
Defines functions perm_area

Documented in perm_area

############## 8. Calculate permuted polygon areas ##############

#' Calculate the permuted area
#' perm_area calculates the no-data zone areas for each permutation of the data simulated nsim times.
#' @param xdat a vector of the independent data
#' @param ydat a vector of the dependent data
#' @param nsim the number of simulations to run
#' @param boundary character string indicating the boundary to test (default is "topl"). Possible values are "topl" (top-left), "topr" (top-right), "botl" (bottom-left), "botr" (bottom-right) or "all".
#' @param method character string indicating computation method (default is "auto"). Possible values are "exact", "approximate" or "auto". 
#' @return a perm table that can be plotted directly using perm_plot()
#' @import tidyr
#' @importFrom scales rescale
#' @export
#' @examples
#' a = rnorm(100,0,1)
#' b = rnorm(100,0,1)
#' perm_area(a,b,10)

perm_area = function(xdat, ydat, nsim, boundary = "topl", method = "auto"){
  obs = cbind.data.frame(xdat, ydat)
  fix_ymax = obs[obs$ydat == max(ydat), ]
  fix_ymax = fix_ymax[fix_ymax$xdat == max(fix_ymax$xdat), ]
  fix_ymax = unique(fix_ymax)

  fix_xmax = obs[obs$xdat == max(xdat), ]
  fix_xmax = fix_xmax[fix_xmax$ydat == max(fix_xmax$ydat), ]
  fix_xmax = unique(fix_xmax)
  fix_ymin = obs[obs$ydat == min(ydat), ]
  fix_ymin = fix_ymin[fix_ymin$xdat == min(fix_ymin$xdat), ]
  fix_ymin = unique(fix_ymin)
  fix_xmin = obs[obs$xdat == min(xdat), ]
  fix_xmin = fix_xmin[fix_xmin$ydat == min(fix_xmin$ydat), ]
  fix_xmin = unique(fix_xmin)

  ID_free = ( match(obs$xdat, fix_xmax$xdat) & match(obs$ydat, fix_xmax$ydat) ) | 
    ( match(obs$xdat, fix_ymax$xdat) & match(obs$ydat, fix_ymax$ydat) ) |
    ( match(obs$xdat, fix_xmin$xdat) & match(obs$ydat, fix_xmin$ydat) ) |
    ( match(obs$xdat, fix_ymin$xdat) & match(obs$ydat, fix_ymin$ydat) ) 
  ID_free[is.na(ID_free)] = F

  free_dat <- dplyr::filter(obs, !ID_free)

  x_dat = free_dat$xdat
  y_dat = free_dat$ydat
  fix_ymax = as.matrix(fix_ymax)
  fix_xmax = as.matrix(fix_xmax)  
  fix_ymin = as.matrix(fix_ymin)
  fix_xmin = as.matrix(fix_xmin)

  # Create empty matrix with a column for each polygon area and a row for each iteration
  result = matrix(NA, nrow = nsim, ncol = 4)

  for(j in 1:nsim){
    # Create simulation
    sim_x = sample(x_dat, size = length(x_dat), replace = F)
    sim_y = sample(y_dat, size = length(y_dat), replace = F)
    sim_x = c(sim_x, fix_xmax[ , 1], fix_ymax[ , 1], fix_xmin[ , 1], fix_ymin[ , 1])
    sim_y = c(sim_y, fix_xmax[ , 2], fix_ymax[ , 2], fix_xmin[ , 2], fix_ymin[ , 2])

    # Calculate simulated area
    sim_area =    suppressWarnings(calc_area(sim_x, sim_y))

    for(i in 1:4){
      result[j , i] = sim_area[[i]]

  # Create tidy dataframe for the simulated areas
  result_df = as.data.frame(result)
  colnames(result_df) = c("botl", "botr", "topl", "topr")
  df_tidy = gather(result_df, "polygon", "val")
  df_tidy$source = "sim"

  # Calculate observed area
  obs_area = suppressWarnings(calc_area(xdat, ydat))

  # Create tidy dataframe for the observed areas
  obs_tidy = gather(as.data.frame(obs_area), "polygon", "val")
  obs_tidy$source = "obs"

  # Collate the df
  dat_perm = rbind.data.frame(df_tidy, obs_tidy)
  dat_perm$rescale = scales::rescale(dat_perm$val)
  # Test the significance of each no-data zone
  if(boundary == "all"){
    botl_pos = dat_perm[dat_perm$polygon == "botl",2] >= dat_perm[dat_perm$source == "obs",2][[1]]
    p_botl = statmod::permp(x = sum(botl_pos), nperm = nsim, n = length(xdat), n2 = length(ydat), method = method)
    botr_pos = dat_perm[dat_perm$polygon == "botr",2] >= dat_perm[dat_perm$source == "obs",2][[2]]
    p_botr = statmod::permp(x = sum(botr_pos), nperm = nsim, n = length(xdat), n2 = length(ydat), method = method)
    topl_pos = dat_perm[dat_perm$polygon == "topl",2] >= dat_perm[dat_perm$source == "obs",2][[3]]
    p_topl = statmod::permp(x = sum(topl_pos), nperm = nsim, n = length(xdat), n2 = length(ydat), method = method)
    topr_pos = dat_perm[dat_perm$polygon == "topr",2] >= dat_perm[dat_perm$source == "obs",2][[4]]
    p_topr = statmod::permp(x = sum(topr_pos), nperm = nsim, n = length(xdat), n2 = length(ydat), method = method)
    # Final result to return
    list_result = list(n = length(xdat),
                       nsim = nsim,
                       p_topr = p_topr,
                       p_topl = p_topl,
                       p_botr = p_botr,
                       p_botl = p_botl,
                       data = dat_perm)
  } else {
    dat_bound = dat_perm[dat_perm$polygon == boundary,]
    bound_pos = dat_bound[,2] >= dat_bound[dat_bound$source == "obs",2][[1]]
    p_bound = statmod::permp(x = sum(bound_pos), nperm = nsim, n = length(xdat), n2 = length(ydat), method = method)
    # Final result to return
    list_result = list(n = length(xdat),
                       nsim = nsim,
                       p = p_bound,
                       data = dat_bound)

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sobir documentation built on Jan. 11, 2020, 9:39 a.m.