
context("Testing the smd() functions")

for (i in seq_along(dg)) {
  test_that(sprintf("smd() matches other packages for %s values", dg[[i]]$type), {

    dt <- data.frame(
      g = rep(c("A", "B"), each = 30),
      x = dg[[i]]$x

test_that("smd() returns correct values in specific cases", {
  x <- rep(0, 10)
  g <- rep(c("A", "B"), each = 5)
  w <- rep(0:1, each = 5)
  # means in both groups are 0; some weights are 0;
  expect_equal(smd(x, g, w)$estimate, 0)
  expect_equal(smd(x, g, w, unwgt.var = FALSE)$estimate, 0)

  # means in one group is not 0; some weights are 0;
  x <- rep(0:1, times = c(7, 3))
  gBx <- c(0, 0, 1, 1, 1)
  expect_equal(smd(x, g, w)$estimate, -0.6 / sqrt((var(gBx) * 4 / 5) / 2))
  expect_equal(smd(x, g, w, unwgt.var = FALSE)$estimate, -0.6 / sqrt((var(gBx) * 4 / 5) / 2))

  # means in one group is not 0; some weights are 0;
  x <- rep(0:1, times = c(7, 3))
  w <- rep(0:1, times = c(6, 4))
  gBx <- c(0, 0, 1, 1, 1)
  expect_equal(smd(x, g, w)$estimate, -0.75 / sqrt((var(gBx) * 4 / 5) / 2))
  expect_equal(smd(x, g, w, unwgt.var = FALSE)$estimate, -0.75 / sqrt((sum(w[6:10] * (gBx - 0.75)^2) / 4) / 2))

  # means in one group is not 0; some weights are 0;
  x <- rep(0:1, times = c(7, 3))
  w <- c(rep(0:1, times = c(6, 3)), 0)
  gBx <- c(0, 0, 1, 1, 1)
  expect_equal(smd(x, g, w)$estimate, -(2 / 3) / sqrt((var(gBx) * 4 / 5) / 2))
  expect_equal(smd(x, g, w, unwgt.var = FALSE)$estimate, -(2 / 3) / sqrt((sum(w[6:10] * (gBx - (2 / 3))^2) / 3) / 2))

  # means in both group is not 0; some weights are 0;
  x <- rep(c(0, 1, 1, 1, 1), times = 2)
  w <- rep(c(0, 1, 1, 1, 0), times = 2)

  expect_equal(smd(x, g, w)$estimate, 0)
  expect_equal(smd(x, g, w, unwgt.var = FALSE)$estimate, 0)

  ## Checking factors
  x <- factor(rep(LETTERS[1:4], times = 4))
  g <- rep(c("a", "b"), each = 8)
  w <- c(rep(0:1, times = 4), rep(0:1, each = 4))

  ra <- c(0, .5, 0, .5)
  ra_unw <- c(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25)
  SSa <- diag(ra) - outer(ra, ra)
  SSa_unw <- diag(ra_unw) - outer(ra_unw, ra_unw)
  rb <- c(.25, .25, .25, 0.25)
  rb_unw <- c(.25, .25, .25, 0.25)
  SSb <- diag(rb) - outer(rb, rb)
  SSb_unw <- diag(rb_unw) - outer(rb_unw, rb_unw)
  d <- ra - rb
  SS <- (SSa + SSb) / 2
  SS_unw <- (SSa_unw + SSb_unw) / 2

  expect_equal(sqrt(t(d) %*% (MASS::ginv(SS_unw) %*% d)), smd(x, g, w)$estimate, check.attributes = FALSE)
  expect_equal(sqrt(t(d) %*% (MASS::ginv(SS) %*% d)), smd(x, g, w, unwgt.var = FALSE)$estimate, check.attributes = FALSE)

  w <- rep(0:1, each = 8)
  ra <- c(0, 0, 0, 0)
  SSa <- diag(ra) - outer(ra, ra)
  rb <- c(.25, .25, .25, 0.25)
  SSb <- diag(rb) - outer(rb, rb)
  d <- ra - rb
  SS <- (SSa + SSb) / 2

  expect_equal(sqrt(t(d) %*% (MASS::ginv(SS) %*% d)), smd(x, g, w)$estimate, check.attributes = FALSE)
  expect_equal(sqrt(t(d) %*% (MASS::ginv(SS) %*% d)), smd(x, g, w, unwgt.var = FALSE)$estimate, check.attributes = FALSE)

