
slope.com <- function( y, x, groups, method="SMA", alpha=0.05, data=NULL, 
                       intercept=TRUE, robust=FALSE, V=array( 0, c( 2,2,length(unique(groups)) ) ), 
                       group.names=sort(unique(groups)), ci=TRUE, bs=TRUE, slope.test=NULL ){
    if ( nargs() < 3 ){
        stop('Sorry, no can do without three arguments -- Y, X, GROUPS')

      stop("'data' argument no longer supported.")
    dat    <- cbind(y, x)
    g      <- length(group.names)

    # Find sample size, variances for each group:
    n      <- matrix( 0, g, 1 )
    r.factor      <- matrix( 0, g, 1 )
    res.df <- matrix( 0, g, 1 )
    z      <- matrix( 0, g, 3 )
    do.bs  <- bs
    bs     <- matrix( NA, 3, g, dimnames=list(c("slope","lower.CI.lim","upper.CI.lim"),group.names) )
    for (i in 1:g){
        iref   <- ( groups==group.names[i] )
        iref   <- iref & ( is.na(x+y) == FALSE )
        n[i]   <- sum(iref)
        if ( robust ){
	   if (!intercept){
		  stop("Sorry, robust estimation without an intercept term not yet implemented.")
	   } else {
                if (n[i]>1){ 
                      q  <- pchisq(3,2)
                      S  <- huber.M(dat[iref,])
		                  xi <- S$cov-V[, , i]  
        	            means <- S$loc
		            # get robust.factor for group i (multiplier on variance matrix):
	              r.factor[i] <- robust.factor(dat[iref,],q)[1] 
		            } else if (n[i]==1) { 
                    xi <- matrix(0,2,2)
                    r.factor[i] <- 0  } #leave as zero for n[i]=1
           z[i,]     <- c( xi[1,1], xi[2,2], xi[1,2] )

           if (do.bs & n[i]>1){
                slopei    <- slope.test(y[iref], x[iref], method=method, alpha=alpha, 
                                        V=V[,,i], intercept=intercept, robust=TRUE)
                bs[,i]    <- c(slopei$b, slopei$ci)
        }	else {
           if (!intercept) {
	  	        xi <- t(dat[iref, ]) %*% dat[iref, ] / n[i] - V[, , i]
	         } else  {
                if (n[i]>1){ 
                  xi <- cov(dat[iref, ]) - V[, , i] 
                } else if (n[i]==1){ 
                  xi <- matrix(0,2,2)  #leave as zero for n[i]=1

           z[i,] <- c( xi[1,1], xi[2,2], xi[1,2] )

           if (do.bs & n[i]>1) {
                slopei <- slope.test(y[iref], x[iref], method=method, 
                                        alpha=alpha, V=V[,,i], intercept=intercept,robust=FALSE )
                bs[,i] <- c(slopei$b, slopei$ci)

    if (!intercept){ 
      res.df <- n-1 
    } else { 
      res.df <- n-2 

    # Find common slope:
    lambda <- 1 #only actually used for the major axis.
    if (is.null(slope.test)) {
        res    <- b.com.est( z, n, method, lambda, res.df=res.df )
    #input slope.test as common slope value.
    else { 
        if ( method == 1 | method == 'SMA') { lambda <- slope.test^2 }
        res <- list(b=slope.test, bi=slope.test, l1=NA, l2=NA, lambda=lambda )
    # Calculate LR:
    dets <- z[,1]*z[,2] - z[,3]^2 #This is l1*l2 under Halt.
    arguments <- list( l1=dets, l2=1, z=z, n=n, method=method, crit=0, 
                       lambda=lambda, res.df=res.df, r.factor=r.factor)
    LR     <- lr.b.com(res$b, arguments) 
    # if lambda is being estimated, check endpoint LR values:
    if (method == 3 | method == 'lamest')  {
        res0      <- b.com.est( z, n, 2, lambda=10^-9, res.df ) # to find est when lambda=0
        arguments <- list( l1=dets, l2=1, z=z, n=n, method=method, crit=0, 
                           lambda=10^-9, res.df=res.df, r.factor=r.factor)
        LR0       <- lr.b.com(res0$b, arguments) 
        resInf    <- b.com.est( z, n, 2, 10^9, res.df ) # to find est when lambda=inf
        arguments <- list( l1=dets, l2=1, z=z, n=n, method=method, crit=0, 
                           lambda=10^9, res.df=res.df, r.factor=r.factor)
        LRinf     <- lr.b.com(resInf$b, arguments) 
        LR        <- min(LR,LR0,LRinf)
        if ( LR==LR0 )res <- res0 
        if ( LR==LRinf )res <- resInf
    # Record values for arguments separately
    b      <- res$b
    bi     <- res$bi
    l1     <- res$l1
    l2     <- res$l2
    lambda <- res$lambda

    # Calculate P-value:
    if (is.null(slope.test)){
        df <- g - 1 - sum(n<=1)  #don't count any singleton or empty groups in df
    } else {
        df <- g - sum(n<=1)  #if common slope is given, don't subtract a df for its estimation
    Pvalue <- 1 - pchisq( LR, df )

    # Calculate a CI for common slope, if estimated
    if (is.null(slope.test)){
        if (method == 1 | method == 'SMA'){
           # Getting variance of common slope
           varBs <- ( l2/l1 + l1/l2 + 2)^(-1) *  ( 4*b^2 ) * r.factor
           l12   <- ( l1 + l2 )^2 / ( l1*l2 )
        if (method == 2 | method == 'MA'){
           varBs <- ( l2/l1 + l1/l2 - 2)^(-1) * ( lambda + b^2 )^2 * r.factor
           l12 <- ( l1 - l2 )^2 / ( l1*l2 )
        #Still work to be done to calculate CI for lamest.
        if (method == 3 | method == 'lamest'){
           varBs <- NA

        varB <- sum( l12^2 * varBs * res.df )/(sum( l12 * res.df ))^2
        varB <- NA
        ci   <- FALSE

    crit <- qchisq( 1 - alpha, 1 )
    if (method == 3 | method == 'lamest') {
       ci <- FALSE
    if (ci){
       bCI  <- com.ci( b, varB, crit, z, n, l1, l2, method, lambda, res.df, r.factor)
    if (lambda==10^-9) lambda <- 0 
    if (lambda==10^9) lambda  <- Inf 
    return(list( LR=LR, p=Pvalue, b=b, ci=bCI, varb=varB, lambda=lambda, bs=bs, df=df ))

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