as.zooD-methods: Methods for Function as.zooD

Description Usage Arguments Methods Author(s)


Convert a Sol, G0, Gef, ProdGCPV or ProdPVPS object into a zoo object with daily values.


## S4 method for signature 'Sol'
as.zooD(object, complete=FALSE)



A Sol object (or extended.)


A logical.


signature(object = "Sol")

Conversion to a zoo object with the content of the solD slot.

signature(object = "G0")

If complete=FALSE (default) the result includes only the columns of G0d, D0d and B0d from the G0D slot. If complete=TRUE it returns the contents of the slots solD and G0D.

signature(object = "Gef")

If complete=FALSE (default) the result includes only the columns of Gefd, Defd and Befd from the GefD slot. If complete=TRUE it returns the contents of the slots solD, G0D and GefD

signature(object = "ProdGCPV")

If complete=FALSE (default) the result includes only the columns of Eac, Edc and Yf from the prodD slot. If complete=TRUE it returns the contents of the slots solD, G0D, GefD and prodD.

signature(object = "ProdPVPS")

If complete=FALSE (default) the result includes only the columns of Eac, Qd and Yf from the prodD slot. If complete=TRUE it returns the contents of the slots solD, G0D, GefD and prodD.


Oscar Perpiñán Lamigueiro

solaR documentation built on Oct. 19, 2021, 9:06 a.m.