
Defines functions smcure

Documented in smcure

#' Title
#' @param formula a formula object
#' @param cureform specifies the variables in the incidence
#' @param offset variable(s) with coefficient 1 in PH model or AFT model
#' @param data a data.frame in which to interpret the variables named in the formula and cureform
#' @param na.action a missing-data filter function. By default na.action = na.omit
#' @param model specifies your model ph or aft
#' @param link incidence part
#' @param Var By default Var = TRUE
#' @param emmax maximum iteration number
#' @param eps convergence criterion
#' @param nboot number of bootstrap sampling
#' @return a smcure object
#' @importFrom survival coxph survreg
#' @importFrom stats optim pnorm model.extract model.frame model.matrix na.omit optim var
#' @importFrom graphics matplot lines
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(e1684)
#' pd <- smcure(Surv(FAILTIME,FAILCENS)~TRT+SEX+AGE,
#' cureform=~TRT+SEX+AGE,data=e1684,model="ph",
#' Var = FALSE)
#' printsmcure(pd,Var = FALSE)

smcure <- function(formula,cureform,offset=NULL,data,na.action=na.omit,model= c("aft", "ph"),link="logit", Var=TRUE,emmax=50,eps=1e-7,nboot=100)
  call <- match.call()
  model <- match.arg(model)
  cat("Program is running..be patient...")
  ## prepare data
  data <- na.action(data)
  n <- dim(data)[1]
  mf <- model.frame(formula,data)
  cvars <- all.vars(cureform)
  Z <- as.matrix(cbind(rep(1,n),data[,cvars]))
  colnames(Z) <- c("(Intercept)",cvars)
  if(!is.null(offset)) {
    offsetvar <- all.vars(offset)
  else offsetvar <- NULL
  Y <- model.extract(mf,"response")
  X <- model.matrix(attr(mf,"terms"), mf)
  if (!inherits(Y, "Surv")) stop("Response must be a survival object")
  Time <- Y[,1]
  Status <- Y[,2]
  bnm <- colnames(Z)
  nb <- ncol(Z)
  if(model == "ph") {
    betanm <- colnames(X)[-1]
    nbeta <- ncol(X)-1}
  if(model == "aft"){
    betanm <- colnames(X)
    nbeta <- ncol(X)}
  ## initial value
  w <- Status
  b <- eval(parse(text = paste("glm", "(", "w~Z[,-1]",",family = quasibinomial(link='", link, "'",")",")",sep = "")))$coef
  if(model=="ph") beta <- coxph(Surv(Time, Status)~X[,-1]+offset(log(w)), subset=w!=0, method="breslow")$coef
  if(model=="aft") beta <- survreg(Surv(Time,Status)~X[,-1])$coef
  ## do EM algo
  emfit <- em(Time,Status,X,Z,offsetvar,b,beta,model,link,emmax,eps)
  b <- emfit$b
  beta <- emfit$latencyfit
  s <- emfit$Survival
  logistfit <- emfit$logistfit
    if(model=="ph") {b_boot<-matrix(rep(0,nboot*nb), nrow=nboot)
    beta_boot<-matrix(rep(0,nboot*(nbeta)), nrow=nboot)
    iter <- matrix(rep(0,nboot),ncol=1)}

    if(model=="aft") {b_boot<-matrix(rep(0,nboot*nb), nrow=nboot)
    beta_boot<-matrix(rep(0,nboot*(nbeta)), nrow=nboot)}
    tempdata <- cbind(Time,Status,X,Z)
    while (i<=nboot){
      bootZ <- bootdata[,bnm]
      if(model=="ph") bootX <- as.matrix(cbind(rep(1,n),bootdata[,betanm]))
      if(model=="aft") bootX <- bootdata[,betanm]
      bootfit <- em(bootdata[,1],bootdata[,2],bootX,bootZ,offsetvar,b,beta,model,link,emmax,eps)
      b_boot[i,] <- bootfit$b
      beta_boot[i,] <- bootfit$latencyfit
      if (bootfit$tau<eps) i<-i+1}
    b_var <- apply(b_boot, 2, var)
    beta_var <- apply(beta_boot, 2, var)
    b_sd <- sqrt(b_var)
    beta_sd <- sqrt(beta_var)
  class(fit) <- c("smcure")
  fit$logistfit <- logistfit
  fit$b <- b
  fit$beta <- beta
    fit$b_var <- b_var
    fit$b_sd <- b_sd
    fit$b_zvalue <- fit$b/b_sd
    fit$b_pvalue <- (1-pnorm(abs(fit$b_zvalue)))*2
    fit$beta_var <- beta_var
    fit$beta_sd <- beta_sd
    fit$beta_zvalue <- fit$beta/beta_sd
    fit$beta_pvalue <- (1-pnorm(abs(fit$beta_zvalue)))*2	}
  cat(" done.\n")
  fit$call <- call
  fit$bnm <- bnm
  fit$betanm <- betanm
  fit$s <- s
  fit$Time <- Time
    error <- drop(log(Time)-beta%*%t(X))
    fit$error <- error}

Try the smcure package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

smcure documentation built on May 9, 2022, 9:08 a.m.