#' @title Automatic Generation of Tabs
#' @description It allows to automatically generate the code necessary to group multiple Rmarkdown chunks
#' into tabs. Concatenating all the chunks into a string that can be later knitted and rendered.
#' @details given a tibble, which must contain an "ID" column (representing the title of the tabs) and another
#' column that stores the output to be generated (plot, text, code, ...), a string is automatically
#' generated which can be later rendered in a Rmarkdown document.
#' @seealso \href{}{sknifedatar website}
#' @param input_data Ungrouped tibble with at least 2 columns, one for the title of the tabs and another with
#' the output to be displayed.
#' @param panel_name string with the name of the ID column.
#' @param .output string with the name of the column of the output.
#' @param ... additional parameters that correspond to all those available in rmarkdown chunks
#' (fig.align, fig.width, ...).
#' @param tabset_title string title of the .tabset
#' @param tabset_props string defining .tabset properties. Only works with is_output_distill = F
#' @param is_output_distill boolean. is output a distill article.
#' @return concatenated string of all automatically generated chunks.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(sknifedatar)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' dataset <- iris %>%
#' group_by(Species) %>%
#' tidyr::nest() %>%
#' mutate(
#' .plot = purrr::map(data, ~ ggplot(.x, aes(x = Sepal.Length, y = Petal.Length)) + geom_point())
#' ) %>%
#' ungroup()
#' automagic_tabs(input_data = dataset, panel_name = "Species", .output = ".plot", fig.align='center')
#' unlink("figure", recursive = TRUE)
automagic_tabs <- function(input_data, panel_name, .output, ..., tabset_title = '',
tabset_props = '.tabset-fade .tabset-pills', is_output_distill = TRUE){
# Quosures
chunk_props <- list(...)
dataset_name <- rlang::enquo(input_data) %>% rlang::as_name()
panel_col <- rlang::enquo(panel_name)
vars <- rlang::enquo(.output) %>% rlang::as_name()
if(dplyr::is_grouped_df(input_data)){stop('input_data must be ungrouped')}
# Parse Columns to extract
subsets <- paste0(dataset_name, '$', vars)
# Parse Chunk options
warning('chunk_props can not be empty, adding echo = FALSE to every chunk in this tabset')
chunk_props <- list(echo = F)
chunk_props_values <- unname(chunk_props) %>% purrr::map_if(is.character, ~sprintf("'%s'", .x))
.chunk_props <- paste0(paste(names(chunk_props), chunk_props_values, sep = ' = '), collapse = ', ')
# Distill Output
aux_1 <- ''
aux_2 <- '.panelset'
aux_3 <- '.panel'
} else{
aux_1 <- '.tabset'
aux_2 <- ''
aux_3 <- ''
# Loop variables
chunks <- list()
for(rown in 1:nrow(input_data)){
.panel_output <- sprintf('%s[[%s]]', subsets, rown) %>% paste0(collapse = ' \n ')
.panel_name <- input_data %>% dplyr::slice(rown) %>% dplyr::pull(!!panel_col)
# Create Individual Chunks
individual_chunk <- sprintf('::: {%s}\n
### %s \n
```{r `r automagic_chunk_%s_%s`, %s} \n %s \n ``` \n
:::', aux_3, .panel_name, dataset_name, .panel_name, .chunk_props, .panel_output)
chunks <- c(chunks, individual_chunk)
# Create tabset panel
final_chunk <- sprintf('## %s {%s %s} \n
::::: {%s}\n
%s \n
:::::', tabset_title, aux_1, tabset_props, aux_2, paste0(chunks, collapse = '\n'))
knitr::knit(text = final_chunk)
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