
Defines functions plot3D plot.smAPC plot3d.smAPC plot3d plot_smAPC plot.matrix plot3d.matrix plot_matrix my.colors

Documented in plot3d plot3d.matrix plot3d.smAPC plot.matrix plot.smAPC

#' @importFrom rgl open3d
#' @importFrom rgl lines3d
#' @importFrom rgl rgl.bringtotop
#' @importFrom rgl persp3d
#' @importFrom rgl title3d
#' @importFrom rgl axis3d
#' @importFrom colorspace hex
#' @importFrom colorspace polarLUV
#' @importFrom colorspace heat_hcl
#' @importFrom grDevices rainbow
#' @importFrom graphics axis
#' @importFrom graphics filled.contour
#' @importFrom graphics title
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom stats optim
#' @importFrom utils head

plot3D = function(x, y, z,
                labs = c("Age", "Time", "Value"),
                aspect = c(1, 1, 0.6),
                color.palette = function(n) rainbow(n, start=0.0, end=0.7))
  aspectX = length(x)
  aspectY = length(y)
  mn = min(z, na.rm=TRUE)
  mx = max(z, na.rm=TRUE)
  if(mx == mn) {
    c = "green"
  else {
    c = (z - mn)/(mx - mn)
    r = color.palette(65536)
    c = r[round(c * 65535) + 1]
  open3d(windowRect=c(10, 35, 810, 835))
  persp3d(x = seq_along(x), y = seq_along(y), z = z, aspect = c(aspectX * aspect[1], aspectY * aspect[2], aspectX * aspect[3]), xlab = labs[1], ylab = labs[2], zlab = labs[3], col=c, axes = FALSE)
  axis3d(edge = 'x', at = seq(1,length(x),5), labels = x[seq(1,length(x),5)])
  axis3d(edge = 'y', at = seq(1,length(y),5), labels = y[seq(1,length(y),5)])
  axis3d(edge = 'z')
  title3d(main = title)

#' Presents demographic data as a heatmap
#' @param x Result of smoothing (object of class \code{smAPC}).
#' @param component "smooth", "period", "cohort", "residuals" or "original".
#' @param labs Vector of labels for X and Y axes.
#' @param color.palette Character string \code{"default"} or \code{"special"} or a function accepting one argument and returning a color palette
#' (for example \code{\link[grDevices]{rainbow}}).
#' @param main Title for the plot.
#' @param ... Other parameters. They are currently ignored.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(demography)
#' m <- log(fr.mort$rate$female[1:30, 150:160])
#' sm <- autoSmoothAPC(m)
#' plot(sm)
#' plot(sm, "surface")
#' plot(sm, "cohort")
#' plot(sm, "period")
#' plot(sm, "residuals")
#' plot(sm, "original", main = "Original data")
#' }
#' @author Alexander Dokumentov
#' @export

plot.smAPC = function(x,
                      component = c("all", "surface", "period", "cohort", "residuals", "original"),
                      labs = c("Age", "Time"),
                      color.palette = c("default", "special"),
                      main = "",
  plot_smAPC(x = x, component = component, labs = c(labs, main), types = "2D", color.palette = color.palette, ...)

#' Presents demographic data as a 3D surface
#' @param x Result of smoothing (object of class \code{smAPC}).
#' @param component "smooth", "period", "cohort", "residuals" or "original".
#' @param labs Vector of labels for X, Y and Z axes.
#' @param color.palette Character string \code{"default"} or \code{"special"} or a function accepting one argument and returning a color palette
#' (for example \code{\link[grDevices]{rainbow}}).
#' @param ... Other parameters. They are currently ignored.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(demography)
#' m <- log(fr.mort$rate$female[1:30, 150:160])
#' sm <- autoSmoothAPC(m)
#' plot3d(sm)
#' plot3d(sm, "surface", color.palette = "special")
#' plot3d(sm, "cohort")
#' plot3d(sm, "period")
#' plot3d(sm, "residuals")
#' plot3d(sm, "original", color.palette = rainbow)
#' }
#' @author Alexander Dokumentov
#' @export

plot3d.smAPC = function(x,
                      component = c("all", "surface", "period", "cohort", "residuals", "original"),
                      labs = c("Age", "Time", NA),
                      color.palette = c("default", "special"),
  plot_smAPC(x = x, component = component, labs = labs, types = "3D", color.palette = color.palette, ...)

