
Defines functions readComments savePrivateDatasets saveDatasets


saveDatasets  <- function( .path="../data/spacesXYZ.rda" )
    savevec = character(0)
    ##-------------------------     Planckian Loci    -----------------------------##
    path    =  "../inst/extdata/dataCCT.txt"
    RobertsonLocus      = read.table( path, header=TRUE, sep='\t', quote='', stringsAsFactors=F )
    attr(p.dataCCT,"description") = readComments( path )    
    RobertsonLocus$t    = NULL      # drop the slope column
    savevec = c( savevec, "RobertsonLocus" )

    PrecisionLocus = makePrecisionLocus()    
    savevec = c( savevec, "PrecisionLocus" )
    ##  finally ready to save it
    save( list=savevec, file=.path, compress='xz', version=2 )   #     'xz'  'gzip'  FALSE
    return( invisible(TRUE) )

############    private data   ###########
#   p.dataIlluminants       standard illuminants, with 'standardized' XYZ
#   p.Ma                    3x3 adaptation matrices
#   p.dataCCT               Robertson table for CCT
#   an advantage of the private data in "sysdata.rda" is that these
#   do not have to be exposed, and therefore documented
savePrivateDatasets  <- function( .path="sysdata.rda" )
    savevec = character(0)

    ##---------------       illuminants table    ------------------------##
    path    = "../inst/extdata/illuminants.txt"
    p.dataIlluminants = read.table( path, sep='\t', header=T, stringsAsFactors=F )
    p.dataIlluminants$XYZ   = as.matrix( p.dataIlluminants[  ,c('X','Y','Z') ] )
    p.dataIlluminants[ c('X','Y','Z') ] = NULL
    p.dataIlluminants$xy    = as.matrix( p.dataIlluminants[  , c('x','y') ] )
    p.dataIlluminants[ c('x','y') ] = NULL
    n   = ncol( p.dataIlluminants )
    p.dataIlluminants   = p.dataIlluminants[ , c( (n-1):n, 1:(n-2) ) ]
    attr(p.dataIlluminants,"description") = readComments( path )
    savevec = c( savevec, "p.dataIlluminants" )
    #   list of adaptation matrices
    p.Ma    = list()
    p.Ma[[ "Bradford" ]]            = matrix( c(0.8951,0.2664,-0.1614,  -0.7502,1.7135,0.0367,  0.0389,-0.0685,1.0296), 3, 3, byrow=T )
    p.Ma[[ "VonKries" ]]            = matrix( c(0.40024,0.7076,-0.08081,  -0.2263,1.16532,0.0457,  0,0,0.91822), 3, 3, byrow=T )
    p.Ma[[ "MCAT02" ]]              = matrix( c( 0.7328, 0.4296, -0.1624,  -0.7036, 1.6975, 0.0061, 0.0030, 0.0136, 0.9834 ), 3, 3, byrow=T )
    p.Ma[[ "Bianco+Schettini" ]]    = matrix( c( 0.8752, 0.2787, -0.1539,  -0.8904, 1.8709, 0.0195, -0.0061, 0.0162, 0.9899 ), 3, 3, byrow=T )
    p.Ma[[ "scaling" ]]             = diag(3)
    for( k in 1:length(p.Ma) )
        rownames( p.Ma[[k]] )   = c('L','M','S')
        colnames( p.Ma[[k]] )   = c('X','Y','Z')
    savevec = c( savevec, "p.Ma" )
    ##---------------       CCT table    ------------------------##
    path    = "../inst/extdata/dataCCT.txt"
    p.dataCCT = read.table( path, sep='\t', header=T, stringsAsFactors=F )
    attr(p.dataCCT,"description") = readComments( path )
    savevec = c( savevec, "p.dataCCT" )
    ##---------------       splinefun() - let's see whether this works    ------------------------##
    #p.uvfromMired       <- list()
    #p.uvfromMired[[1]]  <- splinefun( p.dataCCT$mired, p.dataCCT$u, method='fmm' )     # for u CIE 1960
    #p.uvfromMired[[2]]  <- splinefun( p.dataCCT$mired, p.dataCCT$v, method='fmm' )     # for v CIE 1960    
    #savevec = c( savevec, "p.uvfromMired" )

    ##  finally ready to save it
    save( list=savevec, file=.path, compress='xz', version=2 )   #     'xz'  'gzip'  FALSE
    return( invisible(TRUE) )
readComments <- function( .path )
    line    = readLines( .path, n=1024 )
    out = line[ grepl( "^[ \t]*#", line ) ]
    if( length(out) == 0 )  out = NULL
    return( out )

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spacesXYZ documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:33 a.m.