test_that("smd() works/does not as appropriate with matrices", {
  X <- matrix(rnorm(100), ncol = 5)
  g <- rep(c("A", "B"), each = 10)
  w <- rep(c(3.12, 1.47), 5)
  expect_is(smd(x = X, g = g), "numeric")
  expect_is(smd(x = X, g = g, w = w), "numeric")

test_that("smd() works/does not as appropriate with lists", {
  X <- replicate(rnorm(20), n = 5, simplify = FALSE)
  g <- rep(c("A", "B"), each = 10)
  w <- rep(c(3.12, 1.47), 5)

  expect_is(smd(x = X, g = g), "data.frame")

  # checking lists of different types
  expect_is(smd(x = purrr::map(dg, ~ .x$x), g = rep(c("A", "B"), each = 30)), "data.frame")
      x = purrr::map(dg, ~ .x$x),
      g = rep(c("A", "B"), each = 30),
      w = rep(c(3.12, 1.47), 30)

test_that("smd() works/does not as appropriate with data.frames", {
  X <- as.data.frame(replicate(rnorm(20), n = 5, simplify = FALSE), col.names = 1:5)
  g <- rep(c("A", "B"), each = 10)
  expect_is(smd(x = X, g = g), "data.frame")

test_that("smd() gives error on if x and g have different length", {
  x <- rnorm(20)
  g <- rep(c("A", "B"), each = 5)
  expect_error(smd(x = x, g = g))

  x <- rnorm(20)
  g <- rep(c("A", "B"), each = 20)
  expect_error(smd(x = x, g = g))

test_that("smd() gives error on if g does not have 2 levels", {
  x <- rnorm(20)
  g <- rep(c("A"), times = 20)
  expect_error(smd(x = x, g = g))

  x <- rnorm(30)
  g <- rep(c("A", "B", "C"), each = 30)
  expect_error(smd(x = x, g = g))

test_that("smd() runs if g is an unsorted grouping variable", {
  x <- rnorm(40)
  g <- rep(c("A", "B"), times = 20)

  expect_is(smd(x = x, g = g), "data.frame")

test_that("smd() runs if g is unsorted factor (and character) levels", {
  create_g <- sample(0:1, 20, replace = TRUE)
  create_g_factor <- factor(create_g, labels = c("high", "low"))
  x <- rnorm(20)
  g <- create_g_factor
  expect_is(smd(x = x, g = g), "data.frame")

test_that("smd() runs with NA values", {
  g <- rep(c("A", "B"), each = 30)
  x <- rnorm(60)
  x[sample(1:60, 5)] <- NA
  expect_error(smd(x, g, na.rm = FALSE))
  expect_is(smd(x, g, na.rm = TRUE), "data.frame")

test_that("smd() works when changing gref (reference group)", {
  g <- rep(c("A", "B"), each = 30)
  x <- rnorm(60)
  expect_equal(smd(x, g, gref = 1)$estimate, -smd(x, g, gref = 2)$estimate)

  g <- rep(1:2, each = 30)
  x <- rnorm(60)
  expect_equal(smd(x, g, gref = 1)$estimate, -smd(x, g, gref = 2)$estimate)

  g <- rep(1:3, each = 20)
  x <- rnorm(60)
  expect_equal(smd(x, g, gref = 1)$estimate[2], -smd(x, g, gref = 3)$estimate[1])

test_that("smd() does not work with incorrectly specified gref (reference group)", {
  g <- rep(c("A", "B"), each = 30)
  x <- rnorm(60)
    smd(x, g, gref = 0L),
    "gref must be an integer within",
    fixed = FALSE

for (i in c(1, 3:length(dg))) {
  # Skipping the integer check: this gives a check_for_two_levels warning()
  # TODO: how to do I want to handle this case?
  test_that(sprintf("smd() runs for various data type %s", dg[[i]]$type), {
    dt <- data.frame(
      g = rep(c("A", "B", "C"), each = 20),
      x = dg[[i]]$x

    expect_is(smd(dt$x, dt$g, gref = 1), "data.frame")
    expect_is(smd(dt$x, dt$g, gref = 2), "data.frame")
    expect_is(smd(dt$x, dt$g, gref = 3), "data.frame")

