
Defines functions .safe_opt .get_nloptr_controls .get_nlminb_controls .get_bobyqa_controls

Documented in .safe_opt

.get_bobyqa_controls <- function(init, upper, lower, maxeval_corr=.spaMM.data$options$maxeval_corr) {
  bobyqa_controls <- .spaMM.data$options$bobyqa
  if (is.null(bobyqa_controls$npt)) bobyqa_controls$npt <- 2*length(init)+1L
  if (is.null(bobyqa_controls$rhobeg)) bobyqa_controls$rhobeg <- .spaMM.data$options$bobyqa_rhofn(lower,upper)
  if (is.null(bobyqa_controls$rhoend)) {
    bobyqa_controls$rhoend <- max(1e-8, # lower values => bobyqa bugs, trying values out of the bounds (had this on ARp fits for timevarying corr)
                                  bobyqa_controls$rhobeg*1e-8) # bobyqa's default is rhobeg*1e-6 which is unsafe in the test_rC_transf sph case
  if (is.null(bobyqa_controls$maxfun)) {
    bobyqa_controls$maxfun <- max(2*( eval(.spaMM.data$options$maxeval,envir=list(initvec=init)))*maxeval_corr,
                                  1+10*length(init)^2) # bobyqa will complain if not > second value

.get_nlminb_controls <- function(init, upper, lower, maxeval_corr=.spaMM.data$options$maxeval_corr,
                                 maxfun=max(2*( eval(.spaMM.data$options$maxeval,envir=list(initvec=init)))*maxeval_corr,
                                            1+10*length(init)^2)) {
  nlminb_controls <- .spaMM.data$options$nlminb
  # Note that nlminb defaults, which are 200 and 150, were too low in some test cases.
  #    devel/TMB/diagnosis_poly6.R showed the importance of controlling this.
  if (is.null(nlminb_controls$eval.max)) nlminb_controls$eval.max <- max(maxfun/5,200)
  if (is.null(nlminb_controls$iter.max)) nlminb_controls$iter.max <- max(maxfun/10,150)

.get_nloptr_controls <- function(init, LowUp, maxeval_corr=.spaMM.data$options$maxeval_corr) {
  nloptr_controls <- .spaMM.data$options$nloptr
  if (is.null(nloptr_controls$maxeval)) nloptr_controls$maxeval <-  eval(.spaMM.data$options$maxeval,list(initvec=init))*maxeval_corr
  if (is.null(nloptr_controls$xtol_abs)) nloptr_controls$xtol_abs <- eval(.spaMM.data$options$xtol_abs, 
                                                                          list(LowUp=LowUp, rC_transf=.spaMM.data$options$rC_transf))
  if (is.null(nloptr_controls$xtol_abs)) nloptr_controls$xtol_abs <- 1e-12
  #nloptr_controls$print_level <- 3L # can be controlled by spaMM.options()!
  nloptr_controls$local_opts <- nloptr_controls
  nloptr_controls$local_opts$algorithm <- "NLOPT_LN_BOBYQA"