#' Presents data as a 3D surface
#' @param x Data to plot.
#' @param ... Other parameters.
#' @export

plot3d = function(x, ...) UseMethod("plot3d")

plot_smAPC = function(x,
                     component = c("all", "surface", "period", "cohort", "residuals", "original"),
                     labs = c("Age", "Time", NA),
                     types = c("3D", "2D"),
                     color.palette = c("default", "special"),
  if(!(component[1] %in% c("all", "surface", "period", "cohort", "residuals", "original")))
    stop("Incorrect component.")
  data = switch (which(component[1] == c("all","surface", "period", "cohort", "residuals", "original")),
      combined = x$result
      if(!is.null(x$yearsEffect)) combined = combined + x$yearsEffect
      if(!is.null(x$cohortEffect)) combined = combined + x$cohortEffect
      residuals = x$original - x$result
      if(!is.null(x$yearsEffect)) residuals = residuals - x$yearsEffect
      if(!is.null(x$cohortEffect)) residuals = residuals - x$cohortEffect
  if(is.null(data)) stop(paste0('Component "', component[1], '" cannot be extracted.'))
  labs[3] = ifelse(is.na(labs[3]), gsub("(^[[:alpha:]])", "\\U\\1", component[1], perl=TRUE), labs[3])
  plot_matrix(x = data, labs = labs, types = types, color.palette = color.palette)

#' Presents matrix as a heatmap
#' @param x Matrix to plot.
#' @param labs Vector of labels for X and Y axes.
#' @param color.palette Character string \code{"default"} or \code{"special"} or a function accepting one argument and returning a color palette
#' (for example \code{\link[grDevices]{rainbow}}).
#' @param main Title for the plot.
#' @param ... Other parameters. They are currently ignored.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' plot(matrix(rnorm(100),10,10), main = "Noise")
#' plot(matrix(1:100,10,10), c("Dimension 1", "Dimension 2"), main = "Value")
#' library(demography)
#' m <- log(fr.mort$rate$female[1:30, 150:160])
#' plot(m)
#' plot(m, color.palette = "special")
#' plot(m, color.palette = rainbow)
#' }
#' @author Alexander Dokumentov
#' @export

plot.matrix = function(x, labs = c("X", "Y"), color.palette = c("default", "special"), main = "", ...)
  plot_matrix(x = x, labs = c(labs, main), types = "2D", color.palette = color.palette, ...)

#' Presents matrix as a 3D surface
#' @param x Matrix to plot.
#' @param labs Vector of labels for X, Y and Z axes.
#' @param color.palette Character string \code{"default"} or \code{"special"} or a function accepting one argument and returning a color palette
#' (for example \code{\link[grDevices]{rainbow}}).
#' @param ... Other parameters. They are currently ignored.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' plot3d(matrix(rnorm(100),10,10))
#' plot3d(matrix(1:100,10,10), c("Dimension 1", "Dimension 2", "Value"))
#' library(demography)
#' m <- log(fr.mort$rate$female[1:30, 150:160])
#' plot3d(m)
#' plot3d(m, color.palette = "special")
#' plot3d(m, color.palette = rainbow)
#' }
#' @author Alexander Dokumentov
#' @export

plot3d.matrix = function(x, labs = c("X", "Y", "Z"), color.palette = c("default", "special"), ...)
  plot_matrix(x = x, labs = labs, types = "3D", color.palette = color.palette, ...)

plot_matrix = function(x, labs = c("X", "Y", "Z"), types = c("2D", "3D"), color.palette = c("default", "special"), ...)
  if(max(x) > 0 && min(x) < 0) {
    zlim = c(-max(abs(x)), max(abs(x)))
    if(class(color.palette) == "function")
      palette = color.palette
      palette = my.colors
  } else {
    zlim = c(min(x), max(x))
    palette = function(n) heat_hcl(n)
    if(class(color.palette) == "character" && color.palette[1] == "special")
      palette = function(n) rainbow(n, start=0.0, end=0.7)
    else if(class(color.palette) == "function")
      palette = color.palette
  ages = rownames(x)
  if(is.null(ages)) ages = 1:dim(x)[1]
  years = colnames(x)
  if(is.null(years)) years = 1:dim(x)[2]
  if("3D" %in% types) plot3D(ages, years, x, labs = labs, color.palette = palette)
  if("2D" %in% types) {
    filled.contour(seq_along(ages), seq_along(years), x, zlim = zlim, color.palette = palette,
      plot.title = title(main = labs[3], xlab = labs[1], ylab = labs[2]),
      plot.axes = {
        axis(side = 1, at = seq(1,length(ages),5), labels = ages[seq(1,length(ages),5)]);
        axis(side = 2, at = seq(1,length(years),5), labels = years[seq(1,length(years),5)])

# Modified version from R package colorspace
my.colors =
  function(n, h = c(260, 0), c = 80, l = c(20, 90), power = .7,
          fixup = TRUE, gamma = NULL, ...)
    warning("'gamma' is deprecated and has no effect")
  if(n < 1)
  h <- rep(h, length.out = 2)
  c <- c[1]
  l <- rep(l, length.out = 2)
  power <- rep(power, length.out = 2)
  rval <- seq(1, -1, length = n)
  rval <- hex(polarLUV(L = l[2] - diff(l) * abs(rval)^power[2],
                       C = c * abs(rval)^power[1], H = ifelse(rval > 0, h[1],
                                                              h[2])), fixup = fixup, ...)

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smoothAPC documentation built on May 2, 2019, 10:15 a.m.