
Defines functions effectpowermc

Documented in effectpowermc

#'@title Fit Anova for Effect Power Calculation in Monte Carlo
#'@description Calculates the p-values for the effect power calculation in Monte Carlo
#'@param fit Fit from regression
#'@param type Default `III`
#'@param test Default `Pr(>Chisq)`.
#'@param ... Additional arguments to pass to car::Anova
#'@return p-values
#'@keywords internal
effectpowermc = function(fit, type="III", test = "Pr(>Chisq)",
                         model_formula = NULL, firth = FALSE, glmfamily = "gaussian", effect_terms = NULL,
                         RunMatrixReduced = NULL, method = NULL, contrastslist = contrastslist,
                         effect_anova = FALSE, ...) {
  output = new.env(parent = emptyenv())
  output$effectnames = NA
  if(glmfamily != "binomial") {
    firth = FALSE
  if (class(fit)[1] == "lmerModLmerTest") {
    test = "Pr(>F)"
    anovafit = suppressMessages(anova(fit, type = type, ... ))
    output$effectnames = rownames(anovafit)
    output$effect_pvals = as.vector(as.matrix(anovafit[test]))
  } else if (!effect_anova || (firth && glmfamily == "binomial")) {
    if(!(length(find.package("lmtest", quiet = TRUE)) > 0)) {
      stop("{lmtest} package required when specifying `effect_anova = FALSE` ",
           "to use a likelihood ratio test for effect power")
    if(df.residual(fit) == 0) {
      stop("skpr: Model saturated--no degrees of freedom to estimate power.")
    model_matrix = model.matrix(model_formula, RunMatrixReduced, contrasts.arg = contrastslist)
    effects_from_model = attr(model_matrix,"assign")
    effects_labeled    = c("(Intercept)", attr(terms.formula(model_formula),"term.labels"))
    unique_terms = unique(effects_from_model)
    names(unique_terms) = effects_labeled
    stopifnot(length(effects_labeled) == length(unique_terms))
    output$effectnames = effects_labeled
    output$effect_pvals = rep(NA,length(effects_labeled))
    # We need to use the lower-level glm.fit interface: the regular glm() interface re-parameterizes the model
    # when main effects aren't present, which means you can't test the significance of lower-level categorical
    # effects when higher-level interactions exist.
    for(i in seq_len(length(unique_terms))) {
      cols_to_remove = which(unique_terms[i] == effects_from_model)
      family = switch(glmfamily,
                      "gaussian" = gaussian(),
                      "binomial" = binomial(),
                      "poisson"  = poisson(),
                      "gaussian" = Gamma(link = "log"),
                      stop(sprintf("glm family `%s` not found.", glmfamily)))
      if(!firth) {
        fit_raw = glm.fit(x=model_matrix[,-cols_to_remove],y=fit$data$Y, family = family)
      } else {
        fit_raw = mbest::firthglm.fit(x=model_matrix[,-cols_to_remove],y=fit$data$Y, family = family)
      fit_reduced = structure(fit_raw,class = c(fit$class, c("glm", "lm")))
      lr_results = lmtest::lrtest(fit, fit_reduced)
      if(lr_results$`#Df`[1] != lr_results$`#Df`[2]) {
        output$effect_pvals[i] = lr_results$`Pr(>Chisq)`[2]
      } else {
        output$effect_pvals[i] = 1.0
  } else {
      anovafit = suppressWarnings(
          car::Anova(fit, type = type, ... )
      output$effectnames = rownames(anovafit)
      output$effect_pvals = as.vector(as.matrix(anovafit[test]))
    }, error = function(e) {
      if(any(grepl("residual sum of squares", as.character(e)))) {
        fit2 = fit
        fit2$residuals = fit2$residuals + 1
        anovafit2 = suppressWarnings(
            car::Anova(fit2, type = type, ... )
        output$effectnames = rownames(anovafit2)
        output$effect_pvals = rep(1,length(output$effectnames))
      } else {
        output$effectnames = rownames(coef(summary(fit)))
        output$effect_pvals = rep(NA,length(output$effectnames))
  if (all(is.na(output$effectnames))) {
    if(df.residual(fit) == 0) {
      stop("skpr: Model saturated--no residual degrees of freedom to fit the model and estimate power.")
    } else {
      stop("skpr: Effect power not supported for fit type: ", class(fit))
  if ("Residuals" %in% output$effectnames) {
    output$effect_pvals = output$effect_pvals[output$effectnames != "Residuals"]
    names(output$effect_pvals) = output$effectnames[output$effectnames != "Residuals"]
  } else {
    names(output$effect_pvals) = output$effectnames

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skpr documentation built on July 9, 2023, 7:23 p.m.