.safe_opt <- function(init, objfn, lower, upper, verbose, maxeval_corr=.spaMM.data$options$maxeval_corr, 
                      adjust_init=list(), # to constrain the initial value
                      ...) { # minimization
  names_init <- names(init) # may be lost in later operations
  prevmin <- Inf
  delayedAssign("bobyqa_controls", .get_bobyqa_controls(init, upper, lower, maxeval_corr))
  delayedAssign("nloptr_controls", .get_nloptr_controls(init, LowUp, maxeval_corr))
  dx <- upper-lower
  dx[is.infinite(dx)] <- 1
  use_bobyqa <- ( any(c(init-lower,upper-init)/dx<1e-4) || 
                    "rdisPars" %in% names(LowUp$lower) # Cf bbin_llmm_het ( it's a local max issue, numerical tol's have no effect; ___F I X M E___ how to avoid that?)
                    # Also (much weaker) effect on test-LLM.R betabin mv numInfo comparison details there).
                  # See comments on the optim_by_pybobyqa() function defined in devel/TMB/spatial_poisson/spatial_TMB_python_devel.R
  while (TRUE) {
    if (use_bobyqa) {
      if (verbose) cat("bobyqa: ")
      # This only bc bobyqa is more sensitive to the 14th decimal than nloptr at the boundaries  
      bobyqa_margin <- .spaMM.data$options$bobyqa_margin
      margin <- dx*bobyqa_margin # test_rC_transf (sph) was a test of (this together with rhoend) but in that case adjust_init is a better fix
      margin <- pmin(bobyqa_margin,margin) # handles infinite ranges (but not only)
      init <- pmax(lower+margin,pmin(upper-margin,init))
      # And this is a more substantial adjustment at the margin
      if ( ! is.null(adjust_init$lower)) init <- pmax(adjust_init$lower, init)
      if ( ! is.null(adjust_init$upper)) init <- pmin(adjust_init$upper, init)
      optr <- minqa::bobyqa(par=init, fn=objfn, lower=lower, upper=upper, control=bobyqa_controls, ...) ## does not use gradients
      if (optr$fval > prevmin-1e-8) { # i.e. progress is at most 1e-8
        if (optr$fval > prevmin) optr <- prev_optr # bobyqa may return much worse than initial value! if the objfn diverges at the bounds
        if (inherits(optr,"bobyqa")) { # may be FALSE if prev_optr was brought back.
          optr$solution <- optr$par ## let's stick to the nloptr() return elements (solution, objective)
          optr$objective <- optr$fval ## let's stick to the nloptr() return elements (solution, objective)
        break ## no measurable minimization progress in <= maxeval iterations (indeed, stop if small regression)
      ## ELSE: progress was higher
      if (optr$ierr==1L) { #maximum number of function evaluations exceeded
        init <- optr$par
        prev_optr <- optr
        prevmin <- prev_optr$fval
        # test of Infusion E_17pars suggests that it may not be a good idea to use bobyqa systematically in next iter
        # Now providing some control over this by option 'reuse_bobyqa':
        use_bobyqa <- (.spaMM.data$options$reuse_bobyqa && 
                         optr$fval > prevmin-1e-4 &&
        #if (verbose) message("maxeval reached in bobyqa(); optimizer called again until apparent convergence of objective.") 
      } else { # bobyqa has found an improvement out of the optimisation bounds. 
        # conversion of bobyqa output to nloptr() return elements (solution, objective)
        optr$solution <- optr$par 
        optr$objective <- optr$fval 
    } else {
      if (verbose) cat("nloptr: ")
      optr <- nloptr::nloptr(x0=init,eval_f=objfn,lb=lower,ub=upper,
                             opts=nloptr_controls, ...)
      loc_ftol <- max(1e-8, optr$options$ftol_abs)
      if (optr$objective > prevmin-loc_ftol) {
        break ## no measurable minimization progress in <= maxeval iterations (indeed, stop if small regression)
      init <- optr$solution
      at_bound <- (min(c(init-lower,upper-init))<1e-4)
      if (( recheck_at_bound && at_bound) || optr$status==5L) { ## 5 => termination bc maxeval has been reached
        # loop again
        prev_optr <- optr
        prevmin <- prev_optr$objective
        use_bobyqa <- at_bound
        #if (at_bound && verbose) message("maxeval reached in nloptr(); optimizer called again until apparent convergence of objective.") 
        #if (verbose && optr$status==5L) message("nloptr() went close to bound; calling bobyqa...") 
      } else break 
    if (verbose>1L) print(c(objective=prevmin,next_init=init))
  names(optr$solution) <- names_init
  return(optr) # use nloptr format (solution, objective) for return, but $solution is named vector

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spaMM documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:48 a.m.