test_that("smd() when factor has one level returns 0", {
  x <- factor(rep("No", 10))
  g <- factor(rep(c("Control", "Treat"), 5))
  w <- rep(c(3.12, 1.47), 5)
  expect_equal(smd(x, g, w)$estimate, 0)

test_that("smd() works when `std.error=TRUE`", {
  x <- rep(0, 10)
  g <- rep(c("A", "B"), each = 5)
    smd_std.error <- smd(x, g, std.error = TRUE),
    c("term", "estimate", "std.error")

test_that("smd() fails when `std.error=TRUE` when x is a matrix", {
  X <- matrix(rnorm(100), ncol = 5)
  g <- rep(c("A", "B"), each = 10)
  w <- rep(c(3.12, 1.47), 5)

    smd(X, g, std.error = TRUE),
    "smd is not set up to compute std.error on a matrix"
    smd(X, g, w, std.error = TRUE),
    "smd is not set up to compute std.error on a matrix"

test_that("smd(x, g, w) works when x is character or logical", {
  x_chr <- rep_len(c("A", "B"), 10)
  x_lgl <- rep_len(c(TRUE, FALSE), 10)
  x_fct <- factor(x_chr)
  g <- rep(c("A", "B"), each = 5)
  w <- rep(c(3.12, 1.47), 5)

    smd(x_chr, g, w),
    smd(x_fct, g, w)
    smd(x_lgl, g, w),
    smd(x_fct, g, w)

test_that("smd() when factor has one level returns 0", {
  x <- factor(rep("No", 10))
  g <- factor(rep(c("Control", "Treat"), 5))
  w <- rep(c(3.12, 1.47), 5)
  expect_equal(smd(x, g)$estimate, 0)
  expect_equal(smd(x, g, w)$estimate, 0)

test_that("smd() when character has one level returns 0", {
  x <- rep("No", 10)
  g <- factor(rep(c("Control", "Treat"), 5))
  w <- rep(c(3.12, 1.47), 5)
  expect_equal(smd(x, g)$estimate, 0)
  expect_equal(smd(x, g, w)$estimate, 0)

test_that("smd() when two-level factor has one empty level returns 0", {
  x <- factor(rep("No", 10), levels = c("No", "Yes"))
  g <- factor(rep(c("Control", "Treat"), 5))
  w <- rep(c(3.12, 1.47), 5)
  expect_equal(smd(x, g)$estimate, 0)
  expect_equal(smd(x, g, w)$estimate, 0)

test_that("smd() with two-level factor and one treatment group has an empty level", {
  x <- factor(c(rep("No", 8), rep("Yes", 4), rep("No", 4)), levels = c("No", "Yes"))
  g <- factor(c(rep("Control", 8), rep("Treat", 8)))
  w <- rep(1, 16)
  # Hand calculation of SMD
  # Control mean =  a = [1 0]'
  # Control var = c = diag(a) - outer(a,a) = [1 0; 0 0] - [1 0; 0 0] = [0 0; 0 0]
  # Treat mean = b = [0.5 0.5]'
  # Control var = d = diag(b) - outer(b,b) = [0.5 0; 0 0.5] - [0.25 0.25; 0.25 0.25] = [0.25 -0.25; -0.25 0.25]
  # D = a - b = [0.5  -0.5]'
  # S = (c + d)/2 = [0.125 -0.125; -0.125 0.125]
  # S^-1 = [2 -2; -2 2]
  # SMD = sqrt(D' S^-1 D)
  # .    = sqrt([0.5 -0.5]*[2  -2]*[0.5]
  #                       [-2  2] [-0.5])
  # .    = sqrt([2 -2][ 0.5]
  #                  [-0.5])
  # .    = sqrt(2)
  expect_equal(smd(x, g)$estimate, sqrt(2))
  expect_equal(smd(x, g, w)$estimate, sqrt(2))

test_that("smd() with two-level character vector and one treatment group has an empty level", {
  x <- c(rep("No", 8), rep("Yes", 4), rep("No", 4))
  g <- c(rep("Control", 8), rep("Treat", 8))
  w <- rep(1, 16)
  expect_equal(smd(x, g)$estimate, sqrt(2))
  expect_equal(smd(x, g, w)$estimate, sqrt(2))

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smd documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:10 a.m.