
Defines functions .onAttach .onLoad

#   private global variables.  The initial 'p.' means private

#   This group is read from sysdata.rda
#   p.dataCCT       the Robertson table for CCT.  It does not have to be unlocked

#   This group is assigned during .onAttach()
p.microbenchmark        = FALSE     # logical value, whether the package microbenchmark is loaded.  Once assigned it need never change.
p.uvCubicsfromMired     = NULL      # a pair of cubic splines. Once created it need never change.
p.uvQuinticsfromMired   = NULL      # a pair of quintic splines. Once created it need never change.
.onLoad <- function( libname, pkgname )
    #   at this point all globals seem to be unlocked
    #packageStartupMessage( ".onLoad() environment ", environmentIsLocked(asNamespace('spacesXYZ')), '\n' )   #  a paradox the environment is not locked !
    #packageStartupMessage( ".onLoad() p.uvCubicsfromMired ", bindingIsLocked( "p.uvCubicsfromMired", asNamespace('spacesXYZ') ), '\n'  )
    p.microbenchmark    <<- base::requireNamespace( 'microbenchmark', quietly=TRUE )  #;  cat( "p.microbenchmark=", p.microbenchmark, '\n' )
    #   make functions ufun and vfun.  These are all class C^2, but cubics and quintics.
    p.uvCubicsfromMired         <<- list()
    p.uvCubicsfromMired$ufun    <<- stats::splinefun( spacesXYZ::RobertsonLocus$mired, spacesXYZ::RobertsonLocus$u, method='fmm' )     # for u CIE 1960
    p.uvCubicsfromMired$vfun    <<- stats::splinefun( spacesXYZ::RobertsonLocus$mired, spacesXYZ::RobertsonLocus$v, method='fmm' )     # for v CIE 1960
    p.uvCubicsfromMired$miredInterval <<- range( spacesXYZ::RobertsonLocus$mired )
    p.uvQuinticsfromMired       <<- list()    
    p.uvQuinticsfromMired$ufun  <<- quinticfun( spacesXYZ::PrecisionLocus$mired, spacesXYZ::PrecisionLocus$u, spacesXYZ::PrecisionLocus$up, spacesXYZ::PrecisionLocus$upp )
    p.uvQuinticsfromMired$vfun  <<- quinticfun( spacesXYZ::PrecisionLocus$mired, spacesXYZ::PrecisionLocus$v, spacesXYZ::PrecisionLocus$vp, spacesXYZ::PrecisionLocus$vpp )
    p.uvQuinticsfromMired$miredInterval <<- range( spacesXYZ::PrecisionLocus$mired )    
    #   packageStartupMessage( ".onLoad().  Made quintic pair." )
.onAttach <- function( libname, pkgname )
    #   at this point all globals seem to be locked
    #packageStartupMessage( ".onAttach() ", utils::str(p.uvCubicsfromMired), '\n' )     shows 2 functions OK
    #packageStartupMessage( ".onAttach() ", p.microbenchmark , '\n' )             shows TRUE OK
    # packageStartupMessage( ".onAttach() ", environmentIsLocked(asNamespace('spacesXYZ')), '\n', collapse=' ' )  a paradox the environment is locked !
    #unlockBinding( "p.microbenchmark", asNamespace('spacesXYZ') )     # asNamespace(pkgname) here generates a NOTE ! 
    #p.microbenchmark    <<- requireNamespace( 'microbenchmark', quietly=TRUE )  #;  cat( "p.microbenchmark=", p.microbenchmark, '\n' )
    #   make 2 splinefuns here, because it is unsafe to save them in sysdata.rda
    #unlockBinding( "p.uvCubicsfromMired", asNamespace('spacesXYZ') )            # asNamespace(pkgname) here generates a NOTE !     
    #p.uvCubicsfromMired       <<- list()
    #p.uvCubicsfromMired[[1]]  <<- splinefun( p.dataCCT$mired, p.dataCCT$u, method='fmm' )     # for u CIE 1960
    #p.uvCubicsfromMired[[2]]  <<- splinefun( p.dataCCT$mired, p.dataCCT$v, method='fmm' )     # for v CIE 1960


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spacesXYZ documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:33 a.m.