, bootobject = bootobject,
        retune = retune, returnall = FALSE, rm_on_constraint = rm_on_constraint,
        rm_nonconverged = rm_nonconverged, Brequired = Brequired, ...)
  } else {
    # else just use bootavmobject that was passed
    if (!inherits(bootavmobject, "bootavm"))
      stop("bootavmobject must be an object of class \"bootavm\"")

  B <- nrow(bootavmobject$var.ests)
  probs <- sort(1 + c(-1, 1) * conf.level) / 2
  if (expand) probs <- stats::pnorm(stats::qt(probs, n - 1) *
                               sqrt(n / (n - 1)))

  if (bootCImethod %in% c("pct", "stdnorm")) {
    probs2 <- matrix(data = rep(probs, each = n), nrow = 2,
                     byrow = TRUE)
  } else if (bootCImethod == "bca") {
    z0hat <- vapply(1:n, function(i) {
      stats::qnorm(sum(bootavmobject$var.ests[, i] < var.est[i]) / B)
    }, 0)

    if (is.null(jackobject)) {
      jackobject <- jackavm(object = object,
                               retune = retune,
                               returnwhat = "all", ...)
    } else {
      # jackobject was passed
    omegahatdot <- rowMeans(jackobject$jackvarests)

    ahat <- vapply(1:n, function(i) {
      sum(vapply(1:n, function(j) {
        (omegahatdot[i] - jackobject$jackvarests[i, j]) ^ 3
      }, 0)) / (6 * sum(vapply(1:n, function(j) {
        (omegahatdot[i] - jackobject$jackvarests[i, j]) ^ 2
      }, 0)) ^ (3 / 2))
    }, 0)

    probs2 <- sapply(1:n, function(i) {
      vapply(probs, function(p) {
        if (is.infinite(z0hat[i])) {
          ifelse(p < 0.5, 0, 1)
        } else {
          stats::pnorm(z0hat[i] + (z0hat[i] + stats::qnorm(p)) /
                  (1 - ahat[i] * (z0hat[i] + stats::qnorm(p))))
      }, 0)
    }, simplify = "array")

  if (!jackknife_point) {
    newvar.est <- var.est
  } else {
    if (is.null(jackobject)) {
      jackobject <- jackavm(object = object,
                            retune = retune,
                            returnwhat = "all", ...)
    newvar.est <- jackpoint(jackobject = jackobject,
                            constol = object$constol, ...)

  if (bootCImethod %in% c("pct", "bca", "stdnorm")) {
    if (bootCImethod %in% c("pct", "bca")) {
      climits <- t(sapply(1:n, function(i) {
        stats::quantile(bootavmobject$var.ests[, i], probs = probs2[, i],
                 type = qtype, names = FALSE)
      }, simplify = "array"))
    } else if (bootCImethod == "stdnorm") {
      climits <- t(sapply(1:n, function(i) {
        SEest <- stats::sd(bootavmobject$var.ests[, i])
        c(max(0, newvar.est[i] - stats::qnorm(probs2[2, i]) * SEest),
          newvar.est[i] + stats::qnorm(probs2[2, i]) * SEest)
      }, simplify = "array"))
    result <- list("climits" = climits, "var.est" = newvar.est,
                   "conf.level" = conf.level, "bootCImethod" = bootCImethod,
                   "bootsampmethod" = bootsampmethod2return)
  class(result) <- "avm.ci"

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