
Defines functions siblings

Documented in siblings

#' @title Get "siblings" and "cousins" for a given soil series
#' @description Look up siblings and cousins for a given soil series from the current fiscal year SSURGO snapshot via SoilWeb.
#' The siblings of any given soil series are defined as those soil components (major and minor) that share a parent map unit with the named series (as a major component). Component names are filtered using a snapshot of the Soil Classification database to ensure that only valid soil series names are included. Cousins are siblings of siblings. Data are sourced from SoilWeb which maintains a copy of the current SSURGO snapshot. Visualizations of soil "siblings"-related concepts can be found in the "Sibling Summary" tab of Soil Data Explorer app: \url{https://casoilresource.lawr.ucdavis.edu/sde/}.
#' Additional resources:
#'  - [Soil Series Query Functions](http://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/soilDB/soil-series-query-functions.html)
#'  - [Soil "Siblings" Tutorial](http://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/soilDB/siblings.html)
#'  - [SSSA 2019 Presentation - Mapping Soilscapes Using Soil Co-Occurrence Networks](http://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/presentations/beaudette-soil-networks-2019-www.pdf)
#' @param s character vector, the name of a single soil series, case-insensitive.
#' @param only.major logical, should only return siblings that are major components
#' @param component.data logical, should component data for siblings (and optionally cousins) be returned?
#' @param cousins logical, should siblings-of-siblings (cousins) be returned?
#' @return A `list` containing:
#'  * sib: `data.frame` containing siblings, major component flag, and number of co-occurrences
#'  * sib.data: `data.frame` containing sibling component data (only when `component.data = TRUE`)
#'  * cousins: `data.frame` containing cousins, major component flag, and number of co-occurrences (only when `cousins = TRUE`)
#'  * cousin.data: `data.frame` containing cousin component data (only when `cousins = TRUE, component.data = TRUE`)
#' @author D.E. Beaudette
#' @seealso \link{OSDquery}, \link{siblings}, \link{fetchOSD}
#' @references O'Geen, A., Walkinshaw, M. and Beaudette, D. (2017), SoilWeb: A Multifaceted Interface to Soil Survey Information. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 81: 853-862. \doi{https://doi.org/10.2136/sssaj2016.11.0386n}
#' @keywords manip
#' @export siblings
#' @examplesIf curl::has_internet()
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#'     # basic usage
#'     x <- siblings('zook')
#'     x$sib
#'     # restrict to siblings that are major components
#'     # e.g. the most likely siblings
#'     x <- siblings('zook', only.major = TRUE)
#'     x$sib
#' }
siblings <- function(s, only.major = FALSE, component.data = FALSE, cousins = FALSE) {
  # helper functions
  .getSibling <- function(i, only.major) {
    # these use the new API
    u <- URLencode(sprintf('https://casoilresource.lawr.ucdavis.edu/api/soil-series.php?q=siblings&s=%s', i))
    # attempt query to API for basic sibling set, result is JSON
    sib <- .soilDB_curl_get_JSON(u, quiet = TRUE)
    if (length(sib) >= 1) {
      sib <- sib[[1]]
      # a data.frame result means we have data, otherwise return NULL
      if (inherits(sib, 'data.frame')) {
        # convert 'Yes'|'No' -> TRUE|FALSE
        sib$majcompflag <- ifelse(sib$majcompflag == 'Yes', TRUE, FALSE)
        # note: there may be both major and minor siblings
        # optionally cut-down to just major siblings
        if (only.major)
          sib <- sib[which(sib$majcompflag), ]
      } else {
    } else {
  # note: this does not launder component names through SC database
  .getSiblingData <- function(i) {
    # these use the new API
    u <- URLencode(sprintf('https://casoilresource.lawr.ucdavis.edu/api/soil-series.php?q=sibling_data&s=%s', i))
    # attempt query to API for component data, result is JSON
    # result is FALSE if no matching data
    sib <- .soilDB_curl_get_JSON(u, quiet = TRUE)
    if (length(sib) >= 1) {
      sib <- sib[[1]]
      # a data.frame result means we have data, otherwise return NULL
      if (inherits(sib, 'data.frame')) {
      } else {
    } else {
  # init output as list
  res <- list()
  # sanity check
  if (!requireNamespace('jsonlite', quietly = TRUE))
    stop('please install the `jsonlite` package', call. = FALSE)
  # get basic data
  res$sib <- .getSibling(s, only.major = only.major)
  # optionally get data
  if (component.data) {
    res$sib.data <- .getSiblingData(s)
  # optionally get second set of siblings
  # flatten into single DF
  if (cousins) {
    cousins <- lapply(res$sib$sibling, .getSibling, only.major = only.major)
    res$cousins <- do.call('rbind', cousins)
    # data too?
    if (component.data) {
      cousin.data <- lapply(res$sib$sibling, .getSiblingData)
      res$cousin.data <- do.call('rbind', cousin.data)
  if (length(res) == 0) 
    res <- NULL

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soilDB documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:28 p.m.