Man pages for sonicscrewdriver
Bioacoustic Analysis and Publication Tools

ab_diel_traitsConvert text times of day in audioblast traits to numeric...
ab_seqss_nearestStartNearest start time
addProcess-methodsAdd a process to a Tagged Wave or WaveMC object
addSpectraAdd two spectra from seewave
allChannelsApply a function to all channels of a Wave or WaveMC object
annotationCreate a new Annotation object
Annotation-classA S4 class for annotations
audioblastGet data or analyses from audioBlast
audioblastDownloadDownload audio files from audioBlast
audio_filesizeCalculated size of raw audio files
audiomothConfigRead AudioMoth configuration file
audiomothWaveRead AudioMoth metadata from a wave file
autoBandPassAutomatic Band Pass Filter
bandpassSimple bandpass filter
beatComplexityBeat spectrum complexity
beatSpectrumComputes a beat spectrum
birdNetAnalyseAnalyse sound files using BirdNET-Analyzer
birdNetInstallInstall the BirdNET environment
channels_seChannels for sound ecology
circulariseCircularise a dataset
concat-methodsConcatenate two or more Wave-like objects.
convert2bytesConvert bits to bytes
convert2CelsiusConvert temperature to Celsius
convert2degreesConvert angle to degrees
convert2dyne_cm2Convert pressure to dyne per square centimetre
convert2FahrenheitConvert temperature to Fahrenheit
convert2KelvinConvert temperature to Kelvin
convert2PascalsConvert pressure to Pascals
convert2radiansConvert angle to radians
convert2secondsConvert time to seconds
corWaveMCCorrelate channels in a WaveMC object
cutwsCut wave by samples
data2WaveConvert data into a Wave object
dayPhasePhase of day
dayPhasesPhases of day
daysPhasesPhases of days
defaultClusterCreate Default Cluster for Windowing
dielFractionCalculate the fraction of a day given by a value
dielHistogramDiel Histogram
dielLabelsGenerate labels for a diel plot
dielPlotCreate a diel plot
dielPositionsGenerate positions of labels for a diel plot
dielRingsPlot rings on a diel plot
dolbearDolbear's law
dutyCycleCalculate the duty cycle of a wave
emptyDielCreate an empty diel plot
emptyYearlyCreate an empty yearly plot
entropyStatsVarious measurements of frequency values for a Wave object
filterWaveApply a WaveFilter object to a Wave object
frequencySoundGet the frequency from wavelength and speed of sound
frequencyStatsVarious measurements of frequency values for a Wave object
generateNoiseAdd noise to a Wave like object
generateTimeMaskGenerate time masked Wave-like objects
generateTimeShiftGenerated time-shifted versions of a Wave-like object
gs_transcribeGoogle Speech API Transcribe
humanBytesConverts bytes in human readable form
humanTimeConverts time to human readable form
jitterCalculate the jitter in a Wave object
labelPaddingPad labels with interval
labelReductionCombines labels which overlap into single continuous regions
map2RGBMap three vectors to RGB
naturalFrequencyCalculate the natural frequency
normaliseNormalise a Wave object
ntdNatural Time Domain
parseFilenameParse a filename
pd_dietrich2004Pulse detection using Dietrich (2004)
pd_simpleSimplified pulse detection using Dietrich (2004)
plus-numeric-PseudoWave-methodNumeric addition by PseudoWave
plus-PseudoWave-numeric-methodPseudoWave scalar addition
pseudoWaveCreate a PseudoWave object
PseudoWave-classAn S4 class to represent a PseudoWave object that is...
PseudoWave-numeric-methodPseudoWave scalar subtraction
pulseGenerate a single pulse
pulseDetectionPulse detection
pulseIntervalsPulse intervals
radarPowerThe radar equation
radarRangeRadar range
radialPolygonPlot a radial polygon
rainfallDetectionRainfall detection
readAudacityLabelsRead an Audacity label file
readAudioRead an audio file
readBirdNetRead output files from BirdNet Analyser
readRespeaker6Read a file from Seeed Studio Respeaker 6 mic array
referenceIntensityReference intensity
referencePressureReference pressure
regionSpecify a region with a file to analyse
resonantFrequencyCalculate the resonant frequency
sDurationSample duration
sheepFrequencyStatsSheep frequencyStats
shimmerCalculate the shimmer in a Wave object
slash-PseudoWave-numeric-methodPseudoWave scalar division
soundSpeedCalculate the speed of sound in a medium
specStatsCalculate and plot statistics on a frequency spectrum
steShort term energy
STPSTP: Standard Temperature and Pressure
subtractSpectraSubtract two spectra from seewave
sub-Wave-TimeRegion-methodAllow subsetting a Wave object with a TimeRegion
sweptsineGenerate a sine sweep
TaggedWave-classA S4 class for tagged waves
TaggedWaveMC-classA S4 class for tagged multi-channel waves
tagWaveTag a Wave or WaveMC object
TimeRegion-classAn S4 class to represent a TimeRegion within a Wave object.
times-numeric-PseudoWave-methodNumeric multiplication by PseudoWave
times-PseudoWave-numeric-methodPseudoWave scalar manipulation
tSamplesSamples per time period
typicalVolumeTypical volumes
tzRotConverts a timezone offset into a rotation
untagWaveUntag a TaggedWave or TaggedWaveMC object
upsampleUpsample a wave
validateIsWaveCheck an object is a Wave object
WaveFilter-classWaveFilter object for audio filters
windowingWindowing Function for Wave Objects
writeAudacityLabelsWrite an Audacity label file
yearlyFractionCalculate the fraction of a year given by a value
yearlyLabelsGenerate labels for a yearly plot
yearlyPlotCreate a yearly plot
yearlyPositionsGenerate positions of labels for a yearly plot
zerocrossIdentify zero crossings in a Wave object
zeroSpectrumZero spectrum
sonicscrewdriver documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:39 a.m.